tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2025-01-03 10:11:19


VPC information of a Private DNS account

Used by actions: CreatePrivateZone, ModifyPrivateZoneVpc.

Name Type Required Description
UniqVpcId String Yes VpcId: vpc-xadsafsdasd
Region String Yes VPC region: ap-guangzhou, ap-shanghai
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Uin String Yes VPC account: 123456789
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VpcName String Yes VPC name: testname
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Output parameters of the associated VPC

Used by actions: DescribeAccountVpcList.

Name Type Description
VpcId String VpcId: vpc-xadsafsdasd
Region String Region: ap-guangzhou, ap-shanghai
Uin String VPC ID: 123456789
VpcName String VPC name: testname


Output parameters of the associated VPC

Used by actions: DescribePrivateZoneList, ModifyPrivateZoneVpc.

Name Type Description
Uin String UIN of the VPC account
UniqVpcId String VPC ID
Region String Region


Operation log

Used by actions: DescribeAuditLog.

Name Type Description
Resource String Log type
Metric String Log table name
TotalCount Integer Total number of logs
DataSet Array of AuditLogInfo List of logs


Log details

Used by actions: DescribeAuditLog.

Name Type Description
Date Timestamp Time
OperatorUin String Operator UIN
Content String Log content


Time statistics

Used by actions: DescribeRequestData.

Name Type Description
Date Timestamp Time
Value Integer Value


Endpoint information.

Used by actions: DescribeEndPointList.

Name Type Description
EndPointId String Endpoint ID.
EndPointName String Endpoint name.
EndPointServiceId String Endpoint service ID.
EndPointVipSet Array of String VIP list of the endpoint.
RegionCode String ap-guangzhou
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Tags Array of TagInfo Tag key-value pair collection.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


PrivateDNS outbound endpoint forwarding IP

Used by actions: DescribeExtendEndpointList.

Name Type Required Description
AccessType String Yes Specifies the forwarding target IP network access type.
CLB: Specifies that the forwarding IP is the private CLB VIP.
CCN: Specifies forwarding IP through CCN routing.
Pip String Yes Specifies the forwarding target IP address.
Pport Integer Yes Specifies the forwarding IP port number.
VpcId String Yes Specifies the unique VPC ID.
Vip String No Specifies the forwarding target IP proxy IP.
Vport Integer No Specifies the forwarding target IP proxy port.
Proto String No Specifies the forwarding target IP protocol.
SubnetId String No Specifies the unique subnet ID.
Required if the access type is CCN.
AccessGatewayId String No ccn id
Required if the access type is CCN.
SnatVipCidr String No The SNAT CIDR block of the outbound endpoint.
SnatVipSet String No The SNAT IP list of the outbound endpoint.
Region String No The region of the outbound endpoint service.


Filter parameter

Used by actions: DescribeAccountVpcList, DescribeAuditLog, DescribeEndPointList, DescribeExtendEndpointList, DescribeForwardRuleList, DescribePrivateDNSAccountList, DescribePrivateZoneList, DescribePrivateZoneRecordList, DescribeRequestData.

Name Type Required Description
Name String Yes Parameter name
Values Array of String Yes Array of parameter values


Traffic package usage

Used by actions: DescribeDashboard.

Name Type Description
FlowType String Traffic package type, Valid values: ZONE (private domain); TRAFFIC (DNS traffic package)
TotalQuantity Integer Traffic package quota
AvailableQuantity Integer Available quota of traffic package


PrivateDNS outbound endpoint forwarding IP

Used by actions: CreateExtendEndpoint.

Name Type Required Description
AccessType String Yes Forwarding target IP network access type.
CLB: The forwarding IP is the internal CLB VIP.
CCN: Forwarding IP through CCN routing.
Host String Yes Forwarding target IP address.
Port Integer Yes Specifies the forwarding IP port number.
IpNum Integer Yes Specifies the number of outbound endpoints.
Minimum 1, maximum 6.
VpcId String Yes Unique VPC ID.
SubnetId String No Unique subnet ID.
Required when the access type is CCN.
AccessGatewayId String No ccn id
Required when the access type is CCN.


Forwarding rule details.

Used by actions: DescribeForwardRule, DescribeForwardRuleList.

Name Type Description
Domain String Private domain name.
RuleName String Forwarding rule name.
RuleId String Rule ID
RuleType String Forwarding rule type. DOWN: From cloud to off-cloud; UP: From off-cloud to cloud.
CreatedAt String Creation time
UpdatedAt String Update time
EndPointName String Endpoint name.
EndPointId String Endpoint ID.
ForwardAddress Array of String Forwarding address.
VpcSet Array of VpcInfo List of VPCs bound to the private domain.
ZoneId String ID of the bound private domain.
Tags Array of TagInfo Tag


Statistics table

Used by actions: DescribeRequestData.

