tencent cloud


Development and Debugging

Last updated: 2024-12-02 16:01:33
    This document describes how to perform basic Terraform development and debugging locally.

    Step 1. Install Terraform

    Install Terraform and configure global paths as instructed in Use Terraform in Local PC.

    Step 2. Pull the provider

    1. Go to terraform-provider-tencentcloud and fork the provider code to your personal repository.
    2. Run the following commands in sequence to pull and set the upstream remote repository locally.
    $ git clone https://github.com/{your username}/terraform-provider-tencentcloud # The code path here is the personal code repository after the fork operation, which should be modified to the actual path
    $ cd terraform-provider-tencentcloud
    $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/tencentcloudstack/terraform-provider-tencentcloud
    After a successful pull, the following code structure can be viewed:
    ├── .githooks/
    ├── .github/
    ├── examples/ # Sample code. In principle, ensure that users can directly copy and paste the output code for use
    ├── gendoc/ # Document generator
    ├── scripts/
    ├── tencentcloud/ # Product logic
    ├── vendor/ # Local dependency cache
    ├── website/ # Generated document directory
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── .go-version
    ├── .golangci.yml
    ├── .goreleaser.yml
    ├── .travis.yml
    ├── AUTHORS
    ├── CHANGELOG.md
    ├── GNUmakefile
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── README.md
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── main.go
    ├── staticcheck.conf
    └── tools.go

    Step 3. Debug locally

    1. Run the following command in the project's root directory to build the terraform-provider-tencentcloud binary file.
    go build
    2. Create the dev.tfrc file with the following content and set tencentcloudstack/tencentcloud to point to the location of the binary file.
    provider_installation {
    # Use /home/developer/tmp/terraform-null as an overridden package directory
    # for the hashicorp/null provider. This disables the version and checksum
    # verifications for this provider and forces Terraform to look for the
    # null provider plugin in the given directory.
    dev_overrides {
    "tencentcloudstack/tencentcloud" = "path/to/your/provider/terraform-provider-tencentcloud"
    3. Set the following environment variables.
    Set the TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to point to the location of dev.tfrc.
    $ export TF_CLI_CONFIG_FILE=/Users/you/dev.tfrc
    Set the TF_LOG environment variable to enable logging.
    $ export TF_LOG=TRACE
    Set your personal Tencent Cloud credentials, which can be obtained on the API Key Management page.
    4. At this point, the provider has been replaced locally. You can write your own .tf file and run commands such as terraform plan/apply/destroy for debugging.

    Step 4. Perform unit testing

    We strongly recommend you write your own unit test cases. You can view many *_test.go test cases under tencentcloud/.
    A Terraform certified provider must have unit test cases.
    1. The code of NAT Gateway is as follows:
    package tencentcloud
    import (
    vpc "github.com/zqfan/tencentcloud-sdk-go/services/vpc/unversioned"
    func TestAccTencentCloudNatGateway_basic(t *testing.T) {
    resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
    PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
    Providers: testAccProviders,
    // Configure the function for checking resource termination results
    CheckDestroy: testAccCheckNatGatewayDestroy,
    // Configure test steps
    Steps: []resource.TestStep{
    // Configure the configuration content
    Config: testAccNatGatewayConfig,
    // Configure the validation function
    Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    // Verify resource IDs
    // Verify resource attributes (a match indicates successful creation)
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "name", "terraform_test"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "max_concurrent", "3000000"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "bandwidth", "500"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "assigned_eip_set.#", "2"),
    // Configure the configuration content
    Config: testAccNatGatewayConfigUpdate,
    Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
    // Verify the value of modified attributes (a match indicates successful modification)
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "name", "new_name"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "max_concurrent", "10000000"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "bandwidth", "1000"),
    resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("tencentcloud_nat_gateway.my_nat", "assigned_eip_set.#", "2"),
    // `testAccProviders` creates test resources based on Config before testing and terminates them all after testing
    // This function is to check whether resources are terminated. The code logic is easy to understand, where the existence of a resource is queried by ID
    func testAccCheckNatGatewayDestroy(s *terraform.State) error {
    conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*TencentCloudClient).vpcConn
    // This uses the `s.RootModule().Resources` array
    // The attributes of this array reflect the `terraform.tfstate` resource state file
    for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources {
    if rs.Type != "tencentcloud_nat_gateway" {
    descReq := vpc.NewDescribeNatGatewayRequest()
    descReq.NatId = common.StringPtr(rs.Primary.ID)
    descResp, err := conn.DescribeNatGateway(descReq)
    b, _ := json.Marshal(descResp)
    log.Printf("[DEBUG] conn.DescribeNatGateway response: %s", b)
    if _, ok := err.(*common.APIError); ok {
    return fmt.Errorf("conn.DescribeNatGateway error: %v", err)
    } else if *descResp.TotalCount != 0 {
    return fmt.Errorf("NAT Gateway still exists.")
    return nil
    // Basic usage configuration file, which is consistent with the debugged TF file
    const testAccNatGatewayConfig = `
    resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "main" {
    name = "terraform test"
    cidr_block = ""
    resource "tencentcloud_eip" "eip_dev_dnat" {
    name = "terraform_test"
    resource "tencentcloud_eip" "eip_test_dnat" {
    name = "terraform_test"
    resource "tencentcloud_nat_gateway" "my_nat" {
    vpc_id = "${tencentcloud_vpc.main.id}"
    name = "terraform_test"
    max_concurrent = 3000000
    bandwidth = 500
    assigned_eip_set = [
    // Modify the usage configuration file to match the debugged TF file
    const testAccNatGatewayConfigUpdate = `
    resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "main" {
    name = "terraform test"
    cidr_block = ""
    resource "tencentcloud_eip" "eip_dev_dnat" {
    name = "terraform_test"
    resource "tencentcloud_eip" "eip_test_dnat" {
    name = "terraform_test"
    resource "tencentcloud_eip" "new_eip" {
    name = "terraform_test"
    resource "tencentcloud_nat_gateway" "my_nat" {
    vpc_id = "${tencentcloud_vpc.main.id}"
    name = "new_name"
    max_concurrent = 10000000
    bandwidth = 1000
    assigned_eip_set = [
    2. Run the TestAccTencentCloudNatGateway_basic function to perform the unit test.
    $ export TF_ACC=true
    $ cd tencentcloud
    $ go test -i; go test -test.run TestAccTencentCloudNatGateway_basic -v
    This example shows that in addition to automatic compilation, the official testAccProviders has a more standardized testing process covering CRUD. You can write a more complex scenario for the same resource manager and then add it to steps or divide it into multiple test cases to make the testing more comprehensive.
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