Operation Scenarios
This document describes how to create a compute environment on TCCLI, submit a job to it, and then terminate it.
Installing and configuring TCCLI
2. Run the following command to verify whether TCCLI is successfully installed:
If the following is returned, the installation is successful.
tccli batch <action> [--param...]
show the tccli batch help info
specify a batch api version
This API is used to query compute environment details
This API is used to create a task template
Creating COS bucket for result storage
In this example, the returned result is directly output to the standard output of the system. BatchCompute can collect stdout
and stderr
from the standard output and upload them to the specified COS bucket upon task completion. You need to create a bucket and a subfolder for storage in advance.
Creating compute environment
You can get and modify the official sample to create a BatchCompute compute environment under your personal account. The configuration items in the compute environment are as described below:
You can also refer to APIs related to compute environment, such as CreateComputeEnv. tccli batch CreateComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --ComputeEnv '{
"EnvName": "test compute env", // Compute environment name
"EnvDescription": "test compute env", // Compute environment description
"EnvType": "MANAGED", // Compute environment type, which is `managed` here
"EnvData": { // Specific configuration (please see the CVM instance creation description)
"InternetAccessible": {
"PublicIpAssigned": "TRUE",
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": 50
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "*****" // Login password (to be replaced)
"InstanceType": "S1.SMALL1", // CVM instance type
"ImageId": "img-xxxxyyyy" // CVM image ID (to be replaced)
"DesiredComputeNodeCount": 2 // Number of desired compute nodes
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2" // AZ (to be replaced)
Sample request
tccli batch CreateComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --ComputeEnv '{"EnvName": "test compute env", "EnvDescription": "test compute env", "EnvType": "MANAGED", "EnvData": {"InstanceType": "S1.SMALL2", "ImageId": "to be replaced", "LoginSettings": {"Password": "to be replaced"}, "InternetAccessible": {"PublicIpAssigned": "TRUE", "InternetMaxBandwidthOut": 50}, "SystemDisk": {"DiskType": "CLOUD_BASIC", "DiskSize": 50 } }, "DesiredComputeNodeCount": 2 }' --Placement '{"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2"}'
Sample return
In the following returned value, EnvId
indicates the unique ID of a BatchCompute compute environment.
"EnvId": "env-jlatqfkn",
"RequestId": "297ed003-7373-4950-9721-242d3d40b3ca"
Viewing compute environment list
Sample request
Run the following command to view the list of compute environments:
tccli batch DescribeComputeEnvs --version 2017-03-12
"TotalCount": 1,
"ComputeEnvSet": [
"EnvId": "env-jlatqfkn",
"ComputeNodeMetrics": {
"EnvType": "MANAGED",
"DesiredComputeNodeCount": 2,
"EnvName": "test compute env",
"Placement": {
"CreateTime": "2019-10-08T08:55:12Z"
"RequestId": "7a1f9338-0118-46bf-b59f-60ace9f154f5"
Viewing specified compute environment
Sample request
Run the following command to view a specified compute environment:
tccli batch DescribeComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --EnvId env-jlatqfkn
"EnvId": "env-jlatqfkn",
"ComputeNodeMetrics": {
"EnvType": "MANAGED",
"DesiredComputeNodeCount": 2,
"ComputeNodeSet": [
"RequestId": "407de39c-1c3d-489e-9a35-5257ae561e87",
"Placement": {
"EnvName": "test compute env",
"CreateTime": "2019-10-08T08:55:12Z"
Submitting job to specified compute environment
Sample request
Replace related information in the command as needed and run the following command to submit a job to a specified compute environment.
tccli batch SubmitJob --version 2017-03-12 --Job '{"JobName": "test job", "JobDescription": "xxx", "Priority": "1", "Tasks": [{"TaskName": "hello2", "TaskInstanceNum": 1, "Application": {"DeliveryForm": "LOCAL", "Command": "python -c \\"fib=lambda n:1 if n<=2 else fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); print(fib(20))\\" "}, "EnvId": "to be replaced", "RedirectInfo": {"StdoutRedirectPath": "to be replaced", "StderrRedirectPath": "to be replaced"} } ] }' --Placement '{"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2"}'
Sample return
"RequestId": "d6903404-5765-474b-b516-39137456fa5a",
"JobId": "job-qjq3mqp7"
Terminating compute environment
Sample request
Run the following command to terminate a compute environment:
tccli batch DeleteComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --EnvId env-jlatqfkn
Sample return
"RequestId": "029becda-2a4e-4989-aa77-6fbb5a873555"
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