tencent cloud


Product Strengths

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-10-24 14:38:21

    Large bandwidth and low latency

    The traffic between VPCs connected via Private Link goes over the Tencent Cloud private network, which features large bandwidth and low latency.

    Secure and controllable

    Service consumers can bind their endpoints to security groups for access control. Service providers can add the consumer accounts to the allowlist to, ensuring controlled and secure communications.

    Easy management

    Private Link establishes service connections between service user and service provider through endpoints and endpoint services. It supports cross-VPC access in the same region under the same account or across accounts, eliminating the need for complex routing and security configurations.

    Metric-based monitoring

    Private Link provides metric-based monitoring for endpoints and endpoint services to facilitate timely understanding of service status and improve maintenance efficiency.

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