tencent cloud


Executing Without Logging In

Last updated: 2022-05-27 19:24:35


    This document describes how to execute TAT commands without logging in to a Lighthouse instance.


    The target instance is running.
    The TAT agent is installed on the target instance. See Installing TAT Agent.
    The target instance in based on a VPC.


    1. Log in to the Lighthouse console and select the target instance.
    2. On the instance details page, select Execute command.
    3. On the command list page, click Execute commmand.
    4. On the pop-up window, configure the parameters.
    Command source: Select the source of the command.
    More: Configure the optional parameters as needed.
    Target path
    The execution path of the command.
    For Linux instances, the path defaults to the /home of the root account.
    For Windows instances, it defaults to C:\\\\Program Files\\\\qcloud\\\\tat_agent\\\\workdir of the System user
    Execution user
    The user who executes the command.
    For Linux instances, it defaults to the root user.
    For Windows instances, it defaults to the System user.
    Timeout period
    Set the timeout period of the command in the instance. When the task executing the command times out, the task process is terminated. It defaults to 60 seconds, and the range of values is [1, 86400].
    Use parameters
    Specify whether to use parameters in the command. You can configure the variable values in the command in the format of {{key}}.
    5. Click Execute command to execute the command without logging in to the instance.
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