tencent cloud


K8s Clusters

Last updated: 2023-12-29 11:44:50
    This document describes how to use Continuous Integration to release a project to a K8s cluster.


    Before configuring the CODING Continuous Integration (CODING-CI) build environment, you must activate the CODING DevOps service for your Tencent Cloud account.

    Open Project

    1. Log in to the CODING Console and click the team domain name to go to CODING.
    2. Click
    in the upper-right corner to open the project list page and click a project icon to open the project.
    3. Select Continuous Integration from the menu on the left.
    Follow the steps below to easily deploy a project to a K8s cluster through Continuous Integration:
    1. Retrieve the username and password for the Docker repository (You can obtain them by creating an access token with one click in CODING Artifact Repository). Then, enter them in the environment variables of Continuous Integration.
    2. Build a Docker image and upload it to the repository.
    3. Using a cloud computing service provider (such as Tencent Cloud), create a K8s cluster and deployment. Retrieve kubeconfig and enter it in CODING Credential Management.
    4. Use the following Jenkinsfile in Continuous Integration: Run kubectl and deploy.


    pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
    stage('Check out') {
    steps {
    checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: env.GIT_BUILD_REF]],
    userRemoteConfigs: [[url: env.GIT_REPO_URL, credentialsId: env.CREDENTIALS_ID]]])
    stage('Build') {
    steps {
    echo 'building...'
    script {
    // Modify dockerServer, dockerPath, and imageName
    dockerServer = 'codes-farm-docker.pkg.coding.net'
    dockerPath = '/laravel-demo/laravel-docker'
    imageName = "${dockerServer}${dockerPath}/laravel-demo:1.0.0"
    def customImage = docker.build(imageName)
    // Push Docker image to repository
    docker.withRegistry("https://${dockerServer}", CODING_ARTIFACTS_CREDENTIALS_ID) {
    stage('Deploy to K8s') {
    steps {
    echo 'deploying...'
    script {
    // Modify credentialsId: Fill in the K8s credential ID
    withKubeConfig([credentialsId: 'f23cc59c-dfd1-40b9-a12f-2c9b6909e908']) {
    // Use kubectl to create a K8s secret key: originates from the environment variables DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASSWORD
    sh(script: "kubectl create secret docker-registry coding --docker-server=${dockerServer} --docker-username=${env.DOCKER_USER} --docker-password=${env.DOCKER_PASSWORD} --docker-email=support@coding.net", returnStatus: true)
    // Use kubectl to modify the K8s deployment: Specify the Docker image link and secret key
    // Modify laravel-demo and web to the values in your deployment
    sh "kubectl patch deployment laravel-demo --patch '{\\"spec\\": {\\"template\\": {\\"spec\\": {\\"containers\\": [{\\"name\\": \\"web\\", \\"image\\": \\"${imageName}\\"}], \\"imagePullSecrets\\": [{\\"name\\": \\"coding\\"}]}}}}'"


    As a K8s deployment includes at least five steps, we recommend you to use Continuous Deployment instead of writing all of them in Continuous Integration to facilitate future maintenance.
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