tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-12-12 22:03:57

title: Error - CODING Help Center pageTitle: Error pagePrevTitle: Update Images in K8s Clusters pagePrev: ci/plugins/html-report.html pageNextTitle: Push to CODING Docker Artifact Repository pageNext: ci/plugins/cci-push-docker.html alias: devops/ci/plugins/api-doc.html

In a sense, the "Error" in Continuous Integration is a terminator to stop the remaining steps and suspend the build process.

In Continuous Integration, add "Catch incorrect substep". The result will serve as a signal for whether to suspend the continuous integration task. If the result is successful, the remaining steps are run. Even if the result fails, the remaining steps are still run, but the build task is deemed to have failed.

==== 2021/06/30 ====
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