Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SourceLocationId | String | No | SourceLocationId. |
VodSourceName | String | No | VodSourceName. |
Offset | Integer | No | Offset. |
MessageType | String | No | MessageType, divided into SpliceInsert and TimeSignal. |
TimeSignalConf | TimeSignalInfo | No | TimeSignalConf. |
SpliceInsertConf | SpliceInsertInfo | No | SpliceInsertConf. |
Metadatas | Array of Metadata | No | Metadatas. |
SourceLocationName | String | No | SourceLocationName. |
Alias-value configuration information.
Used by actions: ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Alias | String | No | Alias. |
Value | String | No | Value. |
Cache configuration
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels, ModifyStreamPackageChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Info | Array of CacheInfoInfo | No | List of timeout parameter configuration Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Timeout information for cache configuration
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels, ModifyStreamPackageChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Timeout | Integer | Yes | Timeout period (ms), which must be an integer multiple of 1000 .m3u8/.mpd: [1000, 60000] .ts/.m4s/.mp4: [10000, 1800000] |
Ext | String | No | File extension. Valid values: .m3u8, .ts, .mpd, .m4s, .mp4 Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Linear assembly channel alarm return information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannelAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
ProgramAlertCounts | Array of ProgramAlertCounts | Program alarm aggregation information. |
ProgramAlertInfos | Array of ProgramAlertInfos | Program alarm details. |
Channel information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | Channel ID. |
Name | String | Channel name. |
Protocol | String | Channel protocol. |
Points | PointInfo | Channel input and output. |
CacheInfo | CacheInfo | Cache configuration Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value was found. |
Spacer configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | No | The vod type is valid, the content is valid starting time, Entire and SpecifyTimeRange are optional. |
Offset | Integer | No | Offset, valid when Type is SpecifyTimeRange. |
Parameter configuration.
Used by actions: ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ParamName | String | No | parameter name. |
AliasValueList | Array of AliasValueConf | No | Alias-value configuration. |
The manifest info used when Type is DASH.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Windows | Integer | No | The total duration of each manifest in seconds. [30, 3600], type: integer, default value 60. |
MinBufferTime | Integer | No | The minimum cache time (in seconds) that the player keeps in the buffer. [2, 60], type: integer, default value 30. |
MinUpdatePeriod | Integer | No | The minimum time (in seconds) that the player should wait before requesting an update to the manifest. [2, 60], type: integer, default value 2. |
SuggestedPresentationDelay | Integer | No | The time from the latest live broadcast time point when the player starts broadcasting is a rollback amount (in seconds). [2, 60], type: integer, default value 10. |
The authentication information of channel endpoints.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannelEndpoint, ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
WhiteIpList | Array of String | No | The security group allowlist in CIDR format. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BlackIpList | Array of String | No | The security group blocklist in CIDR format. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AuthKey | String | No | The authentication key. Its value is same as X-TENCENT-PACKAGE set in the HTTP request header.Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Channel endpoint information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, CreateStreamPackageChannelEndpoint, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Endpoint name. |
Url | String | Endpoint URL. |
AuthInfo | EndpointAuthInfo | Endpoint authentication information. |
Protocol | String | Endpoint protocol. |
Manifest | String | Manifest name, default is main. |
TimeShiftEnable | Boolean | Whether to turn on the time shift function, true: on, false: off, the default is off. |
TimeShiftDuration | Integer | The number of days in the time shift window, up to 30 days. Valid when TimeShiftEnable is turned on. |
SSAIEnable | Boolean | Advertising insertion function switch. |
SSAIInfo | SSAIConf | Ad insertion function configuration information. |
CustomUrlParamIndex | Integer | The customer-defined url parameter is inserted into the subscript at the specified position of the Endpoint url. The optional range of the subscript is: [0,3]. |
CustomUrlParam | String | Customer-defined url parameters are inserted into the specified position of the Endpoint url based on the CustomUrlParamIndex. The parameters can only contain digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), with a length of 1 to 64 chars. |
HarvestJob response info.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageHarvestJob, DescribeStreamPackageHarvestJob, DescribeStreamPackageHarvestJobs.
Name | Type | Description |
ID | String | HarvestJob ID, a globally unique identifier. |
ChannelName | String | The associated channel name. |
EndpointName | String | The associated endpoint name. |
TimeFormat | String | Time format, supports the following types: 1. Epoch seconds 2. ISO-8601 |
StartTime | String | HarvestJob start time. |
EndTime | String | HarvestJob end time. |
Destination | String | The path where the recording file is stored in COS. |
Manifest | String | The file name of the recording file stored in COS. |
Status | String | The task status is divided into running: Running, execution completed: Completed, and execution failure: Failed. |
ErrMessage | String | HarvestJob error message. |
CreateTime | Integer | HarvestJob creation time, timestamp in seconds. |
ChannelId | String | The associated ChannelID. |
Region | String | The region corresponding to the harvest job. |
Channel input authentication information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels, ModifyStreamPackageChannelInputAuthInfo.
