Retention policy for scheduled snapshots. All four parameters are required.
Used by actions: DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies, DescribeDiskAssociatedAutoSnapshotPolicy.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Days | Integer | Yes | Retains one latest snapshot each day within Days days. Value range: [0, 100].Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Weeks | Integer | Yes | Retains one latest snapshot each week within Weeks weeks. Value range: [0, 100].Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Months | Integer | Yes | Retains one latest snapshot each month within Months months. Value range: [0, 100].Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Years | Integer | Yes | Retains one latest snapshot each year within Years years. Value range: [0, 100].Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
This describes the number of mounted and mountable data disks of an instance.
Used by actions: DescribeInstancesDiskNum.
Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId | String | Instance ID |
AttachedDiskCount | Integer | The number of instances mounted to data disk. |
MaxAttachCount | Integer | The maximum number of instances that can be mounted to data disk. |
Describes how a newly purchased cloud disk is initialized and attached to a CVM instance.
Used by actions: CreateDisks.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
InstanceId | Array of String | Yes | ID of the instance to which the cloud disk is attached. |
MountPoint | Array of String | Yes | Mount point in the instance. |
FileSystemType | String | Yes | File system type. Valid values: ext4 , xfs . |
This describes the detailed information of the scheduled snapshot policy.
Used by actions: DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies, DescribeDiskAssociatedAutoSnapshotPolicy.
Name | Type | Description |
DiskIdSet | Array of String | The list of cloud disk IDs that the current scheduled snapshot policy is bound to. |
IsActivated | Boolean | Whether scheduled snapshot policy is activated. |
AutoSnapshotPolicyState | String | Scheduled snapshot policy state. Value range: |
IsCopyToRemote | Integer | Whether it is to replicate a snapshot across accounts. 1 : yes, 0 : no.Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
IsPermanent | Boolean | Whether the snapshot created by this scheduled snapshot policy is retained permanently. |
NextTriggerTime | Timestamp | The time the scheduled snapshot will be triggered again. |
AutoSnapshotPolicyName | String | Scheduled snapshot policy name. |
AutoSnapshotPolicyId | String | Scheduled snapshot policy ID. |
Policy | Array of Policy | The policy for executing the scheduled snapshot. |
CreateTime | Timestamp | The time the scheduled snapshot policy was created. |
RetentionDays | Integer | Number of days the snapshot created by this scheduled snapshot policy is retained. |
CopyToAccountUin | String | ID of the replication target account Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
InstanceIdSet | Array of String | List of IDs of the instances associated with the scheduled snapshot policy. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RetentionMonths | Integer | The number of months for which the snapshots created by this scheduled snapshot policy can be retained. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RetentionAmount | Integer | The maximum number of snapshots created by this scheduled snapshot policy that can be retained. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
AdvancedRetentionPolicy | AdvancedRetentionPolicy | Retention policy for scheduled snapshots. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CopyFromAccountUin | String | Source account ID of the copied snapshot policy Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Tags | Array of Tag | Tag. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Pricing details for the cloud disk.
Used by actions: InquiryPriceResizeDisk.
Name | Type | Description |
PriceTitle | String | Name of the billable item. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
PriceName | String | Name of the billable item displayed in the console. |
OriginalPrice | Float | Original price of a monthly subscribed cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DiscountPrice | Float | Discounted price of a monthly subscribed cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPrice | Float | Original unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceDiscount | Float | Discount unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ChargeUnit | String | Billing unit for pay-as-you-go cloud disks. Valid value: HOUR (billed hourly).Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
OriginalPriceHigh | String | Original highly-precise price of a monthly subscribed cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DiscountPriceHigh | String | Discounted highly-precise price of a monthly subscribed cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceHigh | String | Original highly-precise unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceDiscountHigh | String | Discounted highly-precise unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The details of a cloud disk
Used by actions: DescribeDisks.
