tencent cloud


Detaching Cloud Disks

마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-12-22 10:01:52


    When you need to mount an elastic cloud disk that is a data disk on another CVM, you can unmount this elastic cloud disk from a CVM, and then mount it to other CVMs. Unmounting an elastic cloud disk does not erase data on this disk. Currently, unmounting of elastic cloud disks that are data disk is supported. You cannot unmount system disks or non-elastic cloud disks. To unmount a cloud disk, you must execute umount (Linux) or offline (Windows) operations. Otherwise, the elastic cloud disk may not be recognized by the CVM next time it is mounted.


    Before unmounting the data disk, make sure you understand the following prerequisites:
    To prevent data loss, we recommend that you suspend read and write operations on all file systems of the disk. Otherwise, data that has not been read or written will be lost.
    When detaching an elastic cloud disk, you must first set the disk to offline status. Otherwise, you may not be able to reattach the cloud disk unless you restart the CVM instance.
    You must first log In to the instance, and perform a umount operation on the elastic cloud disk you want to unmount. If you directly force unmounting without executing the umount operation, the problem shown in the following figure may occur during shutdown and bootup:
    If you create a logical volume (LV) in the CVM instance, detaching the disk directly in the console will cause part of the device data to remain in the CVM memory. If a CVM application attempts to traverse or access this device, a system error will occur. Therefore, you must first execute the following operations (this example assumes that the /dev/test/lv1 LV is created based on /dev/vdb1 and is attached to the /data directory): a. Execute the umount /data command to detach the disk from the corresponding mount point in the CVM instance. b. Execute the lvremove /dev/test/lv1 command to remove the LV. If there are multiple LVs, remove them one by one. c. Execute the vgremove test command to remove the VG. d. Execute the pvremove /dev/vdb1 command to remove the PV. e. Modify the /etc/fstab file to avoid the continuous mounting of the corresponding LV on next bootup.


    Detaching cloud disks in the console
    Detaching cloud disks via API
    1. Log in to the CBS console.
    2. You can use the following method to unmount a cloud disk: a. Detach one cloud disk: Select More > Detach on the row of the target cloud disk in Attached status. b. Batch detach cloud disks: Select multiple target cloud disks in Attached status and click Detach above the list.
    3. In the Detach cloud disk pop-up window, confirm the warning and click OK.
    You can use the DetachDisks API to unmount a cloud disk. For more information, see Unmounting cloud disks.


    If you cannot detach cloud disks from Windows CVM instances in the console, see Unable to Detach Cloud Disks from CVM Instances for Windows for troubleshooting.

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