tencent cloud


Building Cluster Using Compute Environment

Last updated: 2024-01-13 11:19:29


    With the capabilities of BatchCompute (Batch), you can easily and efficiently maintain the Cloud Virtual Machine (CVM) cluster. The Batch computing environment corresponds to common cluster concepts. This document describes how to use the capabilities of the Batch computing environment to create or terminate an ultra cost-effective resource cluster.


    You can get prepared as instructed by Preparation.


    Installing and Configuring TCCLI

    In the current computing environment, you can only call command lines. Install TCCLI by referring to the following steps.
    1. Install TCCLI by referring to Preparation.
    2. Run the following command to verify whether TCCLI is successfully installed:
    tccli batch help
    The returned result is as follows, indicating that TCCLI is successfully installed:
    tccli batch <action> [--param...]
    show the tccli batch help info
    specify a batch api version
    Used to query details of the computing environment
    Used to create a task template
    3. Configure TCCLI by referring to Preparation.

    Creating a Computing Environment

    You can acquire and modify the official example to create a Batch computing environment under a personal account. Learn each configuration item in the computing environment by referring to the following information. You can also refer to the APIs related to the computing environment, for example, CreateComputeEnv.
    The following example shows how to create a cluster with ten BS1.LARGE8 instances (Standard BatchCompute model, 4-core CPU and 8 GB memory) in Guangzhou Zone 2:
    tccli batch CreateComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --ComputeEnv '{
    "EnvName": "batch-env", // Computing environment name
    "EnvDescription": "batch env demo", // Computing environment description
    "EnvType": "MANAGED", // Computing environment type: MANAGED
    "EnvData": { // Specific configuration (Refer to the CVM instance creation description.)
    "InstanceType": "BS1.LARGE8", // CVM instance type in a computing environment
    "ImageId": "img-m4q71qnf", // CVM image ID in a computing environment, which can be replaced by a custom image ID
    "LoginSettings": {
    "Password": "B1[habcd" // CVM login password in a computing environment
    "InternetAccessible": {
    "PublicIpAssigned": "TRUE", // Whether the CVM requires a public IP address in a computing environment
    "InternetMaxBandwidthOut": 10 // CVM bandwidth cap in a computing environment
    "SystemDisk": {
    "DiskType": "CLOUD_BASIC", // Type of a CVM disk in a computing environment (HDD cloud disk is used now)
    "DiskSize": 50 // Size of a CVM disk in a computing environment
    "DesiredComputeNodeCount": 10 // Number of desired compute nodes
    "Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2" // Availability zone (Guangzhou Zone 2 now, you can change it if necessary)

    Sample Request

    tccli batch CreateComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --ComputeEnv '{"EnvName":"batch-env","EnvDescription":"batch env demo","EnvType":"MANAGED","EnvData":{"InstanceType":"BS1.LARGE8","ImageId":"img-m4q71qnf","LoginSettings":{"Password":"B1[habcd"},"InternetAccessible":{"PublicIpAssigned":"TRUE","InternetMaxBandwidthOut":50},"SystemDisk":{"DiskType":"CLOUD_BASIC","DiskSize":50}},"DesiredComputeNodeCount":1}' --Placement '{"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2"}'

    Response Example

    In the following return values, EnvId indicates the unique ID of a Batch computing environment. The following will describe how to use Batch command line interface (CLI) to check the computing environment and instance information within it, and EnvId will be used. You need to record the returned value of EnvId.
    "EnvId": "env-jlatqfkn",
    "RequestId": "297ed003-7373-4950-9721-242d3d40b3ca"
    You can view the created CVM in CVM Console or view and manage the CVM by using the CreateComputeEnv API.

    Viewing the List of Computing Environments

    You can use the Batch CLI to view the list of all created computing environments.

    Sample Request

    Run the following command to view the list of computing environments:
    tccli batch DescribeComputeEnvs --version 2017-03-12

    Response Example

    The following result contains information about the computing environment to be queried (some information is omitted):
    "TotalCount": 1,
    "ComputeEnvSet": [
    "EnvId": "env-jlatqfkn",
    "ComputeNodeMetrics": {
    "EnvType": "MANAGED",
    "DesiredComputeNodeCount": 2,
    "EnvName": "test compute env",
    "Placement": {
    "CreateTime": "2019-10-08T08:55:12Z"
    "RequestId": "7a1f9338-0118-46bf-b59f-60ace9f154f5"

    Viewing the Specified Computing Environment and Its Node List

    Sample Request

    Run the following command to view the specified computing environment and its node list:
    tccli batch DescribeComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --EnvId env-jlatqfkn

    Response Example

    The following result contains the overall computing environment and details of each node (some information is omitted):
    "EnvId": "env-jlatqfkn",
    "ComputeNodeMetrics": {
    "EnvType": "MANAGED",
    "DesiredComputeNodeCount": 2,
    "ComputeNodeSet": [
    "RequestId": "407de39c-1c3d-489e-9a35-5257ae561e87",
    "Placement": {
    "EnvName": "test compute env",
    "CreateTime": "2019-10-08T08:55:12Z"

    Terminating a Computing Environment

    Sample Request

    Run the following command to terminate the computing environment. After you run the command, the computing environment automatically terminates all CVMs in the cluster.
    tccli batch DeleteComputeEnv --version 2017-03-12 --EnvId env-jlatqfkn

    Response Example

    "RequestId": "029becda-2a4e-4989-aa77-6fbb5a873555"
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