Name | Type | Description |
DeleteWithInstance | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk terminates along with the instance mounted to it. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
RenewFlag | String | Auto renewal flag. Supported values: Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DiskType | String | Cloud disk types. Valid values: |
DiskState | String | The state of the cloud disk. Value range: |
SnapshotCount | Integer | The total number of snapshots of the cloud disk. |
AutoRenewFlagError | Boolean | Cloud disk already mounted to CVM, and both CVM and cloud disk use monthly subscription. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
Rollbacking | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk is in the status of snapshot rollback. Value range: |
InstanceIdList | Array of String | For non-shareable cloud disks, this parameter is null. For shareable cloud disks, this parameters indicates this cloud disk's Instance IDs currently mounted to the CVM. |
Encrypt | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk is encrypted. Value range: |
DiskName | String | Cloud disk name. |
BackupDisk | Boolean | Specifies whether to create a snapshot when the cloud disk is terminated due to overdue payment or expiration. true : create snapshot; false : do not create snapshot. |
Tags | Array of Tag | The tag bound to the cloud disk. The value Null is used when no tag is bound to the cloud disk. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
InstanceId | String | ID of the CVM to which the cloud disk is mounted. |
AttachMode | String | Cloud disk mount method. Valid values: Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
AutoSnapshotPolicyIds | Array of String | ID of the periodic snapshot associated to the cloud disk. This parameter is returned only if the value of parameter ReturnBindAutoSnapshotPolicy is TRUE when the API DescribeDisks is called. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
ThroughputPerformance | Integer | Extra performance for a cloud disk, in MB/sec. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Migrating | Boolean | Whether cloud disk is in process of type change. Value range: Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DiskId | String | Cloud disk ID. |
SnapshotSize | Integer | The total capacity of the snapshots of the cloud disk. Unit: MB. |
Placement | Placement | Location of the cloud disk. |
IsReturnable | Boolean | Determines whether or not prepaid cloud disk supports active return. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DeadlineTime | Timestamp | Expiration time of the cloud disk. |
Attached | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk is mounted to the CVM. Value range: |
DiskSize | Integer | Cloud disk size (in GB). |
MigratePercent | Integer | Migration progress of cloud disk type change, from 0 to 100. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DiskUsage | String | Cloud disk type. Value range: |
DiskChargeType | String | Billing method. Value range: |
Portable | Boolean | Whether it is an elastic cloud disk. false: Non-elastic cloud disk; true: Elastic cloud disk. |
SnapshotAbility | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk has the capability to create snapshots. Value range: |
DeadlineError | Boolean | This field is only applicable when the instance is already mounted to the cloud disk, and both the instance and the cloud disk use monthly subscription. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
RollbackPercent | Integer | Rollback progress of a cloud disk snapshot. |
DifferDaysOfDeadline | Integer | Number of days from current time until disk expiration (only applicable for prepaid disks). Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
ReturnFailCode | Integer | In circumstances where the prepaid cloud disk does not support active return, this parameter indicates the reason that return is not supported. Value range: Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
Shareable | Boolean | Whether or not cloud disk is shareable cloud disk. |
CreateTime | Timestamp | Creation time of the cloud disk. |
DeleteSnapshot | Integer | Delete the associated non-permanently reserved snapshots upon deletion of the source cloud disk. 0 : No (default). 1 : Yes. To check whether a snapshot is permanently reserved, refer to the IsPermanent field returned by the DescribeSnapshots API. |
DiskBackupQuota | Integer | Quota of cloud disk backup points, i.e., the maximum number of backup points that a cloud disk can have. |
DiskBackupCount | Integer | Number of used cloud disk backups. |
InstanceType | String | Type of the instance mounted to the cloud disk. Valid values: |
LastAttachInsId | String | ID of the last instance to which the cloud disk is attached Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ErrorPrompt | String | Error message for the last operation of the cloud disk Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
BurstPerformance | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk has enabled disk bursting. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Cloud disk backup point.
Used by actions: DescribeDiskBackups.
