tencent cloud

Last updated: 2024-11-27 16:20:17
Last updated: 2024-11-27 16:20:17

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: ecm.intl.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to get the information of an instance.

A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeInstances.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-07-19.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
Filters.N No Array of Filter Filter.
zone String Required: no (Filter) Filter by AZ abbreviation.
zone-name String Required: no (Filter) Filter by AZ name. Fuzzy match is supported.
module-id String Required: no (Filter) Filter by module ID.
instance-id String Required: no (Filter) Filter by instance ID.
instance-name String Required: no (Filter) Filter by instance name. Fuzzy match is supported.
ip-address String Required: no (Filter) Filter by the instance's private/public IP.
instance-uuid string Required: no (Filter) Filter instances by uuid.
instance-state string Required: no (Filter) Update instances by instance status.
internet-service-provider String Required: no (Filter) Filter by the ISP of the instance's public IP.
tag-key String Required: no (Filter) Filter by tag key.
tag:tag-key String Required: no (Filter) Filter by tag key-value pair. Replace tag-key with the specific tag key.
instance-family String Required: no (Filter) Filter by model family.
module-name String Required: no (Filter) Filter by module name. Fuzzy match is supported.
image-id String Required: no (Filter) Filter by instance image ID.
vpc-id String Required: no (Filter) Filter by instance VPC ID.
subnet-id String Required: no (Filter) Filter by instance subnet ID.

If the Filters parameter is not specified, the information of all relevant instances will be queried.
Each request can contain up to 5 Filter.Values.
Offset No Integer Offset. Default value: 0.
Limit No Integer Number of returned results. Default value: 20 (if the number of query results is greater than or equal to 20). Maximum value: 100.
OrderByField No String Specified sort by field. Currently, valid values are as follows:
timestamp: sort by instance creation time.
Note: you can sort only by creation time currently. More sort criteria may be supported in the future.
If this parameter is not specified, instances will be sorted by creation time by default.
OrderDirection No Integer Sorting order. 0: descending; 1: ascending. If this parameter is not specified, it will be descending by default.

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
TotalCount Integer Length of the list of the returned instance information.
InstanceSet Array of Instance List of the returned instance information.
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Querying instance by vpc-id

This example shows you how to get the information of an instance based on specified filters.

Input Example

&<Common request parameters>

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "",
        "InstanceSet": [
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-bb0ab3pc",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-91p8tj1p",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-5wrpefy1",
                    "ModuleName": "jiaxuan"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "3c3e605a-33a0-41ca-9251-5f115a531c3e",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.2XLARGE16",
                    "Vcpu": 8,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "Standard SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "Standard",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 16,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan binhai_do not delete 2",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "China",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "South China",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "Guangdong"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "Shenzhen",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "Shanghai",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-m5gnw3tv",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-bb0ab3pc Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 25,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 25,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-b6kee4dg",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-9tvkpn8p",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-xgi6r1hk",
                    "ModuleName": "Video V8-cedricliu"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "edf97143-b1e3-43d9-b34b-cfcf3fba1820",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.4XLARGE32",
                    "Vcpu": 16,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "Standard SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "Standard",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 32,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan binhai server_do not delete 2",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "China",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "South China",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "Guangdong"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "Shenzhen",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "Shanghai",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-mhym6o89",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-b6kee4dg Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-5uhtyyps",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-0fqlcnj7",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-xgi6r1hk",
                    "ModuleName": "Video V8-cedricliu"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "e85e02fb-8efd-4728-a3d7-10cf913ed4e5",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.4XLARGE32",
                    "Vcpu": 16,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "Standard SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "Standard",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 32,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan binhai server_do not delete 1",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "China",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "South China",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "Guangdong"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "Shenzhen",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "Shanghai",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-i7nvrvbj",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-5uhtyyps Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
        "TotalCount": 12

Example2 通过默认参数获取实例信息


Input Example

Host: ecm.intl.tencentcloudapi.com
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
<common request parameters>


Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "",
        "InstanceSet": [
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-bb0ab3pc",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-91p8tj1p",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-5wrpefy1",
                    "ModuleName": "jiaxuan"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "3c3e605a-33a0-41ca-9251-5f115a531c3e",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "GpuModelName": null,
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.2XLARGE16",
                    "Vcpu": 8,
                    "Vgpu": null,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "标准型SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "标准型",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 16,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan滨海_勿删2",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "腾讯滨海专区"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "中国",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "华南",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "广东"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "深圳",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "腾讯滨海专区"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "上海",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "IsSupportCloudInit": true,
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50,
                    "TaskId": ""
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-m5gnw3tv",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-bb0ab3pc Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "电信",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 25,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "电信",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 25,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "PhysicalPosition": {
                    "PosId": "",
                    "RackId": "",
                    "SwitchId": ""
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-b6kee4dg",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-9tvkpn8p",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-xgi6r1hk",
                    "ModuleName": "视频V8-cedricliu"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "edf97143-b1e3-43d9-b34b-cfcf3fba1820",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "GpuModelName": null,
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.4XLARGE32",
                    "Vcpu": 16,
                    "Vgpu": null,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "标准型SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "标准型",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 32,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan滨海机器_勿删2",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "腾讯滨海专区"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "中国",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "华南",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "广东"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "深圳",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "腾讯滨海专区"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "上海",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "IsSupportCloudInit": true,
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50,
                    "TaskId": ""
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-mhym6o89",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-b6kee4dg Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "电信",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "电信",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "PhysicalPosition": {
                    "PosId": "",
                    "RackId": "",
                    "SwitchId": ""
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-5uhtyyps",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-0fqlcnj7",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-xgi6r1hk",
                    "ModuleName": "视频V8-cedricliu"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "e85e02fb-8efd-4728-a3d7-10cf913ed4e5",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "GpuModelName": null,
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.4XLARGE32",
                    "Vcpu": 16,
                    "Vgpu": null,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "标准型SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "标准型",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 32,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan滨海机器_勿删1",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "腾讯滨海专区"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "中国",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "华南",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "广东"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "深圳",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "腾讯滨海专区"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "上海",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "IsSupportCloudInit": true,
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64位",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50,
                    "TaskId": ""
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-i7nvrvbj",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-5uhtyyps Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "电信",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "电信",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "PhysicalPosition": {
                    "PosId": "",
                    "RackId": "",
                    "SwitchId": ""
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
        "TotalCount": 3

Example3 Querying the two most recent instances by creation time in reverse order

This example shows you how to get the information of an instance based on specified filters.

