Alert Type | Description |
Overdue payment reminder | Fees for a day will be deducted in the morning the next day. When your account balance becomes negative, your Tencent Cloud account creator, global resource collaborators, and financial collaborators will be notified by email and SMS. |
Overdue payment alert | This feature is disabled by default. |
Time Since Shutdown | Description |
≥ 24 hours and < 7 days | If your account is topped up to a positive balance, you can start the instance. If your account balance remains negative, the instance cannot be started. |
≥ 7 days | If your account is not topped up to a positive balance, your pay-as-you-go resources will be repossessed and released. All data will be deleted and cannot be recovered. When your resources are repossessed, your Tencent Cloud account creator and all collaborators will be notified by email and SMS. |
Alert Type | Description |
Balance alert | Network bandwidth consumption tends to fluctuate significantly and is difficult to predict. Therefore, the system does not offer balance alerts. |
Overdue payment alert | When your account balance becomes negative, you can still continue using the network service in 24 hours, and fees will still be incurred. After 24 hours, the network service will stop. |