This document describes how to create logsets and log topics specific to FL. All of these logsets and log topics are marked with “Flowlog”. The dashboard can be created only for those logsets and log topics to view the FL data of ENIs.
1. Role authorization
2. Create a logset
3. Create a log topic
4. Search a log record/Delete a log topic
Role authorization
If you are creating a logset and log topic on this page for the first time, please complete the role authorization as instructed.
1. Log in to the VPC console and select Flow Logs > Logs in the left sidebar. Click Go to authorization in the pop-up dialog box. 2. Click Grant.
3. Click Authorization completed.
Creating a logset
Only one “flowlog_logset” logset can be created under a region.
1. Log in to the VPC console and select Flow Log > Topic in the left sidebar. 2. On the page that appears, click Create a logset and then click OK. The logset “flowlog_logset” is created automatically.
Creating a log topic
1. Click + New in the log topic section.
2. In the “Add a log topic” dialog box that pops up, configure the log topic.
Parameter description:
Topic name: The custom log topic name.
FL type: ENI.
Retention period: The custom log retention period. At least one day is required.
3. Click OK.
Searching a log record
1. Click Search on the right of the log topic.
2. You will be directed to the search and analysis page in CLS, where you can view the log records of the log topic.
Deleting a log topic
The log topic can be deleted only when no record of the log topic exists.
1. Click Delete on the right of the log topic.
2. Click OK in the pop-up dialog box.