tencent cloud


January 1, 2024 - Announcement on the Upgrade to Enhanced 95th Percentile Bandwidth Package

最終更新日:2023-11-30 20:51:27
Dear Tencent Cloud user, Thank you for your long-term attention and support for Tencent Cloud. In our ongoing efforts to provide you with superior and more stable network services, we would like to inform you that starting from 00:00 on January 1, 2024, Tencent Cloud plans to upgrade the pay-as-you-go - monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package to the pay-as-you-go - enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package. You will enjoy the following benefits after the upgrade:
The fee calculation changes from monthly peak bandwidth to monthly average bandwidth. The monthly 95th percentile package collects the values of inbound and outbound bandwidth every 5 minutes and takes the higher one between these two as the peak bandwidth. The enhanced 95th percentile package collects the values of inbound and outbound bandwidth every 5 minutes and takes the average bandwidth as the peak bandwidth. This ensures that the billed bandwidth value can reflect your actual usage more precisely.
Bandwidth upper limit can be set. The enhanced 95th percentile package allows you to set a bandwidth upper limit to ensure that your network traffic will not go beyond your expectations.
Guaranteed bandwidth is supported. The enhanced 95th percentile package can calculate the guaranteed bandwidth in proportion to the bandwidth upper limit you set. The guaranteed bandwidth is a commitment. When bandwidth contention occurs, the guaranteed bandwidth peak will not be restricted. For billing method details, please see Pay-as-you-go - Enhanced 95th Percentile.

Upgrade Procedure

1. If you want to upgrade the bandwidth package of BGP IP to pay-as-you-go - enhanced 95th percentile, follow the steps below: 1.1. Log in to the bandwidth package console and create an enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package. 1.2. Migrate the resources from the monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package of BGP to the enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package. After the migration is completed, delete the original monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package.
2. If you want to upgrade the bandwidth package of static single-line IP to pay-as-you-go - enhanced 95th percentile, submit a ticket.
Thank you for your trust in and support for Tencent Cloud. If you have any questions when using cloud services, see FAQs of billing mode upgrade or ask for online technical support. Yours faithfully, Tencent Cloud Team




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