tencent cloud


Granting Billing-related CAM Access

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-01-02 15:14:59


    This document shows you how to grant a sub-account (sub-user/collaborator) read-only or read/write access to bills via the CAM console.


    Creating sub-user/collaborator

    For detailed directions on how to create a sub-user/collaborator, see Creating Sub-user/Creating Collaborator.

    Associating preset policy

    1. On the User List page, find the target sub-user/collaborator and click Authorize.
    2. Select a billing-related preset policy (e.g., QcloudFinanceBillReadOnlyAccess) you want to associate and click Confirm.
    For detailed directions, see Authorization Management.
    Read-only access to bills
    The sub-user/collaborator can read the bills of the root account and its sub-accounts, but are not allowed to configure bill storage, confirm bills, apply for stamps, or set cost allocation tags.
    Note: If a sub-user/collaborator had been associated with the QCloudResourceFullAccess policy before July 29, 2021, you need to disassociate and associate the policy again; otherwise, all billing-related permissions will be denied.
    Read/Write access to bills
    The sub-user/collaborator has read/write access to the bills of the root account and its sub-accounts.
    If a sub-user/collaborator had been associated with the QCloudResourceFullAccess policy before July 29, 2021, you need to disassociate and associate the policy again; otherwise, all billing-related permissions will be denied.
    To allow the sub-user/collaborator to configure bill storage, you also need to associate it with the following policies:
    QcloudCOSGetServiceAccess (access to COS buckets)
    QcloudCamSubaccountsAuthorizeRoleFullAccess (permission to authorize CAM service roles)
    All billing-related access
    The sub-user/collaborator can perform any billing-related operation, such as payment or invoicing, for the root account and its sub-accounts.
    Administrator access
    The sub-user/collaborator can manage all users and their permissions, billing information, and resources under the root account.

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