tencent cloud


Data Processing

Last updated: 2021-09-26 17:42:37

    Once a rule is created, you can write SQL statements to process the data in a certain type of topics. The IoT Hub console provides a simplified way to enter SQL statements.

    For example, if you want to extract three fields action, targetDevice, and count from the JSON message in the E23VBC3GE8/device_02/event topic and then filter them by count <= 3 to get the final processed data for further forwarding, use the following rule:


    When you extract the desired fields from the topic, you should consider performing some operations on them, such as forwarding or storage. Currently supported operations include:

    • Data forwarding to another topic
    • Data forwarding to a third-party service
    • Data forwarding to CKafka
    • Data forwarding to a CMQ topic
    • Data forwarding to a CMQ queue
    • Data forwarding to CTSDB
    • Data forwarding to TencentDB for MySQL
    • Data forwarding to TencentDB for MongoDB

    When triggering a forwarding action, the rule engine will encapsulate the payload reported by the device in JSON format as shown below:

    1. JSON sample for forwarding to CMQ/CKafka:
      "MsgType":    "Publish",
      "Topic":      "AD4GVS5549/device/data",
      "Seq":        13107192,
      "PayloadLen": 17,
      "Payload":    "dGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGU=", 
      "ProductId":  "AD4GVS5549",
      "DeviceName": "device",
      "Time":       "2018-08-14 15:12:05",
      The descriptions of each field are as follows:
      • MsgType: valid values: Publish (forwarding to configured message queue), Forward (forwarding to the hit rule engine), StatusChange (status change).
      • PayloadLen: length of the payload of the message reported by the device in bytes.
      • Payload: payload of the original message, which will be Base64-encoded by default.
      • Event: it is present only for messages of the StatusChange type. Valid values: Online (connection), Offline (disconnection).
      • Time: the timestamp when the forwarding action is triggered.
    2. JSON sample for forwarding to a third-party service (http forward):
      The descriptions of each field are as follows:
      • devicename: device name defined on the IoT Hub platform.
      • payload: payload of the original message. If it is in JSON format, it will be passed through for forwarding; if it is in binary format, it will be Base64-encoded.
      • seq: internal auto-incrementing unique message identifier in int type.
      • timestamp: the Unix timestamp when the forwarding action is triggered.


    Field definition

    • A field can contain up to 300 asterisks, commas, dots, spaces, letters, and digits and cannot be empty.
    • A field indicates the key in JSON. If the data is in binary format, the field cannot be used for filtering, and * can be used to forward all binary data.
    • The reported JSON data can be in nested JSON format, such as {"device_status":{"switch":"on"}}, where device_status.switch can be used to get the value of switch.
    • SQL and JSON subarrays are not supported.

    Topic wildcard definition

    If you want to listen on multiple topics, you can use # and + wildcards to define them.

    • # represents 0 or more arbitrary topic segments, which can only be placed at the end of the topic.
    • + represents 1 arbitrary topic segment, which can be placed in the middle of the topic.

    For example, house_monitor/+/get

    • Can listen on topics such as house_monitor/thermometer/get and house_monitor/door/get.
    • Cannot listen on the topic house_monitor/door/switch/get, because + can represent only 1 topic segment.

    For example, house_monitor/#

    • Can listen on topics such as house_monitor/thermometer and house_monitor/door/switch/get.
    • Cannot listen on house/#/get, because # can only be placed at the end of the topic.

    Condition definition

    The [condition] expression is used to filter messages in the topic. Only when a message satisfies the [condition] expression will it be extracted for further processing. Supported expressions are listed in the table below:

    Operator Description Example
    = Equal to color = 'red'
    <> Not equal to color <> 'red'
    AND Logic AND color = 'red' AND siren = 'on'
    OR Logic OR color = 'red' OR siren = 'on'
    ( ) The content in the parentheses is a complete entity color = 'red' AND (siren = 'on' OR siren ='isTest')
    + Arithmetic addition age = 4 + 5
    - Arithmetic subtraction age = 5 - 4
    / Division age = 20 / 4
    * Multiplication age = 5 * 4
    % Remainder age = 0 % 6
    < Less than 5 < 6
    <= Less than or equal to 5 <= 6
    > Greater than 6 > 5
    >= Greater than or equal to 6 >= 5
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