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Auto Scaling
DocumentationAuto ScalingLaunch ConfigurationViewing Launch Configuration List
Viewing Launch Configuration List
Last updated: 2024-01-08 17:53:29
Viewing Launch Configuration List
Last updated: 2024-01-08 17:53:29
A launch configuration is a template for the automatic creation of CVMs. It contains an image ID, CVM instance type, system disk/data disk types and capacities, key pair, security group, etc.
The launch configuration must be specified when creating a scaling group.
Once a launch configuration is created, its attributes cannot be edited.
Open the Auto Scaling Console and click Launch Configuration on the navigation bar to view the list.
To check the details of a launch configuration, click the ID of the corresponding launch configuration.
To delete a launch configuration, click Delete in the corresponding launch configuration entry.
Launch configurations that are bound with a scaling group cannot be deleted.

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