Name | Type | Description |
DiskBackupId | String | Cloud disk backup point ID. |
DiskId | String | ID of the cloud disk with which the backup point is associated. |
DiskSize | Integer | Cloud disk size in GB. |
DiskUsage | String | Cloud disk type. Valid values: |
DiskBackupName | String | Backup point name. |
DiskBackupState | String | Cloud disk backup point status. Valid values: |
Percent | Integer | Cloud disk creation progress in percentage. |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Creation time of the cloud disk backup point. |
Encrypt | Boolean | Whether the cloud disk is encrypted. Valid values: |
Billing mode of the instance
Used by actions: CreateDisks, InquiryPriceCreateDisks.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Period | Integer | Yes | Subscription period of the cloud disk in months. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 36. |
RenewFlag | String | No | Auto-renewal flag. Valid values: Default value: NOTIFY_AND_MANUAL_RENEW. |
CurInstanceDeadline | Timestamp | No | You can specify this parameter when you need to ensure that a cloud disk and the CVM instance to which it is attached have the same expiration time. This parameter represents the current expiration time of the instance. In this case, if you specify Period , Period will represent how long you want to renew the instance, and the cloud disk will be renewed based on the new expiration time of the instance. For example, the value of this parameter can be 2018-03-30 20:15:03 . |
Cloud disk configuration.
Used by actions: DescribeDiskConfigQuota.
Name | Type | Description |
Available | Boolean | Whether the configuration is available. |
DiskChargeType | String | Billing method. Value range: |
Zone | String | The Availability Region of the cloud drive. |
InstanceFamily | String | Instance model series. For more information, please see Instance Models Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DiskType | String | Type of cloud disk medium. Value range: |
StepSize | Integer | Minimum increment of cloud disk size adjustment in GB. Note: This field might return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ExtraPerformanceRange | Array of Integer | Additional performance range. Note: This field might return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DeviceClass | String | Instance model. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DiskUsage | String | Cloud disk type. Value range: |
MinDiskSize | Integer | The minimum configurable cloud disk size (in GB). |
MaxDiskSize | Integer | The maximum configurable cloud disk size (in GB). |
Price | Price | Price of a monthly subscribed or pay-as-you-go cloud disk. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
The operation log of the cloud disk.
Used by actions: DescribeDiskOperationLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
Operator | String | UIN of operator. |
Operation | String | Operation type. Value range: CBS_OPERATION_ATTACH: Mount cloud disk CBS_OPERATION_DETACH: Unmount cloud disk CBS_OPERATION_RENEW: Renew CBS_OPERATION_EXPAND: Expand CBS_OPERATION_CREATE: Create CBS_OPERATION_ISOLATE: Isolate CBS_OPERATION_MODIFY: Modify cloud disk attributes ASP_OPERATION_BIND: Associate scheduled snapshot policy ASP_OPERATION_UNBIND: Cancel associated scheduled snapshot policy |
DiskId | String | Cloud disk ID of operation. |
OperationState | String | Status of operation. Value range: SUCCESS: Operation successful FAILED: Operation failed PROCESSING: Operation in process |
StartTime | String | Start time |
EndTime | String | End time |
Key-value pair filters for conditional filtering queries.
Used by actions: DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies, DescribeDiskBackups, DescribeDiskOperationLogs, DescribeDisks, DescribeSnapshotOperationLogs, DescribeSnapshots.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Name | String | Yes | Name of filter key. |
Values | Array of String | Yes | One or more filter values. |
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshots.
Name | Type | Description |
ImageId | String | Image instance ID. |
ImageName | String | Image name. |
This describes the abstract location of the instance, including the availability zone in which it is located, the projects to which it belongs, and the ID and name of the dedicated clusters to which it belongs.
