Tencent Cloud allows you to save bill data as files to COS buckets on a regular basis. If the volume of your bill data is high (for example, if over 200,000 bill entries are generated for a month), bill data query via APIs may be slow. In this case, we recommend you enable bill storage so that you can obtain bill files from COS buckets for analysis.
Enabling Bill Storage to COS
2. Grant access to the service role.
In the pop-up window, click Authorize and, on the authorization page, click Grant.
3. Set storage information.
Select a bill type and a COS bucket to save bill files. You can also save the bill files of your member accounts to a COS bucket.
Bill Type
Daily bills: After this feature is enabled, a bill summary from the 1st day to another day (Day) of the current month will be delivered between 3 am and 10 pm on the following day (Day+1).
For example, on April 6, a bill summary for the period from April 1 to April 5 will be added, and on April 8, a bill summary for the period from April 1 to April 7 will be added. File name example: 100010445724-20241208-by_used_time-bill_details.zip.
Monthly bills: On the 2nd day of every month, a complete detailed bill for the previous month will be updated. If the option to synchronize historical monthly bills is checked, detailed monthly bills for the past 18 months will be synchronized at a time to the corresponding COS bucket on the following day. File name example: 100010445724-202411-by_used_time-bill_details.zip.
Monthly bill pack: After activation, it will be pushed on the day following the subscription (Day+1). Should there be any updates to historical bills, they will be re-pushed synchronously. If the option to synchronize historical monthly bills is checked, a one-time synchronization of detailed monthly bills for the past 18 months will be conducted the following day to the corresponding COS bucket. File name example: 100010445724-202411-by_used_time-bill_pack.zip.
Cost allocation bill - daily details: After this feature is enabled, the bill for a day (Day) will be pushed on the following day (Day+1). If there are any updates to historical bills, they will be re-pushed synchronously. File name example: 100010445724-20241208-Cost Allocation Bill-Component-detail.zip.
Cost allocation bill - monthly details: Complete details of cost allocation bills for the previous month will be updated on the 4th day of every month. File name example: 100010445724-202411-Cost Allocation Bill-Component-detail.zip.
Consumption bill - daily details: After activation, the push will be completed before 10 am on Day+1. To maintain synchronization with updates at the console, you may check the Day+2 update on the storage information settings page, which supports the full update and reporting of postpaid daily settlement data to the COS bucket. File name example: 200030364853-20241206-consumption_bill_details.zip.
Consumption bill - monthly: After activation, complete details of the previous month's consumption bill will be updated on the 2nd of every month. File name example: 200030364853-202411-consumption_bill_details.zip.
Consumption bill - monthly cumulative details: After activation, the push will be completed before 10 am on Day+1. For daily updated monthly cumulative bill details, the summary bill accumulated from the 1st of the current month to the Day will be reported on Day+1.
For example, on April 6, the consumption summary bill from April 1 to April 5 will be updated and reported. File name example: 200029082654-20241208-consumption_monthly_bill_details.zip.
Other Operations
To disable bill storage, follow the steps below.
1.1 Set Bill Storage to . 1.2 In the pop-up window, click Disable Storage.
1.3 Click Confirm to disable bill storage. Existing data in the bucket will be kept, but new bill data will no longer be saved to the bucket.
To change the bucket, select the new bucket you want to use and click Save. Existing data in the old bucket will be kept, while new bill data will be saved to the new bucket.