Domain name for API request:
This API is used to create a subnet. After the subnet is created successfully, it will become the default subnet for the AZ.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateSubnet. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-07-19. |
Region | No | String | Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API. |
VpcId | Yes | String | ID of the VPC instance to be manipulated, which can be obtained from the VpcId field in the returned value of the DescribeVpcs API. |
SubnetName | Yes | String | Subnet name, which can contain up to 60 bytes. |
CidrBlock | Yes | String | Subnet IP address range. It must be within the VPC IP address range. Subnet IP address ranges cannot overlap with each other within the same VPC. |
Zone | Yes | String | AZ ID of the subnet. You can select different AZs for different subnets for cross-AZ disaster recovery. |
EcmRegion | Yes | String | ECM region |
Tags.N | No | Array of Tag | List of bound tags, such as [{"Key": "city", "Value": "shanghai"}]. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
Subnet | Subnet | Subnet object. |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
&<Common request parameters>
"Response": {
"Subnet": {
"NetworkAclId": "",
"RouteTableId": "",
"VpcId": "vpc-ila64qtl",
"EnableBroadcast": false,
"Zone": "ap-hangzhou-ecm-1",
"Ipv6CidrBlock": "",
"Region": "ap-hangzhou-ecm",
"SubnetName": "subnet_test",
"AvailableIpAddressCount": 253,
"IsRemoteVpcSnat": false,
"SubnetId": "subnet-heaa1hzo",
"InstanceCount": 0,
"VpcCidrBlock": "",
"TagSet": [
"Value": "hangzhou",
"Key": "city"
"CreatedTime": "2020-08-14 10:38:40",
"ZoneName": "Hangzhou Zone 1",
"CidrBlock": "",
"IsDefault": false,
"VpcIpv6CidrBlock": ""
"RequestId": "d0c21b3b-4c46-4ac3-a6ad-576303682731"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.InternalOperationFailure | Internal error. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataFormat | The data format is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue | The parameter value is incorrect. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPublicParam | The common parameter is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidRegion | The ECM region is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidZone | The zone is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.Malformed | The input parameter format is invalid. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetConflict | The specified CIDR block conflicts with another subnet in the same VPC. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetRange | The subnet IP range is invalid. |
LimitExceeded | The quota limit is exceeded. |
ResourceNotFound | The resource does not exist. |
UnauthorizedOperation.ForbiddenOperation | You don't have the permission to perform this operation. |
UnsupportedOperation.VpcMismatch | The resources are not in the same VPC. |