Name Type Description
Resource String Resource description
Metric String Table name
DataSet Array of DatePoint Table data
MetricCount Integer The total number of requests within the query scope.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


Outbound endpoint.

Used by actions: DescribeExtendEndpointList.

Name Type Required Description
EndpointId String No Outbound endpoint ID.
EndpointName String No Outbound endpoint name.
Region String No The region of the outbound endpoint.
Tags Array of TagInfo No Tag
EndpointServiceSet Array of EndpointService No Outbound endpoint information.
Returned only when the forwarding architecture is V2R.
ForwardLinkArch String No Forwarding link architecture.
V2V: privatelink
V2R: jnsgw
EndPointServiceId String No Endpoint service ID.

Returned only when the forwarding architecture is V2V.
EndPointVipSet Array of String No VIP list of the endpoint.

Returned only when the forwarding architecture is V2V.


Private DNS account

Used by actions: CreatePrivateDNSAccount, DescribePrivateDNSAccountList.

Name Type Required Description
Uin String Yes Root account UIN
Account String No Root account name
Nickname String No Account name


Private domain information.

Used by actions: DescribePrivateZoneList.

Name Type Description
ZoneId String Private domain ID, which is in zone-xxxxxxxx format.
OwnerUin Integer UIN of the domain name owner.
Domain String Private domain name.
CreatedOn Timestamp Creation time
UpdatedOn Timestamp Modification time
RecordCount Integer Number of records.
Remark String Remarks.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
VpcSet Array of VpcInfo List of bound VPCs.
Status String Status of the VPC bound with the private domain. SUSPEND: The VPC is not associated; ENABLED: the VPC has been associated.
, FAILED: the VPC fails to be associated.
DnsForwardStatus String Recursive resolution status of the domain name. ENABLED: enabled; DISABLED: disabled.
Tags Array of TagInfo Tag key-value pair collection.
AccountVpcSet Array of AccountVpcInfoOutput List of bound VPCs of the associated account.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
IsCustomTld Boolean Whether the TLD is a custom one.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CnameSpeedupStatus String CNAME acceleration status. ENABLED: enabled; DISABLED: disabled.
ForwardRuleName String Forwarding rule name.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ForwardRuleType String Forwarding rule type. DOWN: from cloud to off-cloud; UP: from off-cloud to cloud. Currently, only DOWN is supported.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
ForwardAddress String Forwarding address.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
EndPointName String Endpoint name.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
DeletedVpcSet Array of VpcInfo Deleted VPC.
Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Private domain information

Used by actions: DescribePrivateZoneRecordList.

Name Type Description
RecordId String Record ID
ZoneId String Private domain ID: zone-xxxxxxxx
SubDomain String Subdomain
RecordType String Record type. Valid values: "A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "MX", "TXT", "PTR"
RecordValue String Record value
TTL Integer Record cache time. The smaller the value, the faster the record will take effect. Value range: 1–86400s. Default value: 600
MX Integer MX priority, which is required when the record type is MX. Valid values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
Status String Record status: ENABLED
Weight Integer Record weight. Value range: 1–100
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
CreatedOn Timestamp Record creation time
UpdatedOn Timestamp Record update time
Extra String Additional information
Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


Region information

Used by actions: DescribeEndPointRegion.

Name Type Description
RegionCode String Region encoding
CnName String Region name

Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
EnName String English name of the region
RegionId Integer Region ID

Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
AvailableZoneNum Integer Number of AZs

Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.



Used by actions: CreatePrivateZone, DescribeEndPointList, DescribeExtendEndpointList, DescribeForwardRule, DescribeForwardRuleList, DescribePrivateZoneList.

Name Type Required Description
TagKey String Yes Tag key
TagValue String Yes Tag value


TLD quota

Used by actions: DescribeQuotaUsage.

Name Type Description
Total Integer Total quota
Used Integer Used quota
Stock Integer Available quota
Quota Integer User’s quota


VPC information

Used by actions: CreatePrivateZone, DescribeForwardRule, DescribeForwardRuleList, DescribePrivateZoneList, ModifyPrivateZoneVpc.

Name Type Required Description
UniqVpcId String Yes VpcId: vpc-xadsafsdasd
Region String Yes VPC region: ap-guangzhou, ap-shanghai
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