How do I bind a CVM?
After being bound in the console, the ENI needs to be configured on the CVM before it can be used. For more information, see Binding and Configuring an ENI. How do I assign private IPs?
How do I delete an ENI?
You can only delete the ENIs that are not bound to a CVM. For more information, see Deleting an ENI. How do I unbind an ENI from a CVM?
How do I release private IPs?
How do I bind EIPs?
How do I unbind EIPs?
How do I modify primary private IPs?
You can modify the primary private IP of a CVM’s primary ENI, but the primary private IP of a secondary ENI cannot be modified. For more information, see Modifying Primary Private IPs. How do I modify the subnet of an ENI?
When I create an ENI and use it as the secondary ENI of a CVM, is the secondary ENI in the same subnet with the primary ENI of the instance?
The secondary ENI bound to a CVM instance can be in a different subnet with the primary ENI. However, the secondary ENI and the primary ENI must be under the same availability zone in the same VPC.
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