Personal Information | Use |
Configuration Data generated by the Customer when configuring the Control Center: LandingZone entry information: 1. Management department structure: management account department, business account department. 2. Manage core accounts: log management account and security management account creation method, account name, department, and payment method. 3. Setting corporate financial policies: financial policies, financial management and payment on behalf of the account, the name of the group subject. 4. Open protection rules: rule identification, rule name, rule description, risk level, rule opening status. 5. Manage identity permissions: permission name, permission description, permission type. 6. Cloud audit log delivery: tracking set name, tracking area, management event type, event name, cos bucket delivery area, cos bucket name, log file prefix. 7. Configure audit log delivery: delivery service name, cos bucket delivery area, cos bucket name, log file prefix. 8. Invite existing accounts: account ID, account name, financial privileges, payment mode, department, active exit operation. Multi-account baseline configuration information: 1. Private network baseline: belonging territory, network name, VPC segment, subnet name, subnet segment, subnet availability zone. 2. Security groups: region, security group name, security group remarks, rule type, access rule source, protocol port, rule policy, rule remarks. 3. Shared mirrors: geographic region, select shared mirrors. 4. Predefined label: label key, label value. 5. Message subscription: subscription product, subscription channel, message notification contact. 6. CAM password policy: password rules, password minimum length, periodic expiration time, password repeat limit, password retry limit. 7. New member account: member name, add baseline item, subject, financial authority, payment mode, department. 8. Apply baseline: select member account or department, select apply baseline item, modify baseline item content, apply baseline history. | We only process this data for the purposes of providing the Feature to you. Please note that this data is stored and backed up in our TDSQL-C Feature. |
Customer Log Data: 1. Member list information: member account ID, member name, department to which the member belongs, joining time, member financial authority, and payment mode 2. Login permission settings: permission name, permission description, permission type 3. Enterprise finance: enterprise finance structure, number of self-pay and pay-as-you-go members, member expense amount, expense percentage, expense-generating products and their amounts 4. Protection rules: number of rules turned on, number of non-compliant rules, rule name, risk level, rule status, evaluation results, creation time 5. Compliance audit: tracking set name, tracking area, drop cos bucket location, cos bucket name, log file prefix | We only process this data for the purposes of providing the Feature to you. Please note that this data is stored in and backed up in our TDSQL-C Feature. |
Personal Information | Retention Policy |
Configuration Data | Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Feature, and deleted within thirty (30) days upon receiving your request |
Customer Log Data | Stored for the lifetime of your use of the Feature, and deleted within thirty (30) days upon receiving your request. |
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