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Log dashboard
Last updated: 2024-12-06 15:23:09
Log dashboard
Last updated: 2024-12-06 15:23:09
Advanced Analysis provides intuitive and clear log records on the dashboard to help you locate issues quickly. You can create a dashboard and view the analysis data of the flow logs of ENIs under the logset "flowlog_logset" on the dashboard.


You have created the logset “flowlog_logset” and its log topic. After that, a dashboard corresponding to the log topic will be created automatically. You can view the dashboard data on the advanced analysis page.

View Dashboard Data

1. Log in to the VPC console and select Flow Logs > Advanced Analysis in the left sidebar.
2. Select the region, log topic and query period. The log record based on the specified conditions will be displayed.

Create a Dashboard

If the dashboard is deleted in the CLS, or it is failed to be created automatically, you can refer to this section to create a dashboard.
1. Log in to the VPC console and select Flow Logs > Advanced Analysis in the left sidebar.
2. Select the region and log topic. Click Create.
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