tencent cloud


Publishing from Camera

Last updated: 2024-01-13 15:49:41

    Feature Overview

    Publishing from the camera refers to the process of collecting video and audio data from the mobile phone's camera and mic, encoding the data, and pushing it to cloud-based live streaming platforms. Tencent Cloud live_flutter_plugin provides the camera push capabilities via the v2_tx_live_pusher APIs.


    About running projects on x86 emulators: The SDK uses many audio and video APIs of the iOS system, most of which cannot be used on the x86 emulator built into macOS. Therefore, we recommend that you test your project on a real device.

    Sample Code

    GitHub Address
    Key Class
    In addition to the above sample code, regarding frequently asked questions among developers, Tencent Cloud offers an easy-to-understand API example project, which you can use to quickly learn how to use different APIs.

    Getting Started

    1. Set dependencies

    Integrate live_flutter_plugin into your application as instructed in SDK Integration Guide.
    live_flutter_plugin: latest version number

    2. Configure a license for the SDK

    1. Get the license:
    If you have the required license, get the license URL and key in the CSS console.
    If you don't have the required license, apply for a license as instructed in New License and Renewal.
    2. Before your application calls features of live_flutter_plugin, complete the following configuration:
    import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_premier.dart';
    /// Tencent Cloud license management page (https://console.tencentcloud.com/live/license)
    setupLicense() {
    // The license URL of the current application
    var LICENSEURL = "";
    // The license key of the current application
    var LICENSEURLKEY = "";
    V2TXLivePremier.setLicence(LICENSEURL, LICENSEURLKEY);
    The packageName/BundleId configured in the license must be the same as that of the application; otherwise, stream push will fail.

    3. Initialize the V2TXLivePusher component

    Create a V2TXLivePusher object and specify V2TXLiveMode.
    import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/v2_tx_live_pusher.dart';
    /// Initialize `V2TXLivePusher`
    initPusher() {
    _livePusher = V2TXLivePusher(V2TXLiveMode.v2TXLiveModeRTC);

    4. Set the video rendering view

    import 'package:live_flutter_plugin/widget/v2_tx_live_video_widget.dart';
    /// The video rendering view widget
    Widget renderView() {
    return V2TXLiveVideoWidget(
    onViewCreated: (viewId) async {
    /// Set the video rendering view
    /// Enable camera preview

    5. Start and stop publishing

    After calling startCamera to enable camera preview, you can call the startPush API in V2TXLivePusher to start publishing. You can use TRTC's URL or an RTMP URL for publishing. The former uses UDP. It offers better streaming quality and supports co-anchoring.
    /// Start stream push
    startPush() async {
    // Generate a stream push address of RTMP/TRTC
    var url = "";
    // Start stream push
    await _livePusher.startPush(url);
    // Turn the mic on
    await _livePusher.startMicrophone();
    After stream push ends, you can call the stopPush API in V2TXLivePusher to stop stream push.
    /// Stop stream push
    stopPush() async {
    // Turn the camera off
    await _livePusher.stopCamera();
    // Turn the mic off
    await _livePusher.stopMicrophone();
    // Stop stream push
    await _livePusher.stopPush();
    If you have enabled camera preview, please disable it when you stop publishing streams.
    How do I get a valid stream push URL? Activate CSS. In the CSS console, go to Auxiliary Tools > Address Generator to generate a stream push URL. For more information, see Publishing/Playback URL.
    Why is V2TXLIVE_ERROR_INVALID_LICENSE returned?If the startPush API returns V2TXLIVE_ERROR_INVALID_LICENSE, it means your license verification failed. Please check your configuration against Step 2. Configure a license for the SDK.

    6. Publish audio-only streams

    If your live streaming scenarios involve audio only, you can skip Step 4 or do not call startCamera before startPush.
    /// Start stream push
    startPush() async {
    // Initialize `V2TXLivePusher`
    _livePusher = V2TXLivePusher(V2TXLiveMode.v2TXLiveModeRTC);
    // Generate a stream push address of RTMP/TRTC
    var url = "";
    // Start stream push
    await _livePusher.startPush(url);
    // Turn the mic on
    await _livePusher.startMicrophone();
    If you publish audio-only streams but no streams can be pulled from an RTMP, FLV, or HLS playback URL, there is a problem with your line configuration. Please submit a ticket for help.

    7. Set video quality

    You can call the setVideoQuality API in V2TXLivePusher to set image definition on the viewer end. The video image watched by the host is the source video without encoding or compression and is not subject to settings. However, viewers can perceive the encoding quality of the video encoder set in setVideoQuality. For more information, see Setting Video Quality.

