tencent cloud


Evaluating Rule

Last updated: 2024-03-04 14:26:59
    Evaluation can be automatically triggered by the system or manually triggered by users for enabled rules. For disabled rules, evaluation can only be triggered after they are enabled.

    Manual triggering

    Single rule
    Users create a rule or edit an existing rule and then save the changes.
    Users enable a disabled rule.
    Users click on Evaluate on the rule details page.
    Multiple rules
    Evaluation based on multiple rules in a conformance pack can be triggered in the following scenarios:
    Users create a conformance pack or edit an existing conformance pack and then save the changes.
    Users click on Evaluate on the conformance pack details page.

    Automatic triggering

    If users have configured an execution cycle for a rule or conformance pack, the evaluation will be automatically performed based on the settings each day. The first evaluation on each day starts at 00:30.
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