This API is used to create a CLB listener that provides the request forwarding rules, including parameters such as port, protocol, session persistence, and health check.
Domain name for API calls:
The listener configuration rules are as follows:
The list below contains only the API request parameters. Common parameters should be added when you call the API. For more information, see Common Request Parameters. The Action
field for this API is CreateLoadBalancerListeners
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
loadBalancerId | Yes | String | CLB instance ID, which can be queried via the DescribeLoadBalancers API. |
listeners.n.loadBalancerPort | Yes | Int | Listening port of the CLB listener. Valid range: 1-65535. listeners is an array. You can create n listeners, and n is a subscript. |
listeners.n.instancePort | Yes | Int | Listening port of CLB listener’s real server. Value range: 1-65535. |
listeners.n.protocol | Yes | Int | Protocol type of the CLB listener. 1: HTTP; 2: TCP; 3: UDP; 4: HTTPS. Public network CLB listeners support HTTP, UDP, TCP and HTTPS protocols; Private network CLB listeners only support TCP and UDP protocols. |
listeners.n.listenerName | No | String | Name of the CLB listener. |
listeners.n.sessionExpire | No | Int | Session persistence duration of the CLB listener. Value range: 0 or 30-3600. Default value: 0. |
listeners.n.healthSwitch | No | Int | Whether to enable the health check for CLB listeners. 1: enable; 0: disable. Default value: 1. |
listeners.n.timeOut | No | Int | Response timeout of health check for the CLB listener, in seconds. Valid range: 2-60, default value: 2. This parameter should be less than the check interval. This parameter is currently unavailable to public network CLB listeners with HTTP or HTTPS protocol. |
listeners.n.intervalTime | No | Int | Health check interval for the CLB listener, in seconds. Value range: 5-300. Default value: 5. |
listeners.n.healthNum | No | Int | Healthy threshold of the CLB listener. Value range: 2-10. Default value: 3, indicating that if a forward is found healthy three consecutive times, it is considered to be normal. |
llisteners.n.unhealthNum | No | Int | Unhealthy threshold of the CLB listener. Value range: 2-10. Default value: 3, indicating that if a forward is found unhealthy three consecutive times, it is considered to be abnormal. |
listeners.n.httpHash | No | String | Forwarding method of the CLB listener. Only public CLB instances with HTTP or HTTPs listeners support this parameter. Valid values: wrr (weighted round robin), ip_hash (forwarding the hash of the source IP to the real server), least_conn (least connection). Default value: wrr. |
listeners.n.scheduler | No | String | Forwarding method of the CLB listener. Only public CLB instances with TCP or UDP listeners support this field. Valid values: wrr (weighted round robin), least_conn (least connection). Default value: wrr. |
listeners.n.httpCode | No | Int | Return code for health status of the HTTP or HTTPS listener of public network CLB instances. Valid range: 1-31. Default value: 31. 1 represents a return code of 1xx (healthy). 2 represents a return code of 2xx (healthy). 4 represents a return code of 3xx (healthy). 8 represents a return code of 4xx (healthy). 16 represents a return code of 5xx (healthy). If there are multiple codes that can show the healthy status, enter the accumulated value corresponding to such codes. |