Used by actions: CreateDisks, DescribeDisks, DescribeSnapshots.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Zone | String | Yes | The ID of the Availability Zone to which the cloud disk belongs. This parameter can be obtained from the Zone field in the returned values of DescribeZones. |
CageId | String | No | Cage ID. When it is an input parameter, the specified CageID resource is operated, and it can be left blank. When it is an output parameter, it is the ID of the cage the resource belongs to, and it can be left blank. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
ProjectId | Integer | No | ID of the project to which the instance belongs. This parameter can be obtained from the projectId field in the returned values of DescribeProject. If this is left empty, default project is used. |
ProjectName | String | No | Project name of the instance. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
CdcName | String | No | Dedicated cluster name. When it is an input parameter, it is ignored. When it is an output parameter, it is the name of the dedicated cluster the cloud disk belongs to, and it can be left blank. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
CdcId | String | No | ID of dedicated cluster which the instance belongs to. When it is an input parameter, the specified CdcId dedicated cluster resource is operated, and it can be left blank. When it is an output parameter, it is the ID of the dedicated cluster which the resource belongs to, and it can be left blank. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
DedicatedClusterId | String | No | Dedicated cluster ID |
Execution policy for scheduled snapshot. It indicates that a scheduled snapshot policy is executed at the specified Hour
in the days specified by DayOfWeek
or DayOfMonth
or once every IntervalDays
days. Note: DayOfWeek
, DayOfMonth
, and IntervalDays
are mutually exclusive, and only one policy rule can be set.
Used by actions: CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy, DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies, DescribeDiskAssociatedAutoSnapshotPolicy, ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicyAttribute.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Hour | Array of Integer | Yes | Specifies the time that that the scheduled snapshot policy will be triggered. The unit is hour. The value range is [0-23]. 00:00-23:00 is a total of 24 time points that can be selected. 1 indicates 01:00, and so on. |
DayOfWeek | Array of Integer | No | Specifies the days of the week, from Monday to Sunday, on which a scheduled snapshot will be triggered. Value range: [0, 6]. 0 indicates triggering on Sunday, 1-6 indicate triggering on Monday-Saturday. |
DayOfMonth | Array of Integer | No | Specifies the dates of the month on which a scheduled snapshot will be triggered. Value range: [1, 31]. 1 to 31 indicate the specific dates of the month; for example, 5 indicates the 5th day of the month. Note: If you set a date that does not exist in some months such as 29, 30, and 31, these months will be skipped for scheduled snapshot creation. |
IntervalDays | Integer | No | Specifies the interval for creating scheduled snapshots in days. Value range: [1, 365]. For example, if it is set to 5 , scheduled snapshots will be created every 5 days. Note: If you choose to back up by day, the time for the first backup is theoretically the day when the backup policy is created. If the backup policy creation time on the current day is later than the set backup time, the first backup will be performed in the second backup cycle. |
The cost of a prepaid order.
Used by actions: InquiryPriceResizeDisk.
Name | Type | Description |
DiscountPrice | Float | Discounted price of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk or a snapshot, in USD. |
ChargeUnit | String | Billing unit for pay-as-you-go cloud disks. Valid value: Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceHigh | String | Original unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD, with six decimal places. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
OriginalPriceHigh | String | Original payment of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk or a snapshot, in USD, with six decimal places. |
OriginalPrice | Float | Original payment of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk or a snapshot, in USD. |
UnitPriceDiscount | Float | Discount unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceDiscountHigh | String | Discounted unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD, with six decimal places. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DiscountPriceHigh | String | Discounted price of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk or a snapshot, in USD, with six decimal places. |
UnitPrice | Float | Original unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DetailPrices | Array of DetailPrice | Detailed billing items Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Describes the prepaid or postpaid price for the cloud disk.
Used by actions: DescribeDiskConfigQuota, InquirePriceModifyDiskBackupQuota, InquirePriceModifyDiskExtraPerformance, InquiryPriceCreateDisks.
