tencent cloud


iOS Custom Capabilities

Last updated: 2025-01-14 19:41:39
    This document introduces the custom capabilities of the eKYC SDK (global edition).

    I. Custom UI

    This section describes how to use the custom UI to customize the recognition page and icons.

    Building bundle

    1. Decompress the SDK package, go to the demo directory, and open the HuiYanODemo project.
    2. Switch the building scheme to UserUIBundle, and run command+B to build artifacts.
    3. After bundle is built, right-click it to view the package content. Open info.plist, and delete the Executable file field. If this field is not deleted, artifacts cannot be published at AppStore, which causes an IPA upload error. You can also directly delete the info.plist file.
    4. Directly replace UserUIBundle.bundle in the root directory (that is, SDK directory) with artifacts, and add all lib and bundle in this directory to your project. (Note: If the bundle content is not modified, you can directly use bundle in this directory without replacement.)

    Customizing content

    1. Icon: You can replace Icon to the following list, with the name unchanged.
    2. xib layout adjustment: For the TXYOsAuthingViewController recognition page, you can modify control layout in xib by adding static components, but not deleting components. The logic of this page is implemented by the internal .m file of SDK. You are allowed to modify the layout and add non-logical components only. (For example, add a background image.)
    3. You can add settings to SDK by setting the userUIBundleName field.
    After this setting, the UI bundle file with custom packaging will be used, and the TXYOsAuthingViewController layout file in it will be loaded. If this layout file is not found, the default layout will be loaded.

    II. Custom language

    Adding a custom language

    1. In the Demo, the UserUIBundle folder contains Localizable. As shown in the following figure, you can set supported languages on the right, and corresponding subfiles are displayed on the left. In the subfiles, multi-language mapping is done for the existing key character strings.
    2. If there is no target language on the right, you can first add the corresponding language to the project settings, and then repeat step 1.
    3. Perform translation mapping on the target file. The following example shows the mapping of simplified Chinese. To add mapping for other languages, keep key on the left unchanged and add translation on the right.
    4. Settings in the SDK are as follows:
    customerConfig.userLanguageBundleName = @"UserUIBundle";
    customerConfig.userLanguageFileName = @"en.lproj";
    userLanguageFileName can be used to view the corresponding filename in the compiled bundle file.

    Setting a custom SDK language

    1. Add the custom UseLanguage.bundle to the project (Copy Bundle Resources).
    2. image_1Configure the settings as follows:
    HuiYanOsConfig *config = [[HuiYanOsConfig alloc] init];
    config.languageType = CUSTOMIZE_LANGUAGE;
    config.userLanguageFileName = @"ko";//For example, set `ko.lproj`
    config.userLanguageBundleName = @"UseLanguage";//Custom bundle name, such as `UseLanguage.bundle`
    If config.languageType = DEFAULT; is set, the system will find the language file for the current region in the custom bundle, and if it cannot be found, the language will be en by default.

    Maintenance method

    Take the Demo project as a custom UI project. Modify the bundle source file in the Demo project, and build bundle to access your project. You need to maintain the Demo project by yourself.
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