listeners.n.httpCheckPath | No | String | Health check path for the HTTP or HTTPS listener of public network CLB instances. Default value: / . It must be started with / |
listeners.n.SSLMode | No | String | SSL authentication type of the HTTPS listener of public network CLB instances. unidirectional: one-way authentication; mutual: mutual authentication. This parameter is required to a HTTPS listener. |
listeners.n.certId | No | String | Server certificate ID. For HTTPS listeners, if this field is left empty, you must upload server certificate by specifying parameters including certContent, certKey, and certName. |
listeners.n.certCaId | No | String | Client certificate ID. For HTTPS listeners, if SSLMode=mutual and this field is left empty, you must upload client certificate by specifying the certCaContent and certCaName parameters. |
listeners.n.certCaContent | No | String | Content of the client certificate uploaded. For HTTPS listeners, if SSLMode=mutual and certCaId is left empty, this parameter must be passed in. |
listeners.n.certCaName | No | String | Name of the client CA certificate uploaded. For HTTPS listeners, if SSLMode=mutual and certCaId is left empty, this parameter must be passed in. |
listeners.n.certContent | No | String | Content of the server certificate uploaded. For HTTPS listeners, if certId is left empty, this parameter must be passed in. |
listeners.n.certKey | No | String | Key of the server certificate uploaded. For HTTPS listeners, if certId is left empty, this parameter must be passed in. |
listeners.n.certName | No | String | Name of the server certificate uploaded. For HTTPS listeners, if certId is left empty, this parameter must be passed in. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
code | Int | Common error code. 0: success; other values: failure. For more information, see Common Error Codes. |
message | String | API-related module error message description. |
codeDesc | String | Error code. For a successful operation, "Success" is returned. For a failed operation, a message describing the failure is returned. |
requestId | Int | Request task ID. The operation status can be queried via the DescribeLoadBalancersTaskResult API. |
listenerIds | Array | Listener ID array. |
Request &<Common request parameters> &loadBalancerId=lb-abcdefgh &listeners.0.loadBalancerPort=443 &listeners.0.instancePort=443 &listeners.0.protocol=4 &listeners.0.SSLMode=mutual &listeners.0.certName=myCertName &listeners.0.certContent=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIE0DCCA7igAwIBAgIQEgaTYAJIpw1PQxjSr1FlTDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBP MQswCQYDVQQGEwJDTjEaMBgGA1UEChMRV29TaWduIENBIExpbWl0ZWQxJDAiBgNV BAMMG0NBIOayg+mAmuWFjei0uVNTTOivgeS5piBHMjAeFw0xNjA1MTMwODIxMjVa Fw0xODA2MTMwODIxMjVaMBUxEzARBgNVBAMMCmcuZi14ai5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC4/Ei7dxUJYXgY1V1PflCMwUrkG8Ack0vw +C/hCzivNBw5N0WA1Tch4REOIyDPIBq2wiblw4kSsHOF5CfB9DwDhaknZwzwyynZ Wr2NekKjoo6x0viqFydVyiVWGzW1qr6Dn9tiDcp75W/Os+nUzKHcc0Wd5aHvjGKD 6xEPQKLvCZ0F4208rHWcoSnYiaFJPUAfegd8JvK5al0BvSZoXICo6Taf5x4xHag1 