tencent cloud


Regions and AZs

Last updated: 2023-12-21 21:07:22
    TencentDB for Tendis is available in the following regions and availability zones. To purchase Tendis in other availability zones, please submit a ticket.


    When purchasing TencentDB for Tendis, we recommend selecting the same region as the CVM instance to reduce access delay.
    Tencent Cloud regions are completely isolated. This guarantees the maximum cross-region stability and fault tolerance. When purchasing Tencent Cloud services, we recommend selecting the region closest to your end users to minimize access latency and improve download speed. Operations such as launching or viewing instances are performed at the region level. Private Network Communication:
    Tencent Cloud resources under the same account in the same VPC and the same region can communicate with each other over a private network. They can also be accessed via private IPs.
    The networks of different regions are fully isolated from each other, and Tencent Cloud services in different regions cannot communicate with each other over a private network by default.
    Tencent Cloud services in different VPCs can communicate with each other through Cloud Connect Network which is faster and more stable.

    Availability Zones

    Availability zones (AZs) refer to Tencent Cloud's physical data centers that are in the same region. Each AZ is independently powered and have its own network resources. They are designed to ensure that failures within one AZ can be isolated from other zones, thereby ensuring service availability and business stability, excepting the occurrences of large-scale disasters or major power failures. Users can protect their applications from being affected by failures that occur in a single location by selecting instances in independent AZs.

    List of Regions and Availability Zones

    TencentDB for Tendis is supported in the following regions and availability zones.


    South China (Guangzhou) ap-guangzhou
    Guangzhou Zone 3 ap-guangzhou-3
    Guangzhou Zone 4 ap-guangzhou-4
    East China (Shanghai)ap-shanghai
    Shanghai Zone 4ap-shanghai-4
    Shanghai Zone 6ap-shanghai-6
    North China (Beijing)ap-beijing
    Beijing Zone 5 ap-beijing-5
    Hong Kong (China), Macao (China), and Taiwan (China) (Hong Kong, China) ap-hongkong
    Hong Kong Zone 3 (Hong Kong nodes cover services in the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan regions of China)ap-hongkong-3

    Other countries and regions

    Western US (Silicon Valley)na-siliconvalley
    Silicon Valley Zone 2 (Silicon Valley nodes cover services in Western US)na-siliconvalley-2
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