Personal Information | Use | Legal Basis |
Monitoring Data: AppID, interface name, result, callID, start and end call time, nation code, debug log, region, fee, interface call volume (log specific fields (action,type,sourcetype,subactionuin,token,indexname,UA,UpStreamIp,offset), eCode,host,cost, RequestId, nodeip, eCodeStr, Rsp, timestamp, AppId, Header, Caller, ServiceName, Session) | We use this information for the purpose of providing the Feature to you, and for troubleshooting and performance analysis.
Please note that this data is stored and backed up in the TencentDB for MySQL feature. | We process this information as it’s necessary for us to perform our contract with you to provide the Feature. |
Operation Log:APPID, Call ID, timestamp, single step debugging information, desensitization request and response | We use this information to ensure the Service functions as required and to analyze the reasons for errors or failures and troubleshoot such problems.
Please note that this data is stored and backed up in the Elasticsearch Service feature. | We process this information as it’s necessary for us to perform our contract with you to provide the Feature. |
Identification Data: any identification-related information provided, such as name, address, identification number, country, date of birth, biometric information (e.g. face images) and photos. | We use this information to improve and optimize the training models and algorithms which this Feature and our other features rely upon and provide end users with a safer and more convenient user registration process. | It is in our legitimate interests to process this information to improve the accuracy of our models and algorithms.To the extent this information includes any sensitive personal data, we process the end user’s explicit consent which shall be obtained by the customer on our behalf. |
Personal Information | Retention Policy |
Monitoring DataOperation Log | Stored for 2 years. |
Identification Data | Stored for 30 days. |
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