Input Example

&<Common request parameters>

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "",
        "InstanceSet": [
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-bb0ab3pc",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-91p8tj1p",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-5wrpefy1",
                    "ModuleName": "jiaxuan"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "3c3e605a-33a0-41ca-9251-5f115a531c3e",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.2XLARGE16",
                    "Vcpu": 8,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "Standard SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "Standard",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 16,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan binhai_do not delete 2",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "China",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "South China",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "Guangdong"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "Shenzhen",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:13:51",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "Shanghai",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-m5gnw3tv",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-bb0ab3pc Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 25,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 25,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
                "DataDiskSize": 0,
                "RestrictState": "NORMAL",
                "InstanceId": "ein-b6kee4dg",
                "ISP": "CTCC",
                "SecurityGroupIds": [],
                "SystemDisk": {
                    "DiskType": "LOCAL_BASIC",
                    "DiskId": "ldisk-9tvkpn8p",
                    "DiskSize": 50
                "ExpireTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "TagSet": null,
                "SimpleModule": {
                    "ModuleId": "em-xgi6r1hk",
                    "ModuleName": "Video V8-cedricliu"
                "DataDisks": null,
                "LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
                "UUID": "edf97143-b1e3-43d9-b34b-cfcf3fba1820",
                "SystemDiskSize": 50,
                "InstanceTypeConfig": {
                    "Frequency": "2.5 GHz",
                    "InstanceType": "SN3ne.4XLARGE32",
                    "Vcpu": 16,
                    "InstanceFamilyConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyName": "Standard SN3ne",
                        "InstanceFamily": "SN3ne"
                    "InstanceFamilyTypeConfig": {
                        "InstanceFamilyTypeName": "Standard",
                        "InstanceFamilyType": "S"
                    "CpuModelName": "Intel Xeon Skylake 6133",
                    "Memory": 32,
                    "ExtInfo": ""
                "RenewFlag": 0,
                "VirtualPrivateCloud": {
                    "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                    "VpcId": "vpc-95ytv1vr",
                    "AsVpcGateway": false,
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-fua8fff8",
                    "Ipv6AddressCount": 0
                "IsolatedTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "InstanceName": "jiaxuan binhai server_do not delete 2",
                "Position": {
                    "ZoneInfo": {
                        "ZoneId": 12000001,
                        "Zone": "ap-bhmini-ecm-1",
                        "ZoneName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                    "Country": {
                        "CountryName": "China",
                        "CountryId": "china"
                    "Area": {
                        "AreaName": "South China",
                        "AreaId": "china-south"
                    "Province": {
                        "ProvinceId": "china-south-guangdong",
                        "ProvinceName": "Guangdong"
                    "City": {
                        "CityName": "Shenzhen",
                        "CityId": "china-south-guangdong-shenzhen"
                    "RegionInfo": {
                        "RegionId": 0,
                        "Region": "ap-bhmini-ecm",
                        "RegionName": "Tencent Binhai Zone"
                "CreateTime": "2020-09-27 16:12:24",
                "Image": {
                    "SrcImage": {
                        "InstanceName": "",
                        "InstanceId": "",
                        "ImageOsName": "centos_test",
                        "ImageId": "img-test",
                        "ImageName": "centos",
                        "RegionID": 20,
                        "RegionName": "Shanghai",
                        "ImageType": "",
                        "ImageDescription": "info_test",
                        "Region": "ap-shanghai"
                    "ImageOsName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
                    "Platform": "CentOS",
                    "ImageName": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "ImageCreateTime": "",
                    "ImageOwner": 0,
                    "ImageSource": "OFFICIAL",
                    "ImageType": "PUBLIC_IMAGE",
                    "OsType": "linux",
                    "OsVersion": "7.6.0",
                    "ImageState": "NORMAL",
                    "ImageDescription": "CentOS 7.6 64-bit",
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "ImageSize": 50
                "InstanceState": "RUNNING",
                "Internet": {
                    "InstanceNetworkInfoSet": [
                            "Primary": true,
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-mhym6o89",
                            "NetworkInterfaceName": "ein-b6kee4dg Primary ENI",
                            "AddressInfoSet": [
                                    "PublicIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PublicIPAddress": "",
                                        "ISP": {
                                            "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                            "ISPId": "CTCC"
                                        "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                                        "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                                        "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                                    "PrivateIPAddressInfo": {
                                        "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PrivateIPAddressSet": [
                            "PrivateIPAddress": ""
                    "PublicIPAddressSet": [
                            "PublicIPAddress": "",
                            "ISP": {
                                "ISPName": "China Telecom",
                                "ISPId": "CTCC"
                            "MaxBandwidthOut": 105,
                            "ChargeMode": "BANDWIDTH_PACKAGE",
                            "MaxBandwidthIn": 0
                "NewFlag": 0,
                "ExpireState": "NORMAL",
                "PayMode": 0,
                "LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesPassword"
        "TotalCount": 15

5. Developer Resources


TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.

Command Line Interface

6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation Authentication failed.
FailedOperation.InternalOperationFailure Internal error.
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataFormat The data format is incorrect.
InvalidParameterValue.InvaildDescribeInstance Your input is incorrect, or you have no permission for the operation.
InvalidParameterValue.InvaildPageParam The pagination parameter is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidFilter The filter is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidInstanceID The instance ID is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidOrderByField The sort field is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.ParameterValueTooLarge The parameter value exceeds the limit.
ResourceNotFound.InstanceNotExist The instance is invalid.
UnauthorizedOperation.ForbiddenOperation You don't have the permission to perform this operation.
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