Domain name for API request:
This API is used to modify the configuration of CDN acceleration domain names.
Note: To update complex configuration items, all attributes of the object must be specified, or the default values are used. We recommend calling the querying API to get attributes before modifying and passing them to this API.
The input parameters of this API are not reported to CloudAudit as it may contain sensitive data, such as keys and secrets.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: UpdateDomainConfig. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-06-06. |
Region | No | String | Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API. |
Domain | Yes | String | Domain name |
ProjectId | No | Integer | Project ID |
Origin | No | Origin | Origin server configuration |
IpFilter | No | IpFilter | IP blocklist/allowlist configuration |
IpFreqLimit | No | IpFreqLimit | IP access limit configuration |
StatusCodeCache | No | StatusCodeCache | Status code cache configuration |
Compression | No | Compression | Smart compression configuration |
BandwidthAlert | No | BandwidthAlert | Bandwidth cap configuration |
RangeOriginPull | No | RangeOriginPull | Range GETs configuration |
FollowRedirect | No | FollowRedirect | 301/302 origin-pull follow-redirect configuration |
ErrorPage | No | ErrorPage | Error code redirect configuration (This feature is in beta and not generally available yet.) |
RequestHeader | No | RequestHeader | Origin-pull request header configuration. |
ResponseHeader | No | ResponseHeader | Response header configuration |
DownstreamCapping | No | DownstreamCapping | Download speed configuration |
CacheKey | No | CacheKey | Node cache key configuration |
ResponseHeaderCache | No | ResponseHeaderCache | Header cache configuration |
VideoSeek | No | VideoSeek | Video dragging configuration |
Cache | No | Cache | Cache expiration time configuration |
OriginPullOptimization | No | OriginPullOptimization | (Disused) Cross-border linkage optimization\ |
Https | No | Https | HTTPS acceleration configuration |
Authentication | No | Authentication | Timestamp hotlink protection configuration |
Seo | No | Seo | SEO configuration |
ForceRedirect | No | ForceRedirect | Protocol redirect configuration |
Referer | No | Referer | Referer configuration |
MaxAge | No | MaxAge | Browser cache configuration (This feature is in beta and not generally available yet.) |
SpecificConfig | No | SpecificConfig | Specific-region special configuration Applicable to cases where the acceleration domain name configuration differs for regions in and outside the Chinese mainland. |
ServiceType | No | String | Domain name service typeweb : Static accelerationdownload : Download accelerationmedia : Streaming media VOD acceleration |
Area | No | String | Domain name acceleration regionmainland : Acceleration inside the Chinese mainlandoverseas : Acceleration outside the Chinese mainlandglobal : Acceleration over the globeAfter switching to global acceleration, configurations of the domain name will be deployed to the region inside or outside the Chinese mainland. The deployment will take some time as this domain name has special settings. |
OriginPullTimeout | No | OriginPullTimeout | Origin-pull timeout configuration |
AwsPrivateAccess | No | AwsPrivateAccess | Access authentication for S3 origin |
UserAgentFilter | No | UserAgentFilter | UA blocklist/allowlist configuration |
AccessControl | No | AccessControl | Access control |
UrlRedirect | No | UrlRedirect | URL rewriting configuration |
AccessPort.N | No | Array of Integer | Access port configuration |
AdvancedAuthentication | No | AdvancedAuthentication | Timestamp hotlink protection advanced configuration (allowlist feature) |
OriginAuthentication | No | OriginAuthentication | Origin-pull authentication advanced configuration (allowlist feature) |
Ipv6Access | No | Ipv6Access | IPv6 access configuration |
OfflineCache | No | OfflineCache | Offline cache |
OriginCombine | No | OriginCombine | Merging pull requests |
PostMaxSize | No | PostSize | Post transport configuration |
Quic | No | Quic | QUIC access, which is a paid service. You can check the product document and Billing Overview for more information. |
OssPrivateAccess | No | OssPrivateAccess | Access authentication for OSS origin |
WebSocket | No | WebSocket | WebSocket configuration |
RemoteAuthentication | No | RemoteAuthentication | Remote authentication configuration |
ShareCname | No | ShareCname | Shared CNAME configuration (only available to beta users) |
HwPrivateAccess | No | HwPrivateAccess | Access authentication for Huawei Cloud OBS origin |
QnPrivateAccess | No | QnPrivateAccess | Access authentication for QiNiu Cloud Kodo origin |
OthersPrivateAccess | No | OthersPrivateAccess | Origin-pull authentication for other origins |
HttpsBilling | No | HttpsBilling | HTTPS, which is a paid service. You can check the product document and Billing Overview for more information. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
This example shows you how to update domain name configurations.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: UpdateDomainConfig
<Common request parameters>
"ProjectId": "0",
"Domain": ""
"Response": {
"RequestId": "23cd4005-496f-4bc4-87d8-ab348d5b0c17"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.CdnConfigError | Failed to update the domain name configuration. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.CamSystemError | Authentication system internal error. |
InternalError.CdnConfigError | Failed to update the domain name configuration. |
