tencent cloud


最后更新时间:2021-02-26 17:07:02


    Welcome to Tencent Cloud Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.0, a companion tool for the TencentCloud API 3.0 platform. SDK 3.0 is unified and features the same SDK usage, API call methods, error codes, and return packet formats for different programming languages.
    This document describes how to use, debug, and connect to TencentCloud APIs with SDK 3.0 for C++ as an example.
    This version currently supports various Tencent Cloud services such as CVM, VPC, and CBS and will support more services in the future.

    Dependent Environment

    The compiler for C++ v11 or above is required, i.e., GCC v4.8 or above. Currently, only the Linux installation environment is supported.
    Get the security credential, which consists of SecretId and SecretKey. SecretId is used to identify the API requester, and SecretKey is a key used for signature string encryption and authentication by the server. You can get them on the API Key Management page as shown below:
    Your security credential represents your account identity and granted permissions, which is equivalent to your login password. Do not disclose it to others.
    Get the calling address (endpoint), which is generally in the format of *.tencentcloudapi.com and varies by service. For example, the endpoint of CVM is cvm.tencentcloudapi.com. For specific endpoints, please see the API documentation of the corresponding service.


    Building SDK from source code

    1. Go to the GitHub code hosting page to download the latest source code package.
    2. Enter the SDK and create necessary build files. Here, path/to/ represents the actual path of the tencentcloud-sdk-cpp package.
    cd <path/to/tencentcloud-sdk-cpp>
    mkdir sdk_build
    cd sdk_build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install


    The demo cannot be run directly. You need to replace the key and other information with your real information. It is better to configure them in environment variables to avoid exposing them in the code.
    The following describes how to call the DescribeInstances API of CVM.
    #include <tencentcloud/core/TencentCloud.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/core/profile/HttpProfile.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/core/profile/ClientProfile.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/core/Credential.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/core/NetworkProxy.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/core/AsyncCallerContext.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/cvm/v20170312/CvmClient.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/cvm/v20170312/model/DescribeInstancesRequest.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/cvm/v20170312/model/DescribeInstancesResponse.h>
    #include <tencentcloud/cvm/v20170312/model/Instance.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace TencentCloud;
    using namespace TencentCloud::Cvm::V20170312;
    using namespace TencentCloud::Cvm::V20170312::Model;
    using namespace std;
    int main()
    // Use the SDK
    // Instantiate an authentication object. Pass in `secretId` and `secretKey` of your Tencent Cloud account as the input parameters and keep them confidential
    string secretId = "<your secret id>";
    string secretKey = "<your secret key>";
    Credential cred = Credential(secretId, secretKey);
    // (Optional) Instantiate an HTTP option
    HttpProfile httpProfile = HttpProfile();
    httpProfile.SetKeepAlive(true); // Specify whether to enable the keepalive feature. The default value is false
    httpProfile.SetEndpoint("cvm.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com"); // Specify the endpoint. If you do not specify the endpoint, nearby access is enabled by default
    httpProfile.SetReqTimeout(30); // Specify the request timeout value in seconds. The default value is 60s
    httpProfile.SetConnectTimeout(30); // Specify the response timeout value in seconds. The default value is 60s
    ClientProfile clientProfile = ClientProfile(httpProfile);
    DescribeInstancesRequest req = DescribeInstancesRequest();
    CvmClient cvm_client = CvmClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);
    // Set proxy
    // NetworkProxy proxy = NetworkProxy(NetworkProxy::Type::HTTP, "localhost.proxy.com", 8080);
    // cvm_client.SetNetworkProxy(proxy);
    auto outcome = cvm_client.DescribeInstances(req);
    if (!outcome.IsSuccess())
    cout << outcome.GetError().PrintAll() << endl;
    return -1;
    DescribeInstancesResponse rsp = outcome.GetResult();
    if (rsp.InstanceSetHasBeenSet())
    vector<Instance> instanceSet = rsp.GetInstanceSet();
    for (auto itr=instanceSet.begin(); itr!=instanceSet.end(); ++itr)
    return 0;
    Compile and run the demo code:
    cd example/cvm/v20170312
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    If the system returns an error indicating that a dynamic library is not found, you can specify the path to the dynamic library. For example, if the libtencentcloud-sdk-cpp-core.so library is installed in /usr/local/lib, then add the following line:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    For more examples, please see the example directory.

    Unit Testing

    Creating dependent library for gtest

    The sample installation code is as follows:
    git clone https://github.com/google/googletest
    cd googletest
    cmake CMakeLists.txt
    Copy the generated libgtest.a and libgtest_main.a static libraries and the header file of gtest to the system directory.

    Configuring environment variables



    Run the following script:
    sh function_test.sh

    Relevant Configuration


    If you use the SDK to call an API in a proxy environment, you need to set the system environment variable https_proxy (as shown in the sample code); otherwise, it may not be called normally, and a connection timeout exception will be thrown.




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