using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TencentCloud.Common;
using TencentCloud.Common.Profile;
using TencentCloud.Cvm.V20170312;
using TencentCloud.Cvm.V20170312.Models;
namespace TencentCloudExamples
class DescribeInstances
static void Main(string[] args)
// Essential steps:
// Instantiate an authentication object. The Tencent Cloud account key pair secretId and secretKey need to be passed in as the input parameters.
// The example here uses the way to read from environment variable, so you need to set these two values in the environment variable first.
// You can also write the key pair directly into the code, but be careful not to copy, upload or share the code to others.
// Otherwise, the key pair may be leaked, causing damage to your properties.
Credential cred = new Credential {
SecretId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"),
SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY")
// Instantiate a client option (optional; skip if no special requirements are present).
ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
// Specify the signature algorithm (HmacSHA256 by default).
clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_SHA1;
// Nonessential steps
// Instantiate a client configuration object; you can specify the timeout and other configurations.
HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile();
// The SDK uses the POST method by default.
// If you have to use the GET method, you can set it here, but the GET method cannot handle some large requests.
httpProfile.ReqMethod = "POST";
// The SDK has a default timeout; do not adjust it unless absolutely necessary.
// If needed, check in the code to get the latest default value.
httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // Request connection timeout in seconds (60 seconds by default).
// The SDK automatically specifies the domain name. Generally, you don't need to specify a domain name, but if you are accessing a service in a financial availability zone,
// you have to manually specify the domain name, such as for the Shanghai financial availability zone.
httpProfile.Endpoint = ("");
// Proxy server; set when there is a proxy server in your environment.
httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY");
clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;
// Instantiate the client object to request the product (with CVM as an example).
// The second parameter is the region information. You can directly enter the string ap-guangzhou or refer to the preset constant. clientProfile is optional.
CvmClient client = new CvmClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);
// Instantiate a request object; you can further set the request parameters according to the API called and actual conditions.
// You can directly query the SDK source code to determine which attributes of DescribeInstancesRequest can be set.
// The attribute may be of a basic type or refer to another data structure.
// It is recommended to use the IDE for development where you can easily jump to and view the documentation of each API and data structure.
DescribeInstancesRequest req = new DescribeInstancesRequest();
// Settings of a basic parameter.
// This API allows you to set the number of instances returned. Here it is specified as only one.
req.Limit = 1;
// Settings of an array.
// This API allows for filtering based on the specified instance ID; however, as it conflicts with the Filter parameter to be demonstrated next, it is skipped here.
// req.InstanceIds = new string[] { "ins-r8hr2upy" };
// Settings of a complex object.
// In this API, "Filters" is an array whose elements are complex objects "Filter", and the Filter members "Values" are string arrays.
// Populated request parameters. Here, the member variables of the request object are the input parameters of the corresponding API.
// You can view the definition of the request parameter in the API documentation at the official website or by jumping to the definition of the request object.
Filter respFilter = new Filter(); // Create a Filter object and query the CVM instance in the dimension of zone.
respFilter.Name = "zone";
respFilter.Values = new string[] { "ap-guangzhou-1", "ap-guangzhou-2" };
req.Filters = new Filter[] { respFilter }; // Filters is a list of Filter objects.
//// Here, you can assign values to the request parameters using a string in standard json format. The following code is equivalent to the parameter value assignment above.
//string strParams = "{\\"Filters\\":[{\\"Name\\":\\"zone\\",\\"Values\\":[\\"ap-guangzhou-1\\",\\"ap-guangzhou-2\\"]}]}";
//req = DescribeInstancesRequest.FromJsonString<DescribeInstancesRequest>(strParams);
// Initialize the request by calling the DescribeInstances method on the client object. Note: The request method name corresponds to the request object.
// The returned resp is an instance of the DescribeInstancesResponse class which corresponds to the request object.
DescribeInstancesResponse resp = client.DescribeInstances(req).
// A string return packet in json format is output.
// You can also take a single value.
// You can view the definition of the return field in the API documentation at the official website or by jumping to the definition of the response object.
catch (Exception e)