InternalError.CdnDbError | Internal data error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.CdnQuerySystemError | Internal error. Please try again or contact the customer service for assistance. |
InternalError.CdnSystemError | System error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.Error | Service internal error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.InvalidErrorCode | Service internal error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InternalError.ProxyServer | Internal service error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InvalidParameter.AccessPortOpenedHttps | The access port 443 must be enabled for HTTPS configuration. |
InvalidParameter.BandLimitRequiredMainland | Please delete the rate limiting configuration before you switch the acceleration region. |
InvalidParameter.BandwidthAlertCounterMeasureConflictOriginType | Tencent Cloud COS and third-party object storage origins only support "Return 404". Please modify and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CDNStatusInvalidDomain | Invalid domain name status. |
InvalidParameter.CdnCertInfoNotFound | The certificate information is invalid or does not exist. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnConfigInvalidCache | Invalid cache configuration. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnHostInvalidMiddleConfig | Incorrect intermediate server configuration. |
InvalidParameter.CdnHostInvalidStatus | Invalid domain name status. |
InvalidParameter.CdnInterfaceError | Internal API error. Please submit a ticket for troubleshooting. |
InvalidParameter.CdnInvalidParamServiceType | Invalid field: ServiceType. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnKeyRulesExcludeCustomRequiresFullLego | The configuration is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.CdnKeyRulesInvalidQueryStringValue | Invalid field: QueryString. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnParamError | Parameter error. Please see the sample parameters in the documentation. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatInvalidProjectId | Incorrect project ID. Please check and try again. |
InvalidParameter.CdnStatTooManyDomains | The number of queried domain names reached the limit. |
InvalidParameter.PathRegexTooManySubPattern | The maximum number of regex sub-patterns is exceeded. |
InvalidParameter.RemoteAuthInvalidPlatform | This platform does not support remote authentication. |
InvalidParameter.RemoteAuthInvalidProtocol | This platform does not support remote access to an authentication address via the HTTPS protocol. |
LimitExceeded.CdnConfigTooManyCacheRules | The number of cache validity configuration rules exceeds the limit. |
LimitExceeded.CdnHostOpTooOften | Domain name operations are too frequent. |
OperationDenied.ShareCacheAreaDnsNotMatch | Inconsistent domain name. Please select again or submit a ticket. |
ResourceInUse.CdnHostExists | Domain name already exists. |
ResourceInUse.CdnOpInProgress | CDN resources are being operated. |
ResourceNotFound.CdnHostNotExists | Unable to find the domain name. Please make sure the domain name is correct. |
ResourceNotFound.CdnUserNotExists | The CDN service has not been activated. Please activate it first before using this API. |
ResourceNotFound.EcdnDomainNotExists | The domain name does not exist. Please check and try again. |
ResourceUnavailable.CdnHostBelongsToOthersInMainland | The domain name has been connected to the Mainland China service region. If you need to switch the service region to "Global", please verify its ownership for domain name retrieval. |
ResourceUnavailable.CdnHostBelongsToOthersInOverseas | The domain name has been connected to the service region outside Mainland China. If you need to switch the service region to "Global", please verify its ownership for domain name retrieval. |
ResourceUnavailable.CdnHostIsLocked | The domain name is locked. |
ResourceUnavailable.CdnHostIsNotOffline | Domain name is still in use. |
ResourceUnavailable.CdnHostNoIcp | ICP filing is required for the domain name and the synchronization takes 2 hours. If it is already filed, please try later. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnCamUnauthorized | No CAM policy is configured for the sub-account. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnHostInIcpBlacklist | The domain name is not compliant and cannot be connected. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnHostUnauthorized | The sub-account has no access to the CDN-accelerated domain name. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnProjectUnauthorized | The project is not authorized for the sub-account. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnTagUnauthorized | The sub-account has no access to the tag. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserAuthFail | Fail to authenticate the CDN user. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserAuthWait | The CDN user is pending authentication. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserIsIsolated | The account has been isolated due to arrears. Please pay the bill and try again. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserIsSuspended | The CDN service has been suspended. Please restart it and try again. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CdnUserNoWhitelist | You are not in the beta whitelist and thus have no permission to use this function. |
UnauthorizedOperation.OpNoAuth | This operation is not supported currently. Please submit a ticket for assistance. |
UnauthorizedOperation.OperationTooOften | Too many calling attempts. |