tencent cloud


Installing tencent-opentelemetry-operator

Last updated: 2024-06-19 16:31:30
    For applications deployed on TKE, the Tencent Cloud observability team offers an Operator solution: tencent-opentelemetry-operator. Built upon the community opentelemetry-operator, it enables agent automatic injection, facilitating applications connecting APM quickly. Currently, tencent-opentelemetry-operator supports programming languages including Java, Python, Node.js, and .Net.
    tencent-opentelemetry-operator supports Kubernetes version 1.19 and above for TKE standard clusters and TKE Serverless clusters but does not support edge clusters and register clusters.

    Configuration Items Description

    tencent-opentelemetry-operator is deployed via Helm, with all configuration items centralized in values.yaml. Pay attention to the hierarchical relationship of parameters within the YAML file. See the following YAML snippet:
    TKE_CLUSTER_ID: "cls-ky8nmlra"
    TKE_REGION: "ap-guangzhou"
    APM_ENDPOINT: "http://pl.ap-guangzhou.apm.tencentcs.com:4317"
    APM_TOKEN: "apmdemotoken"

    Required Field

    TKE cluster ID.
    TKE Cluster region, for example, ap-guangzhou. For more details, see CVM Regions and AZs value range.
    APM private network connect point. Each cluster must specify a unique APM private network connect point.
    Default APM business system token, which can specify other business systems at the workload level.

    Optional Field

    Java agent version. You may fill in latest (default) or a specific version number. Filling in this field is not recommended unless necessary.
    Python agent version. You may fill in latest (default) or a specific version number. Filling in this field is not recommended unless necessary.
    Node.js agent version. You may fill in latest (default) or a specific version number. Filling in this field is not recommended unless necessary.
    .Net agent version. You may fill in latest (default) or a specific version. Filling in this field is not recommended unless necessary.
    For the international site, fill in true.
    If you need to specify a specific version number of the Agent, go to Agent Version Information to get the version number.

    Installing Method

    One-click Installation via the APM Console (Recommended)

    Due to the complexity of filling configuration items, it is recommended to use the one-click installation of the tencent-opentelemetry-operator feature via the APM console to simplify the installation steps.
    1. Log in to the TCOP console.
    2. In the left menu column, select Application Performance Management > Application monitoring, and click Application list > Access application.
    3. Click on the language you need to connect, and select Automatic onboarding of TKE environment as the reporting method.
    4. Click One-click Install Operator.
    5. In the pop-up dialog box, select the corresponding reporting region, default business system, TKE's region, and TKE cluster, and click Confirm to complete the installation in the corresponding TKE cluster.
    The tencent-opentelemetry-operator one-click installed via in the APM console will be installed in the kube-system namespace. If you need to modify related configuration items, you can update the same TKE cluster through the console.

    Installing via TKE Application Market

    1. Log in to TKE console.
    2. In the left sidebar, select Application Market and search for tencent-opentelemetry-operator.
    3. Click Create Application, select the TKE cluster you want to install, and fill in the required parameters to complete the installation.
    The tencent-opentelemetry-operator installed via the TKE application market can be installed in any namespace. In the same TKE cluster, only one tencent-opentelemetry-operator can be installed at most.

    Connecting Applications

    After the installation of tencent-opentelemetry-operator, the opentelemetry-operator-system namespace is automatically created, and related Kubernetes resources are created. By adding related annotations to the workloads that need to connect APM, agent automatic injection can be realized, and monitoring data can be reported to APM.
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