tencent cloud


最后更新时间:2023-12-04 16:38:12

    Release 13

    Release time: 2023-12-04 16:37:23

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Modified APIs:

    Release 12

    Release time: 2023-03-24 10:16:08

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Modified data structures:

    Release 11

    Release time: 2023-03-14 16:10:09

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Modified APIs:

    • CreateEnvironment
      • New input parameters:SetupVpc, SetupPrometheus, PrometheusId, ApmId
      • Modified input parameters: Vpc, SubnetIds

    Modified data structures:

    Release 10

    Release time: 2023-01-11 16:58:11

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    New APIs:

    Modified APIs:

    New data structures:

    Modified data structures:

    • EksService
      • New members:ServicePortMappingList, FlushAll, EnableRegistryNextDeploy, ApplicationId, AllIpDone
    • HorizontalAutoscaler
      • New members:DoubleThreshold
    • NamespacePage
      • New members:Current
    • RunVersionPod
      • New members:NodeInfo, StartTime, Unhealthy, UnhealthyWarningMsg, VersionId, ApplicationName
    • ServiceVersionBrief
      • New members:BatchDeployStatus, Zones, NodeInfos, PodList, WorkloadInfo, CreateDate
    • TemNamespaceInfo
      • New members:AppId, Uin, SubAccountUin, ClusterId, Tags, HasAuthority, EnvType, RegionId

    Release 9

    Release time: 2022-09-23 18:10:19

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    New APIs:

    Modified APIs:

    New data structures:

    Modified data structures:

    Release 8

    Release time: 2022-07-14 11:21:07

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    New APIs:

    New data structures:

    Release 7

    Release time: 2022-07-04 10:47:38

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Modified APIs:

    Modified data structures:

    • HorizontalAutoscaler
      • New members:Enabled
      • Modified members: MinReplicas, MaxReplicas, Metrics, Threshold

    Release 6

    Release time: 2022-06-24 10:41:04

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    New APIs:

    Release 5

    Release time: 2022-05-06 10:14:39

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Deleted APIs:

    • CreateApplication
    • DeleteApplication

    Modified APIs:

    New data structures:

    Modified data structures:

    Release 4

    Release time: 2022-03-15 11:05:51

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Modified APIs:

    Modified data structures:

    Release 3

    Release time: 2022-02-23 10:51:34

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    Modified APIs:

    Modified data structures:

    Release 2

    Release time: 2022-02-11 16:11:08

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    New APIs:

    Release 1

    Release time: 2021-08-25 15:10:31

    Release updates:

    Improvement to existing documentation.

    New APIs:

    New data structures:





    7x24 电话支持