tencent cloud


Message Query and Trace

Last updated: 2024-07-10 16:13:18
    When a message is sent from the producer to the TDMQ for CMQ server, and then the consumer pulls and consumes it from the server, TDMQ for CMQ will record the related information and the process flow of the message, and present it as a message record and message trace in the console.


    When you need to troubleshoot the following issues, you can use the message query feature in the TDMQ for CMQ console to view the details and message traces of a specific message by Resource & Time Dimension or directly by message ID.
    View whether the message was sent successfully and the exact time it arrived at the server.
    View the lifecycle of the message and whether it was deleted by the server.
    View the consumers who consumed the message, whether it was consumed successfully, and the exact time it confirmed consumption.
    It is required to analyze the performance of the distributed system. View the processing latency of related messages by MQ.

    Query Limits

    Message query can retrieve messages from the past 7 days at most.
    You can query up to 1,000 messages at a time.


    1. Log in to [TDMQ for CMQ Console] (https://console.tencentcloud.com/tdmq/cmq-queue?rid=1!3420c0e1942b569422ee07a5145ce9c7), and click Message Query on the left sidebar.
    2. On the Message Query page, first select the region and environment, and then select the way based on the actual situation (click By Resource Name and select Time Range or click By Message ID) to query. If you know the specific Message ID, it is recommended that you enter it for a precise query.
    3. Select Resource Type and Queue as needed, click Query, and the list below will display all the queried results and paginate them, as shown in the following figure.
    4. After clicking View Message Trace, you can view the lifecycle of the current message (such as Production Time, Consumption Time, and Expiration Time).
    5. Query messages in Topic Mode. If message delivery is successful, the message trace will display the generated message ID, which can be directly clicked to navigate to the trace query of the new message.
    6. If you select Search by Message ID, but the resource type does not match the actual type associated with the message, you will be prompted to select the correct resource type as shown in the following figure.
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