Name | Type | Description |
Username | String | Username. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Password | String | Password. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Channel input.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.
Name | Type | Description |
Url | String | Channel input URL. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AuthInfo | InputAuthInfo | Channel input authentication information. |
Linearly assembled channel information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Linear assembly channel name. |
Tier | String | No | Define the characteristics of the channel. Standard supports live broadcast and on-demand sources, while Basic only supports on-demand source arrangement. |
PlaybackMode | String | No | The source switching mode in the channel is divided into Linear and Loop. Live broadcast only supports Linear. |
TimeShiftConf | TimeShiftInfo | No | Time shift configuration, vod is valid. |
SlateConf | SlateInfo | No | Spacer configuration. |
Outputs | Array of OutputInfo | No | output information. |
AttachedPrograms | Array of String | No | List of programs bound to this channel. |
ProgramSchedules | Array of ProgramScheduleInfo | No | program information. |
Id | String | No | ID. |
Region | String | No | Region. |
State | String | No | State. |
TimeShiftEnable | Boolean | No | Time shift on switch. |
CreateTime | Integer | No | Channel creation time, unix seconds timestamp. |
Channel linear assembly program information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | Channel linear assembly program information. |
SourceType | String | No | The type of the arrangement target source, divided into live broadcast and on-demand. |
SourceLocationId | String | No | The associated source location id. |
SourceId | String | No | SourceId, uniquely identifies a source. |
SourceName | String | No | The associated live broadcast or on-demand broadcast, source name, and location are globally unique. |
AttachedChannel | String | No | The bound channel. |
PlaybackConf | PlaybackInfo | No | Play configuration. |
AdBreaks | Array of AdBreakInfo | No | AdBreaks. |
Id | String | No | ID. |
Region | String | No | Region. |
SourceLocationName | String | No | SourceLocation name. |
Channel Linear Assembly Location Alarm Information.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocationAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
LocationId | String | Location ID. |
Code | Integer | Alarm event code. |
Category | String | Alarm classification. |
Message | String | Alarm message. |
LastModifiedTime | Integer | Update time. |
LocationName | String | Location name. |
Linear assembly channel configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Windows | Integer | No | Time window, in seconds. |
AdMarkupType | String | No | Enter the format of the output advertising tag. Optional values are: Date Range and Enhanced SCTE-35. |
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Key | String | No | Key. |
Value | String | No | Value. |
Custom server information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSourceLocation, ModifyStreamPackageSourceLocation.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | name. |
Url | String | No | address. |
Channel linear assembly output information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | No | HLS DASH. |
GroupName | String | No | The output group name can be associated with the source group name. |
ManifestName | String | No | The file name output by the channel program after scheduling. |
ManifestConf | ManifestInfo | No | The manifest info, used when Type is HLS. |
PlaybackURL | String | No | Playback address. |
DashManifestConf | DashManifestInfo | No | The manifest info, used when Type is DASH. |
Channel linear assembly output information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | String | No | Output type, distinguish HLS DASH. |
GroupName | String | No | The output group name can be associated with the source group name. |
ManifestName | String | No | The file name output by the channel program after scheduling. |
ManifestConf | ManifestInfo | No | The manifest info, used when Type is HLS. |
DashManifestConf | DashManifestInfo | No | The manifest info, used when Type is DASH. |
program playback configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Duration | Integer | No | Program duration, in milliseconds, valid for live broadcast. |
TransitionType | String | No | Program startup method, live broadcast only supports Absolute, on-demand also supports Relative. |
StartTime | Integer | No | Unix timestamp, the start execution time of the program in the Absolute scenario. |
RelativePosition | String | No | It is related to the insertion order of the selected program, divided into After and Before. |
RelativeProgramId | String | No | The selected insertion reference program id. |
ClipRangeConf | ClipRangeInfo | No | Spacer configuration. |
RelativeProgramName | String | No | RelativeProgramName. |
program playback configuration request.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TransitionType | String | No | Program startup method, live broadcast only supports Absolute, on-demand also supports Relative. Optional values: Absolute, Relative. |
StartTime | Integer | No | Unix timestamp, the start execution time of the program in absolute scenarios. |
Duration | Integer | No | Program duration, in milliseconds, valid for live broadcast. |
RelativePosition | String | No | It is related to the insertion order of the selected program, divided into After and Before. |
RelativeProgramId | String | No | The selected insertion reference program id. |
ClipRangeConf | ClipRangeInfo | No | Spacer configuration. |
Channel input and output.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannel, DeleteStreamPackageChannels, DescribeStreamPackageChannel, DescribeStreamPackageChannels.
Name | Type | Description |
Inputs | Array of InputInfo | Channel input list. |
Endpoints | Array of EndpointInfo | Channel output list. Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Channel Linear Assembly Program Aggregation Alarm Information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannelAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
ProgramId | String | Program ID. |
ProgramName | String | Program name. |
Category | String | Alarm classification. |
Count | Integer | The number of occurrences |
LastModifiedTime | Integer | Update time. |
Channel linear assembly program alarm information details.
