tencent cloud


Writing Test Case

Last updated: 2024-12-02 16:01:33
    Complete test cases are necessary for a comprehensive program system. The SDK for Terraform integrates a test suite to verify written Terraform resources and data sources. This document describes how to write a test case for TencentCloud Provider.

    Acceptance test

    An acceptance test covers the entire lifecycle of a resource, including creation, query, update, import, and deletion. You need to write at least one test case for a resource. Running the acceptance test will initiate an actual API call and affect Tencent Cloud resources. Check your account costs before running the test, which can be written in the following steps:
    Set environment variables and toggle on acceptance test execution:
    export TF_ACC=true
    Set the environment variables of the credential and specify an account to run the test:
    Set the log output level and directory for easier debugging:
    export TF_LOG=DEBUG
    export TF_LOG_PATH=./terraform.log
    For example, test the input parameters of a VPC resource to check whether the created and updated resource is as expected. Create the resource_tc_vpc_test.go file in the tencentcloud directory, specify a VPC resource, and write its initial configuration and updated configuration:
    // filename: tencentcloud/resource_tc_vpc_test.go
    const testAccVpcConfig = `
    resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
    name = "test-vpc"
    cidr_block = ""
    const testAccVpcConfigUpdate = `
    resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "foo" {
    name = "test-vpc__update"
    cidr_block = ""
    is_multicast = true
    Write the function of the case. A function name starting with TestAccTencentCloud indicates an acceptance test. The function name format is TestAccTencentCloud${Module name}${Resource type}_${Subname}, and the regex is TestAccTencentCloud[a-zA-Z]+(Resource|DataSource)_[a-zA-Z]+. Call the function to import the two configuration items and add the assertions in resource.Test:
    package tencentcloud
    import (
    func TestAccTencentCloudVpcResource_Basic(t *testing.T) {
    resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
    Providers: testAccProviders,
    Steps: []resource.TestStep{
    // The initial configuration declared above
    Config: testAccVpcConfig,
    Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_vpc.foo", "cidr_block", ""),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_vpc.foo", "name", "test-vpc"),
    // The updated configuration declared above
    Config: testAccVpcConfig,
    Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_vpc.foo", "cidr_block", ""),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_vpc.foo", "name", "test-vpc__update"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_vpc.foo", "is_multicast", "true"),
    Then, run go test -v -run TestAccTencentCloudVpcResource ./tencentcloud in the root directory of the project to check the test result:
    === RUN TestAccTencentCloudVpcResource_Basic
    === PAUSE TestAccTencentCloudVpcResource_Basic
    === CONT TestAccTencentCloudVpcResource_Basic
    --- PASS: TestAccTencentCloudVpcResource_Basic (26.30s)
    ok github.com/tencentcloudstack/terraform-provider-tencentcloud/tencentcloud 27.153s
    If log environment variables are set, the log details will be written into the tencentcloud/terraform.log.

    Unit test

    Compared to an acceptance test, a unit test is more refined and cheaper, which is suitable for checking whether logically complex code can be correctly executed. For example, to use the isExpectError(err) function to check the TencentCloud API error code in the project in order to decide whether the program should retry (due to unstable client network connection, for example) or exit abnormally, write the following test case starting with Test*:
    package tencentcloud
    import (
    sdkErrors "github.com/tencentcloud/tencentcloud-sdk-go/tencentcloud/common/errors"
    func TestIsExpectError(t *testing.T) {
    err := sdkErrors.NewTencentCloudSDKError("ClientError.NetworkError", "", "")
    // Expected
    expectedFull := []string{"ClientError.NetworkError"}
    expectedShort := []string{"ClientError"}
    assert.Equalf(t, isExpectError(err, expectedFull), true, "")
    assert.Equalf(t, isExpectError(err, expectedShort), true, "")
    // Unexpected
    unExpectedMatchHead := []string{"ClientError.HttpStatusCodeError"}
    unExpectedShort := []string{"SystemError"}
    assert.Equalf(t, isExpectError(err, unExpectedMatchHead), false, "")
    assert.Equalf(t, isExpectError(err, unExpectedShort), false, "")
    Run go test -v -run TestIsExpectError ./tencentcloud in the root directory of the project to view the result:
    === RUN TestIsExpectError
    --- PASS: TestIsExpectError (0.00s)
    ok github.com/tencentcloudstack/terraform-provider-tencentcloud/tencentcloud 1.312s

    Cleaning up test resources

    Terraform provides a mechanism called sweepers to clean up test resources, specifically, those not repossessed due to a test exception.Sweepers are a group of functions that can be filtered by parameter for selective execution. You need to declare and write the specific deletion logic. For example, to clean up VPC resources, add the init function to tencentcloud/resource_tc_vpc_test.go and register a sweeper named tencentcloud_vpc:
    func init() {
    resource.AddTestSweepers("tencentcloud_vpc", &resource.Sweeper{
    Name: "tencentcloud_vpc",
    F: testSweepVpcInstance,
    // Pseudocode logic for implementing the cleanup of VPC resources starting with `test` in a specified region
    func testSweepVpcInstance(region string) {
    vpcs := getAllVpc(region)
    for _, vpc in range vpcs {
    if vpc.name == "test" {
    To clean up VPC instances in a specified region (such as Guangzhou), run go test -v ./tencentcloud -sweep=ap-guangzhou -sweep-run=tencentcloud_vpc. Then, the SDK for Terraform will match the tencentcloud_vpc sweeper, pass in the region specified by -sweep to the function, and execute the function to clean up the resources in the region.
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