tencent cloud


Product Features

Last updated: 2023-09-21 17:41:24

    Feature overview

    Cloud Security Center (CSC) provides security health checks to discover six types of major risks on your cloud assets. This helps address the challenges of network attacks and data breaches, and enhance the security capabilities of enterprises.

    Use cases

    Routine security health checks

    Customers can initiate security health checks on a periodic basis to assess their enterprise security status, identify potential security issues, and take appropriate measures to enhance the security level of the enterprise.

    Feature details

    Health check items

    Related product
    Port risks
    Detect port risks on public IPs and domains utilizing the port exposure detection capability provided by CSC and CFW.
    Scan for vulnerabilities based on a rich vulnerability database. It covers OWASP TOP 10 vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, and weak passwords. The system can also detect zero-day/one-day/n-day vulnerabilities.
    CSC, CWPP and TCSS
    Weak passwords
    Check weak passwords on servers, public IPs and domains.
    Configuration risks
    Check for configuration risks on CVM, TKE, COS, TencentDB and CLB instances.
    CSC, CWPP and TCSS
    Risk exposure
    Provide an internet attack surface mapping feature to identify exposed ports, services, and components of cloud assets visible on the Internet.
    Website content risks
    Identify sensitive images and texts on websites, and support detection of trojans, hidden links, spam advertisements, mining pools and more.
    To detect vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and exposed risky services, we need to scan ports of the target system. For example, if port 80 (HTTP services) is found open on the target server, it may be exposed to web application vulnerabilities.

    Checked assets

    CVM, Lighthouse, Edge Computing Machine (ECM)
    Vulnerabilities, weak passwords, configuration risks
    Authorized local images and repository images
    Cluster with the scanner running properly
    Vulnerabilities, configuration risks
    Public IPs, domain names
    Ports, vulnerabilities, weak passwords, website content risks
    CLB, subnets, TencentDB for MySQL, TencentDB for Redis, TencentDB for MariaDB, TencentDB for PostgreSQL, TencentDB for MongoDB, CBS, COS, Elasticsearch Service
    Configuration risks
    Risk exposure is available on CSC Enterprise and Ultimate.It does not consume the health check quota. Also, the detection of configuration risks on subnets and CBS instances does not consume the health check quota.

    Quota consumption

    Consumed quota
    Public IPs, domain names
    Vulnerabilities, weak passwords, website content risks
    Quota consumed per health check = Number of checked assets
    CVM, CLB, TencentDB for MySQL, TencentDB for Redis, TencentDB for MariaDB, TencentDB for PostgreSQL, TencentDB for MongoDB, Elasticsearch Service, COS
    Configuration risks

    Comparison of CSC editions

    Free edition
    Premium edition
    Enterprise edition
    Ultimate edition
    Port risks
    Emergency vulnerabilities
    Weak passwords
    Configuration risks
    Risk exposure
    Website content risks
    Health check quota
    20 times
    400 times/month (scalable)
    1,200 times/month (scalable)
    4,800 times/month (scalable)
    Task quota
    1 task
    10 tasks
    20 tasks
    50 tasks (scalable to unlimited)
    CSC provides different check items for different editions. Each security check consumes different quota usage.
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