tencent cloud


Device Temperature Setting

Last updated: 2024-12-27 09:54:58

    Directions for SDK for C

    Program implementation

    1. The device shadow uses the code logic of sample/scenarized/aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c. It adds the following logic to sample/scenarized/aircond_shadow_sample.c:
    2. As an example, the SDK internally calls IOT_Shadow_Register_Property to bind the shadow's configuration class attribute and callback function. When the shadow has a configuration change of this attribute, the underlying layer of the SDK will perform the corresponding callback. The temperatureDesire field in the shadow is registered here, which means that when the application sets the target temperature for the device shadow, the local configuration can be corrected by the callback function to adjust the desired temperature. You can also implement custom configuration-based attribute listening and callback binding.
    rc = _register_config_shadow_property();

    Program compilation and execution

    1. Run make in the root directory of the SDK, compile, and get the aircond_shadow_sample_v2 executable program.
    2. Run ./aircond_shadow_sample_v2 in the ./output/release/bin directory. Please note that if MQTT asymmetric encryption is used, the root certificate, device certificate, and device key files should be placed in the parent directory of ./../certs.
    3. Run ./door_mqtt_sample come_home airConditioner1 in the ./output/release/bin directory to turn on airConditioner.
    INF|2018-01-11 20:52:50|aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c|main(377): Cloud Device Construct Success
    INF|2018-01-11 20:52:50|aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c|main(389): Cloud Device Register Delta Success
    4. Call the RESTful API to simulate the home appliance management backend and publish the target temperature configuration. For detailed directions, please see "Publishing target temperature configuration" and observe the output log of the demo:
    In the output log, it can be seen that the on_temperature_actuate_callback function has been called, indicating that the delta topic sent by the shadow has been received, and the operation modify desire temperature to: 10.000000 has been performed for updating the locally set temperature.
    INF|2018-01-11 21:04:31|aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c|on_temperature_actuate_callback(181): actuate callback jsonString=10},"desired":{"temperatureDesire":10},"reported":{"energyConsumption":0.0}},"timestamp":1515675847609,"version":5},"result":0,"timestamp":1515675871,"type":"get"}|dataLen=2
    INF|2018-01-11 21:04:31|aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c|on_temperature_actuate_callback(184): modify desire temperature to: 10.000000
    INF|2018-01-11 21:04:31|aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c|on_request_handler(123): Method=GET|Ack=ACK_ACCEPTED
    INF|2018-01-11 21:04:31|aircond_shadow_sample_v2.c|on_request_handler(124): received jsonString={"clientToken":"EJSKHKIS1M-0","payload":{"metadata":{"delta":{"temperatureDesire":{"timestamp":1515675847609}},"desired":{"temperatureDesire":{"timestamp":1515675847609}},"reported":{"energyConsumption":{"timestamp":1515674881485}}},"state":{"delta":{"temperatureDesire":10},"desired":{"temperatureDesire":10},"reported":{"energyConsumption":0.0}},"timestamp":1515675847609,"version":5},"result":0,"timestamp":1515675871,"type":"get"}
    In the above output log of airConditioner1, it can be seen that the configuration operation has taken effect and airConditioner has adjusted the locally set temperature.

    Directions for SDK for Android

    Program implementation

    ShadowSample.java is the device shadow class with the following main features:
    1. Establish a shadow connection: connect(), which internally calls the connect() API of TXShadowConnect.
    2. Close the shadow connection: closeConnect(), which internally calls the disconnect() API of TXShadowConnection.
    3. Register the device attribute: registerProperty(), which internally calls the registerProperty() API of TXShadowConnection.
    4. Get the device shadow: getDeviceShadow(), which internally calls the get() API of TXShadowConnection.
    5. Regularly update the device shadow: loop(), which internally calls the update() API of TXShadowConnection.

    Program compilation and execution

    Before running the application, please enter the PRODUCT_ID, DEVICE_NAME, DEVICE_CERT_NAME, and DEVICE_KEY_NAME obtained in the previous steps for product and device creation and place the device certificate and device private key files in the assets directory:
    * Product ID
    private static final String PRODUCT_ID = "YOUR_PRODUCT_ID";
    * Device name
    protected static final String DEVICE_NAME = "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME";
    * Key
    private static final String SECRET_KEY = "YOUR_DEVICE_PSK";
    * Device certificate name
    private static final String DEVICE_CERT_NAME = "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME_cert.crt";
    * Device private key file name
    private static final String DEVICE_KEY_NAME = "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME_private.key";
    1. After entering the device information, click the Run icon in Android Studio to install and run the demo.
    2. Switch the bottom tab to the device shadow fragment to use the features of the shadow.
    3. Each feature has a corresponding operation button. Click a button and observe the log output of the demo and logcat.
    4. For more information on the operations of the RESTful APIs, please see Publishing target temperature configuration or Querying and getting device information.

    Publishing target temperature configuration

    Call the RESTful API UpdateDeviceShadow to simulate the home appliance management backend and publish the target temperature configuration. The RESTful API request parameter is: deviceName=airConditioner1, state={"desired" : {"temperatureDesire": 10}}, productName=AirConditioner, which adjusts the control temperature to 10°C.
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