Name | Type | Description |
OriginalPrice | Float | Original price of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk, in USD. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DiscountPrice | Float | Discounted price of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk, in USD. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPrice | Float | Original unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
ChargeUnit | String | Billing unit of a postpaid cloud disk. Value range: Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
UnitPriceDiscount | Float | Discount unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
OriginalPriceHigh | String | Original payment of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk, in USD, with six decimal places. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
DiscountPriceHigh | String | Discounted payment price of a monthly-subscribed cloud disk, in USD, with six decimal places. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceHigh | String | Original unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD, with six decimal places. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
UnitPriceDiscountHigh | String | Discounted unit price of a pay-as-you-go cloud disk, in USD, with six decimal places. Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
Snapshot sharing information set
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshotSharePermission.
Name | Type | Description |
CreatedTime | Timestamp | Snapshot sharing time |
AccountId | String | ID of the shared account |
The details of a snapshot
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshots.
Name | Type | Description |
Placement | Placement | Location of the snapshot. |
CopyFromRemote | Boolean | Whether the snapshot is replicated across regions. Value range: |
SnapshotState | String | Snapshot status. Valid values: |
IsPermanent | Boolean | Whether it is a permanent snapshot. Value range: |
SnapshotName | String | Snapshot name, the user-defined snapshot alias. Call ModifySnapshotAttribute to modify this field. |
DeadlineTime | Timestamp | The expiration time of the snapshot. If the snapshot is permanently retained, this field is blank. |
Percent | Integer | The progress percentage for snapshot creation. This field is always 100 after the snapshot is created successfully. |
Images | Array of Image | List of images associated with snapshot. |
ShareReference | Integer | Number of snapshots currently shared |
SnapshotType | String | Snapshot type. This value can currently be either PRIVATE_SNAPSHOT or SHARED_SNAPSHOT. |
DiskSize | Integer | Size of the cloud disk used to create this snapshot (in GB). |
DiskId | String | ID of the cloud disk used to create this snapshot. |
CopyingToRegions | Array of String | The destination region to which the snapshot is being replicated. Default value is [ ]. |
Encrypt | Boolean | Whether the snapshot is created from an encrypted disk. Value range: |
CreateTime | Timestamp | Creation time of the snapshot. |
ImageCount | Integer | Number of images associated with snapshot. |
DiskUsage | String | The type of the cloud disk used to create the snapshot. Value range: |
SnapshotId | String | Snapshot ID. |
TimeStartShare | Date | The time when the snapshot sharing starts |
Tags | Array of Tag | List of tags associated with the snapshot. |
Result of the cross-region replication task
Used by actions: CopySnapshotCrossRegions.
Name | Type | Description |
SnapshotId | String | ID of the snapshot replica |
Message | String | Error message. It’s null if the request succeeds. |
Code | String | Error code. It’s Success if the request succeeds. |
DestinationRegion | String | Destination region of the replication task |
Snapshot operation log (disused).
Used by actions: DescribeSnapshotOperationLogs.
Name | Type | Description |
OperationState | String | Status of operation. Value range: SUCCESS: Operation successful FAILED: Operation failed PROCESSING: Operation in process |
StartTime | String | Start time |
Operator | String | UIN of operator. Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found. |
SnapshotId | String | ID of snapshot being operated. |
Operation | String | Operation type. Value range: SNAP_OPERATION_DELETE: Delete snapshot SNAP_OPERATION_ROLLBACK: Roll back snapshot SNAP_OPERATION_MODIFY: Modify snapshot attributes SNAP_OPERATION_CREATE: Create snapshot SNAP_OPERATION_COPY: Cross-region replication of snapshot ASP_OPERATION_CREATE_SNAP: Create snapshot with scheduled snapshot policy ASP_OPERATION_DELETE_SNAP: Delete snapshot from scheduled snapshot policy |
EndTime | String | End time |
Used by actions: CreateDisks, CreateSnapshot, DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies, DescribeDiskAssociatedAutoSnapshotPolicy, DescribeDisks, DescribeSnapshots.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Key | String | Yes | Tag key. |
Value | String | Yes | Tag value. |