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Short Message Service
ドキュメントShort Message ServiceRelease Notes and AnnouncementsAnnouncements Adjustment of Calculation Rule for Global SMS Message Length
ドキュメントShort Message ServiceRelease Notes and AnnouncementsAnnouncements Adjustment of Calculation Rule for Global SMS Message Length

Adjustment of Calculation Rule for Global SMS Message Length

最終更新日:2022-04-02 10:16:19
Tencent Cloud has adjusted the calculation rule for global SMS message length, which took effect on March 2, 2020. The calculation rule after adjustment is as follows:

SMS containing only English characters

A standard GSM character is calculated as 1 character, while an extended GSM character is calculated as 2 characters.
Character List
Standard characters
! " # $ % ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ _ ¡ £ ¥ § ¿ & ¤0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zÄ Å Æ Ç É Ñ Ø ø Ü ß Ö à ä å æ è é ì ñ ò ö ù ü Δ Φ Γ Λ Ω Π Ψ Σ Θ Ξ
Extended characters
| ^ € { } [ ] ~ \\
If an SMS message contains 160 characters or less, it will be billed as one message; otherwise, it will be billed as multiple messages based on the standard of 153 characters per message.
For example, if an SMS message contains 320 characters, it will be billed as 3 messages (153 + 153 + 14 characters).

SMS containing non-English characters

One Chinese character, letter, digit, punctuation mark (both fullwidth and halfwidth forms), or space will be calculated as 1 character.
If an SMS message contains 70 characters or less, it will be billed as one message; otherwise, it will be billed as multiple messages based on the standard of 67 characters per message.For example, if an SMS message contains 150 characters, it will be billed as 3 messages (67 + 67 + 16 characters).



Adjustment of Calculation Rule for Global SMS Message Length





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