to receive notifications about V2TXLivePusher, including publisher connection status, first audio/video frame, statistics, and warning and error messages.- (void)onError:(V2TXLiveCode)code message:(NSString *)msg extraInfo:(NSDictionary *)extraInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | V2TXLiveCode | Error code |
msg | NSString * | Error message |
extraInfo | NSDictionary * | Extra information |
- (void)onWarning:(V2TXLiveCode)code message:(NSString *)msg extraInfo:(NSDictionary *)extraInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | V2TXLiveCode | Warning code |
msg | NSString * | Warning message |
extraInfo | NSDictionary * | Extra information |
- (void)onPushStatusUpdate:(V2TXLivePushStatus)statusmessage:(NSString *)msgextraInfo:(NSDictionary *)extraInfo
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | V2TXLivePushStatus | Status code |
msg | NSString * | Status message |
extraInfo | NSDictionary * | Extra information |
enumerated valuesValue | Description |
V2TXLivePushStatusDisconnected | Disconnected from the server |
V2TXLivePushStatusConnecting | Connecting to the server |
V2TXLivePushStatusConnectSuccess | Connected to the server |
V2TXLivePushStatusReconnecting | Reconnecting to the server |
- (void)onSnapshotComplete:(TXImage *)image
Parameter | Type | Description |
image | TXImage * | The video image captured |
V2TXLivePusher#enableCustomVideoProcess:(BOOL)enable pixelFormat:(V2TXLivePixelFormat)pixelFormat bufferType:(V2TXLiveBufferType)bufferType
to enable custom video processing.- (void)onProcessVideoFrame:(V2TXLiveVideoFrame * _Nonnull)srcFrame dstFrame:(V2TXLiveVideoFrame * _Nonnull)dstFrame
Parameter | Type | Description |
srcFrame | V2TXLiveVideoFrame * | Images before processing |
dstFrame | V2TXLiveVideoFrame * | Images after processing |
- (void)onGLContextDestroyed
- (void)onCaptureFirstVideoFrame
- (void)onCaptureFirstAudioFrame
- (void)onMicrophoneVolumeUpdate:(NSInteger)volume
- (void)onStatisticsUpdate:(V2TXLivePusherStatistics *)statistics
Parameter | Type | Description |
statistics | V2TXLivePusherStatistics * | Publisher statistics |
V2TXLivePusher#setMixTranscodingConfig:(V2TXLiveTranscodingConfig *)config
to set On-Cloud MixTranscoding parameters.- (void)onSetMixTranscodingConfig:(V2TXLiveCode)code message:(NSString *)msg
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | V2TXLiveCode | 0 : successful; other values: failed |
msg | NSString * | Error message |
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