    8. Set the beauty filter style and skin brightening and rosy skin effects

    You can call the getBeautyManager API in V2TXLivePusher to get the TXBeautyManager instance so as to further set the beauty filter effect.

    Beauty filter style

    The SDK has three built-in skin smoothing algorithms, each of which corresponds to a beauty filter style. You can select the one most suitable for your product needs. For more information, see the TXBeautyManager.h file.
    Beauty Filter Style
    The smooth style, which features more obvious skin smoothing effects and is suitable for live showrooms.
    The natural style, which retains more facial details and is more natural.
    The Pitu style, which uses the beauty filter algorithm developed by YouTu Lab. Its effect combines the smooth style and the natural style, that is, it retains more skin details than the smooth style and delivers more obvious skin smoothing effects than the natural style.
    You can call the setBeautyStyle API in TXBeautyManager to set the beauty filter style.
    Beauty filter strength
    Via the setBeautyLevel API in `TXBeautyManager`
    Value range: 0-9. `0` means the filter is disabled. The greater the value, the more obvious the effect.
    Skin brightening filter strength
    Via the setWhitenessLevel API in `TXBeautyManager`
    Value range: 0-9. `0` means the filter is disabled. The greater the value, the more obvious the effect.
    Rosy skin filter strength
    Via the setRuddyLevel API in `TXBeautyManager`
    Value range: 0-9. `0` means the filter is disabled. The greater the value, the more obvious the effect.

    9. Manage devices

    V2TXLivePusher offers a set of APIs for device control. You can use getDeviceManager to get the TXDeviceManager instance for device management. For detailed directions, see TXDeviceManager API.

    10. Set the mirror effect on the audience side

    You can call setRenderMirror of V2TXLivePusher to change the camera mirroring mode, so as to change the mirroring effect of the video image seen by viewers. If the host uses the front camera for live streaming, the image will be reversed by the SDK by default.

    11. Publish streams in landscape mode

    In most cases, hosts stream while holding their phones vertically, and audience watch videos in portrait resolutions (e.g., 540 × 960). However, there are also cases where hosts hold phones horizontally, and ideally, audience should watch videos in landscape resolutions (960 × 540).
    V2TXLivePusher pushes video images in portrait mode by default. To push video images in landscape mode, you can modify the parameters in the setVideoQuality API to set the image orientation on viewers' devices.
    // Video encoding parameters
    var param = V2TXLiveVideoEncoderParam();
    param.videoResolutionMode = isLandscape ? V2TXLiveVideoResolutionMode.v2TXLiveVideoResolutionModeLandscape : V2TXLiveVideoResolutionMode.v2TXLiveVideoResolutionModePortrait;

    12. Set audio effects

    Call getAudioEffectManager in V2TXLivePusher to get a TXAudioEffectManager instance, which can be used to mix background music and set in-ear monitoring, reverb, and other audio effects. Background music mixing means mixing into the published stream the music played by the host's phone so that the audience can also hear the music.
    Call the enableVoiceEarMonitor API in TXAudioEffectManager to enable in-ear monitoring, which allows hosts to hear their vocals in earphones when they sing.
    Call the setVoiceReverbType API in TXAudioEffectManager to add reverb effects such as karaoke, hall, husky, and metal. The effects are applied to the videos watched by the audience.
    Call the setVoiceChangerType API in TXAudioEffectManager to add voice changing effects such as little girl and middle-aged man to enrich host-audience interaction. The effects are applied to the videos watched by the audience.
    For detailed directions, see TXAudioEffectManager API.

    Event Handling

    Listening for events

    The SDK listens on push events and errors via the V2TXLivePusherObserver delegate. See v2_tx_live_code library for a detailed list of events and error codes.


    An error indicates that the SDK encountered a serious problem that made it impossible for stream publishing to continue.
    Event ID
    A common unclassified error occurred.
    An invalid parameter was passed in during API calling.
    The API call was rejected.
    The API cannot be called.
    Failed to call the API due to invalid license.
    The server request timed out.
    The server could not handle your request.


    A warning indicates that the SDK encountered a problem whose severity level is warning. Warning events trigger tentative protection or recovery logic and can often be resolved.
    Event ID
    Bad network connection: data upload blocked due to limited upstream bandwidth.
    Latency during video playback.
    Failed to turn the camera on.
    The camera is occupied. Try a different camera.
    No access to the camera. This usually occurs on mobile devices and may be because the user denied the access.
    Failed to turn the mic on.
    The mic is occupied. This occurs when, for example, the user is having a call on the mobile device.
    No access to the mic. This usually occurs on mobile devices and may be because the user denied the access.
    The system does not support screen sharing.
    Failed to start screen recording. If this occurs on a mobile device, it may be because the user denied the access.
    Screen recording was stopped by the system.
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