tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2021-07-15 15:52:27

    CTSDB currently supports the pay-as-you-go billing mode (you need to complete the identity verification first before you can purchase pay-as-you-go instances. For more information, please see Identity Verification Guide).

    Pay-as-You-Go Tiered Pricing

    CTSDB supports pay-as-you-go tiered pricing. The longer it is used, the cheaper it is.
    Depending on the usage duration, the prices in pay-as-you-go mode divide into three tiers:

    • 0–4 days (within 4 * 24 hours): tier 1 pay-as-you-go price applies.
    • 4–15 days (4 * 24 hours–15 * 24 hours): tier 2 pay-as-you-go price applies.
    • Over 15 days (over 15 * 24 hours): tier 3 pay-as-you-go price applies.

    For specific prices, please see Pricing.

    Instance Renewal Management

    The Renewal Management page provides features such as Batch Renewal, Set Auto-Renewal, and Collective Expiry Date for instances.


    To ensure business continuity, upgrade your instance specification or purchase additional disk space in time before the disk space is used up. For more information, please see Adjusting Database Instance Specification.
    When the size of the data stored on an instance exceeds its purchased capacity, the instance will be locked and become read-only, and you will not be able to write data to it. You need to expand its capacity or drop some databases/tables to unlock it.

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