tencent cloud


FAQ of upgrade to enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package

最終更新日:2024-01-09 16:30:00

    Why should I upgrade to the enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package?

    The billing method of this package can reflect the actual bandwidth of your business more precisely. You can also set a bandwidth upper limit to ensure that your business bandwidth does not go beyond expectations. In addition, the package provides you with guaranteed bandwidth. After the upgrade, you can enjoy superior and more stable network services. No new monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package for BGP IP can be created starting from April 1, 2023. No new monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package for static single-line IP can be created starting from June 1, 2023. Tencent Cloud plans to upgrade the pay-as-you-go - monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package to the pay-as-you-go - enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package starting from January 1, 2024.

    How do I upgrade the package?

    1. If you want to upgrade the bandwidth package of BGP IP to pay-as-you-go - enhanced 95th percentile, follow the steps below: 1.1. Log in to the bandwidth package console and create an enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package. 1.2. Migrate the resources from the monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package of BGP to the enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package. After the migration is completed, delete the original monthly 95th percentile bandwidth package.
    2. If you want to upgrade the bandwidth package of static single-line IP to pay-as-you-go - enhanced 95th percentile, submit a ticket.

    Will the fee increase or decrease after the upgrade?

    It depends on your actual business bandwidth and business model. You can submit a ticket or contact your business manager to calculate the fee.

    What is the effective scope of the upgrade?

    The effective scope is as follows:
    Standard accounts only.
    Existing monthly 95th percentile bandwidth packages for regular BGP IPs, accelerated BGP IPs, and static single-line IPs.
    Starting from January 1, 2024, only enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth packages can be created. Existing monthly 95th percentile bandwidth packages will be upgraded to enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth packages. The upgrade cannot be undone.
    The billed bandwidth will change based on the actual usage due to the sampling mode change.

    What do I need to prepare before upgrading?

    Before upgrading, you need to properly decide the bandwidth upper limit of the enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth package.
    The default guaranteed bandwidth threshold is 20%. If your business bandwidth is lower than the guaranteed bandwidth, only a small amount of fees for guaranteed bandwidth are charged. If bandwidth contention occurs during peak hours, the guaranteed bandwidth can ensure the continuity and stability of your business. If your business bandwidth is higher than the guaranteed bandwidth, fees are charged according to actual usage.
    Before upgrading, please check whether your account has sufficient frozen amount. The default frozen amount ratio is 40% for enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth packages for BGP IPs and 60% for enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth packages for static single-line IPs.




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