6ymINH1ClLcAIOpAITWddqV20xaXrvdU7J0BusmYkHc840X3cvBywjFurzN5oLg2 vtVQhGm6qJ/Fjqdg8w40BZkTQb4PlEX8AJ27g+548giuVnLzf8CHAgMBAAGjggHg MIIB3DAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCBaAwHQYDVR0lBBYwFAYIKwYBBQUHAwIGCCsGAQUF BwMBMAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwHQYDVR0OBBYEFBvlTUGHZ/GGU4qGT+T7r/Zbcg0pMB8G A1UdIwQYMBaAFDDadIbzKJBWntcxMcK9Wc2TEjkdMH8GCCsGAQUFBwEBBHMwcTA1 BggrBgEFBQcwAYYpaHR0cDovL29jc3AyLndvc2lnbi5jbi9jYTJnMi9zZXJ2ZXIx L2ZyZWUwOAYIKwYBBQUHMAKGLGh0dHA6Ly9haWEyLndvc2lnbi5jbi9jYTJnMi5z ZXJ2ZXIxLmZyZWUuY2VyMD4GA1UdHwQ3MDUwM6AxoC+GLWh0dHA6Ly9jcmxzMi53 b3NpZ24uY24vY2EyZzItc2VydmVyMS1mcmVlLmNybDBOBgNVHREERzBFggpnLmYt eGouY29tghBzY2hvbGFyLmYteGouY29tggt5dC5mLXhqLmNvbYILZmIuZi14ai5j b22CC3R3LmYteGouY29tME8GA1UdIARIMEYwCAYGZ4EMAQIBMDoGCysGAQQBgptR AQECMCswKQYIKwYBBQUHAgEWHWh0dHA6Ly93d3cud29zaWduLmNvbS9wb2xpY3kv MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQCJSd/1xmxwnT/TtKvvxTvDnkCpfsFYVmqiHB/Z rXiMdgobUOfF7C8kcBCTqSQAXZF3fjJ1KyhNulvKOffzGGYp+rMwoTAmfaNLUxD/ X9gPLxZCiysDBQ1BLe16k4aKUHIOmqQNF1MD/8hOZBxjevctKaXc4Xqm2gxJLxDH RoY3HKZcdB6t/x7YJU640wvaFqDqIgR6Pc74YjtLrNjkXcf/IQU7c2yjZt9NIGeS OTku5DmFasRf04tmE7naB+wkUZOwAqGK8CESNS11BYZjO/M4G/ALS8zCpShUy89H hYiYAG5jdNI4vyWwaU4428nG3YvKzlTOpCaowqgbyCcqmtAT -----END CERTIFICATE----- &listeners.0.certKey=-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- your own key -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- &listeners.0.certCaContent=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEPDCCAySgAwIBAgIJAJiHd00fZNxoMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMHExCzAJBgNV BAYTAkNOMQswCQYDVQQIEwJHUzELMAkGA1UEBxMCU1oxDTALBgNVBAoTBFhYWFgx DjAMBgNVBAsTBVhYWFhYMQ4wDAYDVQQDEwVBQUFBQTEZMBcGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYK d3d3QHFxLmNvbTAeFw0xNjA4MTExMTUyNTZaFw0xNzA4MDIxMTUyNTZaMHExCzAJ BgNVBAYTAkNOMQswCQYDVQQIEwJHUzELMAkGA1UEBxMCU1oxDTALBgNVBAoTBFhY WFgxDjAMBgNVBAsTBVhYWFhYMQ4wDAYDVQQDEwVBQUFBQTEZMBcGCSqGSIb3DQEJ ARYKd3d3QHFxLmNvbTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAM29 SL0TlZaqZb4jEjZ8mkwSeWGVhYaskYtDvxvZQSHZF2A1DtpGojsz+Z3KxgVo4edj Y26lfxmFPwPhxoBRgCYDqEOLAOKWRxzXYyP2kr9FN4vs0hzizT4IVxJciOUwmIaQ bjzzFQN5BeJ/UTekrs1/YwfJAakP7TvoKUlfBvkKFzRlgdxnGk+/C7+cg1P9F9J4 rjm/Rn+0HhO0QshsAo1IT4jZF356yvk/g0upLhZexo39jKf4ypmtcHTusYcAoRGh bCk26taM4aeQxMnB715ZkQhqB1+dyM6SWRFysYpteEK+jEH8wWPQriqIlcRJxncy /8B4RmHIJxXRG8Tb8TUCAwEAAaOB1jCB0zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUp/qOq6q7ezAVxEhX trsPMa4aiq4wgaMGA1UdIwSBmzCBmIAUp/qOq6q7ezAVxEhXtrsPMa4aiq6hdaRz MHExCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNOMQswCQYDVQQIEwJHUzELMAkGA1UEBxMCU1oxDTALBgNV BAoTBFhYWFgxDjAMBgNVBAsTBVhYWFhYMQ4wDAYDVQQDEwVBQUFBQTEZMBcGCSqG SIb3DQEJARYKd3d3QHFxLmNvbYIJAJiHd00fZNxoMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAJ2XTOKyR2nFgaWcTG5d92tSij3lIoZCBo4dwrleYFuW cYUYSi65QskJpuDHr5KttmI4+0tt9OQOB/oHIEbkCqgEAC7PREJAgapcf5+ItMHN rNh151CkTyoK1Z09tw3OrX5GQVAHSpz0+BQTE+MPas5lyidwP1PqQFY9nZW4J3PG RAbiiSnQ1eN5g0aKzIZpbEbP7Y7BGT9b+rLt+VUbmQ30h96zHchSsUsQ32dchwLm N0ZL1PyCivQ+A1snbqA3uHZnoXBd8/yq0QNg0o15edx+GfbY5FJbgXf3FER+NgMB wPeJ62izpROBQvXYNb3e72gM1xCAlgD+MBpNeGlx56g= -----END CERTIFICATE----- &listeners.0.certCaName=myCertCaName
"code": 0,
"message": "",
"codeDesc": "Success",
"requestId": 28557,
"listenerIds": [