tencent cloud


Commercialization FAQs

마지막 업데이트 시간:2023-07-10 16:42:55
    CBS snapshot underwent beta test since 2016, and launched formal commercialization on Tencent Cloud China from 00:00, January 22, 2019 and on Tencent Cloud International from March 1, 2019. After commercialization, all the existing and new snapshots will be charged by the used capacity.
    Images use the CBS snapshot service for data storage. As a result, retaining custom images occupies capacity of your snapshot and incurs costs.

    Commercialization Details

    Snapshot commercialization date and scope

    The snapshot commercialization applies to all users on Tencent Cloud China and Tencent Cloud International. Snapshot was commercialized on Tencent Cloud China at the specific point in time below:
    00:00, January 22, 2019, Northeast Asia Pacific (Tokyo) formally commercialized.
    00:00, January 23, 2019, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, China (Hong Kong), and other regions outside Mainland China formally commercialized.
    00:00, January 24, 2019, South China (Shenzhen Finance), South China (Guangzhou Open), and East China (Shanghai Finance) formally commercialized.
    00:00, January 25, 2019, North China (Beijing), East China (Shanghai), South China (Guangzhou), and Southwest China (Chengdu and Chongqing) formally commercialized.
    Snapshot was commercialized on Tencent Cloud International since March 1, 2019.

    Service upgrades after commercialization

    After snapshot commercialization, Tencent Cloud will provide users with better service.
    Listed below are maximum values supported in the same region under a single Tencent Cloud account.
    Before Commercialization
    After Commercialization
    Number of snapshots
    7 times the number of CBS disk in the region
    Each CBS disk can save up to 64 snapshots. Please take note of the number of snapshots and delete unnecessary ones to free up space
    Total snapshot capacity
    20 TB
    No limit
    Number of scheduled snapshot policies
    Number of cloud disks that can be bound to a scheduled snapshot policy
    Maximum cloud disk capacity supported by scheduled snapshots
    1000 GB
    16 TB

    Snapshots and images

    Images use CBS snapshot service for data storage. When an image is created, a snapshot is automatically generated and bound to the image accordingly. To delete the snapshot, you must first delete the image. You can check image details for information about the snapshot that is associated with the custom image.
    When using shared images, only the Tencent Cloud account that created the shared image needs to pay for associated snapshot fees. The shared user does not need to pay.
    Associated snapshots generated by custom images are billed by the actual capacity, which can be queried in the snapshot overview.
    If your Tencent Cloud account is in arrears, you are unable to create custom images, so ensure you have sufficient balance under your account before creating a custom image.

    Snapshot billing

    Billing rules

    Billing mode: you are charged according to the total storage capacity of your snapshots. Each region is charged separately. Currently, CBS is pay-as-you-go on an hourly billing cycle.
    Billing standard: snapshot billing varies by regions. For more information, see Pricing List.
    Freezing policy: once your Tencent Cloud account is in arrears, snapshot services are immediately suspended, including creation, rollback, cross-region replication, and scheduled snapshot policies. After the account has been in arrears for 30 days, all snapshots will be deleted.

    Free tier

    Tencent Cloud offers 50 GB of free storage space to users in China. The detailed policy is as follows:
    Free tier applies to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, and Hong Kong (China). Currently, overseas regions are not supported.
    Cloud disks in the aforementioned regions with a status other than to be repossessed or terminated get 50 GB of free snapshot storage.
    This free tier will be phased out in July 2020.

    Billing example

    The following table describes how snapshot storage is billed under different circumstance:
    Total snapshot capacity
    Cloud disk quantity and status
    North China (Beijing)
    1 cloud disk To be repossessed
    Not eligible for the free tier currently. Total snapshot capacity is 100 GB billed by pay-as-you-go on an hourly basis.
    After the cloud disk is renewed or a new cloud disk is purchased, the free tier is applicable. Total snapshot capacity is 100GB - 50GB = 50GB billed by pay-as-you-go on an hourly basis.
    Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, China (Hong Kong)
    1 cloud disk Mounted
    Eligible for the free tier. Total snapshot capacity is 60 GB - 50 GB = 10 GB billed by pay-as-you-go on an hourly basis.
    Southeast Asia Pacific (Singapore)
    1 cloud disk Mounted
    Not eligible for the free tier. Total snapshot capacity is 40 GB billed by pay-as-you-go on an hourly basis..

    Manual snapshots and scheduled snapshots

    Tencent Cloud provides you with the following two methods to create snapshots:
    Manual snapshots: you can manually create a snapshot for cloud disk data at a certain point in time. This snapshot can be used to create more cloud disks with identical data, or to restore the cloud disk to the status at this point in time later. For more information, see Creating Snapshots.
    Scheduled snapshots: for continuously updated business, you can use scheduled snapshots to create continuous data backups. To achieve continuous backups of cloud disk data over a certain period, you just need to configure a backup policy and associate it with cloud disks, significantly enhancing data security.

    How to effectively reduce snapshot costs after commercialization

    If you plan to continue using snapshots

    Delete snapshots no longer in use.
    Delete custom images no longer in use and their associated snapshots.
    Reduce snapshot creation frequency for non-core businesses.
    Reduce snapshot storage time for non-core businesses.
    Business Scenario
    Recommended Snapshot
    Retention Period
    Core businesses
    Scheduled snapshots, with the policy set for once every day.
    7-30 days
    Non-core, non-data businesses
    Scheduled snapshots, with the policy set for once every week
    7 days
    Archive businesses
    Manual snapshots created from time to time based on business needs
    One month or above
    Testing businesses
    Manual snapshots created from time to time based on business needs
    Delete promptly after use

    If you plan to stop using snapshots

    Check and delete existing snapshots: check and delete stored snapshots in each region.
    Check and delete existing custom images and associated snapshots: check and delete stored custom images in each region, and then delete their associated snapshots.
    Check and modify scheduled snapshot policies: check the scheduling policy of each region, delete or disable the policy to prevent continued generation of new scheduled snapshots.

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