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannelAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
ChannelId | String | Channel ID. |
ChannelName | String | Channel name. |
ProgramId | String | ProgramID. |
ProgramName | String | ProgramName. |
Code | Integer | Alarm event code. |
Category | String | Alarm classification. |
Message | String | Alarm message. |
LastModifiedTime | Integer | Update time. |
The scheduling information of the Program under this channel.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ProgramName | String | No | program name. |
ProgramId | String | No | program id. |
SourceType | String | No | source type. |
SourceId | String | No | source id. |
SourceLocationId | String | No | The id of the source location. |
StartTime | Integer | No | Start timestamp. |
Duration | String | No | Duration. |
SSAI ad insertion configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageChannelEndpoint, ModifyStreamPackageChannelEndpoint.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AdsUrl | String | No | Advertising Decision Server URL (ADS). |
ConfigAliases | Array of ConfigAliasesInfo | No | Parameter configuration. |
SlateAd | String | No | Default advertising url. |
Threshold | Integer | No | Maximum unfilled duration, unit: seconds. |
DashMPDLocation | Boolean | No | Whether to enable mpd location, true corresponds to enable, false corresponds to disable. |
AdMarkerPassthrough | Boolean | No | Whether to enable transparent transmission of advertising tags. |
SCTE35AdType | Integer | No | How to process tags in advertisements, optional values: [1,2] 1: Process all SCTE-35 type tags - all (default) 2: SCTE-35enhanced, parse some types. |
AdTriggers | Array of Integer | No | The type of tag that is regarded as an advertisement, optional values: [1,8] 1. Splice insert 2. Provider advertisement 3. Distributor advertisement 4. Provider placement opportunity 5. Distributor placement opportunity 6. Break 7. Provider overlay placement opportunity 8. Distributor overlay placement opportunity. |
DeliveryRestrictions | Integer | No | The type of distribution restriction that is considered an advertisement, optional values: [1,4] 1:None 2:Restricted (default) 3:Unrestricted 4.Both. |
SourceLocation shim configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocations, ModifyStreamPackageSourceLocation.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
DefaultSegmentUrl | String | No | Default content source address. |
NameServers | Array of NameServer | No | Custom server address. |
Channel linear assembly channel spacer configuration.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
SourceLocationId | String | No | The ID of the source location. |
VodSourceName | String | No | The corresponding vod shim content source name. |
Channel Linear Assembly Location Alarm Information
Used by actions: DescribeStreamPackageSourceAlerts.
Name | Type | Description |
SourceId | String | Source ID. |
SourceName | String | Source name. |
Code | Integer | Alarm event code. |
Category | String | Alarm classification. |
Message | String | Alarm message. |
LastModifiedTime | Integer | Update time. |
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSources.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | No | name. |
Type | String | No | The source type distinguishes between live broadcast and on-demand Vod. |
PackageConf | Array of SourcePackageConf | No | Source configuration. |
Id | String | No | ID. |
CreateTime | Integer | No | Create timestamp. |
UpdateTime | Integer | No | Update timestamp. |
Region | String | No | Region. |
SourceLocation configuration information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocation, DescribeStreamPackageSourceLocations.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Id | String | No | ID, unique identification. |
Name | String | No | SourceLocation name. |
Region | String | No | area. |
BaseUrl | String | No | BaseUrl information. |
SegmentDeliverEnable | Boolean | No | Whether to enable patching. |
SegmentDeliverConf | SegmentDeliverInfo | No | Patch configuration. |
AttachedLiveSources | Array of String | No | List of bound live broadcast source ids. |
AttachedVodSources | Array of String | No | List of bound on-demand source ids. |
CreateTime | Integer | No | Source location creation time, Unix timestamp. |
UpdateTime | Integer | No | Source location last modified time, Unix timestamp. |
SegmentDeliverUsePackageEnable | Boolean | No | Whether to enable package distribution sharding, it is enabled by default. |
Source file information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSource, DescribeStreamPackageSources, ModifyStreamPackageSource.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
GroupName | String | No | Group name. When the channel is in Linear mode and vod source is selected, the group name corresponds to the output group name of the channel output. |
Type | String | No | Type, distinguish between HLS and DASH, optional values: HLS, DASH. |
Path | String | No | access path. |
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EventID | String | No | EventID. |
AvailNum | String | No | AvailNum. |
AvailExpected | String | No | AvailExpected. |
ProgramID | String | No | ProgramID. |
Linearly assembled channel time-shift configuration information.
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannels, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyChannel.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TimeWindows | Integer | No | Lookback window, in seconds. |
Used by actions: CreateStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgramSchedules, DescribeStreamPackageLinearAssemblyPrograms, ModifyStreamPackageLinearAssemblyProgram.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EventID | String | No | EventID. |
UPIDType | String | No | UPIDType. |
UPID | String | No | UPID. |
TypeID | String | No | TypeID. |
Num | String | No | Num. |
Expected | String | No | Expected. |
SubsegmentNum | String | No | SubsegmentNum. |
SubsegmentsExpected | String | No | SubsegmentsExpected. |