tencent cloud


Real-Time Speech Recognition

Last updated: 2022-08-30 11:17:56

    Connection Preparations

    SDK acquisition

    The real-time speech recognition SDK and demo for Android can be downloaded here.

    Notes on connection

    • You need to view the API description of real-time speech recognition to understand the use requirements and directions of the API before calling it.
    • The API requires the phone to have an internet connection over GPRS, 3G, Wi-Fi, etc. and requires the system to be Android 4.0 or later.

    Development environment

    • Import the AAR package
      speech_release.aar: ASR SDK.

      implementation(name: 'speech_release', ext: 'aar')
    • Add dependencies
      Add the OkHttp3, Okio, GSON, and SLF4J dependencies in the build.gradle file:

      implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.2.2' 
      implementation 'com.squareup.okio:okio:1.11.0'
      implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.5'
      implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25'
    • Add the following permissions in AndroidManifest.xml:

      < uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
      < uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
      < uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

    Quick Connection

    Starting real-time speech recognition

    int appid = XXX;
    int projectid = XXX;
    String secretId = "XXX";
    // The SDK provides a local signature for testing purposes. However, for the security of `secretKey`, we recommend you generate a signature on your own server in the production environment.
    AbsCredentialProvider credentialProvider = new LocalCredentialProvider("your secretKey");
    final AAIClient aaiClient;
    try {
       // 1. Initialize the AAIClient object.
       aaiClient = new AAIClient(this, appid, projectid, secretId, credentialProvider);
    /**You can also use temporary credentials for authentication
    * * 1. Get temporary credentials through STS. This step should be implemented on your server.
    *   2. Call the API through temporary credentials
    * **/
     // aaiClient = new AAIClient(MainActivity.this, appid, projectId,"temporary secretId", "temporary secretKey","corresponding token" ,credentialProvider);
       // 2. Initialize the speech recognition request.
       final AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest = new AudioRecognizeRequest.Builder()
               .pcmAudioDataSource(new AudioRecordDataSource()) // Set the audio source to mic input
        // 3. Initialize the speech recognition result listener.
       final AudioRecognizeResultListener audioRecognizeResultListener = new AudioRecognizeResultListener() {
           public void onSliceSuccess(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, AudioRecognizeResult audioRecognizeResult, int i) {
            // Return the recognition result of the audio segment
           public void onSegmentSuccess(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, AudioRecognizeResult audioRecognizeResult, int i) {
            // Return the recognition result of the audio stream
           public void onSuccess(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, String s) {
            // Return all recognition results
           public void onFailure(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, ClientException e, ServerException e1) {
            // Recognition failed
        // 4. Start speech recognition.
       new Thread(new Runnable() {
           public void run() {
               if (aaiClient!=null) {
                   aaiClient.startAudioRecognize(audioRecognizeRequest, audioRecognizeResultListener);
    } catch (ClientException e) {

    Stopping real-time speech recognition

    // 1. Get the request ID
    final int requestId = audioRecognizeRequest.getRequestId();
    // 2. Call the `stop` method
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
          if (aaiClient!=null){
       // Stop speech recognition and wait for the current task to end

    Canceling real-time speech recognition

    // 1. Get the request ID
    final int requestId = audioRecognizeRequest.getRequestId();
    // 2. Call the `cancel` method
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
          if (aaiClient!=null){
       // Cancel speech recognition to discard the current task

    Descriptions of Main API Classes and Methods

    Calculating signature

    You need to implement the AbsCredentialProvider API on your own to calculate the signature. This method is called inside the SDK, and the upper layer doesn't need to care about the source.

    The signature calculation function is as follows:

    * Signature function: Encrypts the original string with the encryption algorithm as described below.
    * @param source Original string
    * @return Ciphertext returned after encryption
    String getAudioRecognizeSign(String source);

    Signature algorithm
    SecretKey is used to encrypt the source with HMAC-SHA1 first, and then the ciphertext is Base64-encoded to get the final signature string, i.e., sign=Base64Encode(HmacSha1(source,secretKey)).

    The SDK provides an implementation class LocalCredentialProvider for testing purposes, but we recommend you use it only in the test environment to guarantee the security of SecretKey and implement the method in the AbsCredentialProvider API in the upper layer in the production environment.

    Initializing AAIClient

    AAIClient is a core class of ASR, which you can call to start, stop, and cancel speech recognition.

    public AAIClient(Context context, int appid, int projectId, String secreteId, AbsCredentialProvider credentialProvider) throws ClientException
    Parameter Type Required Description
    context Context Yes Context
    appid Int Yes AppID registered with Tencent Cloud
    projectId Int No Your projectId
    secreteId String Yes Your SecreteId
    credentialProvider AbsCredentialProvider Yes Authentication class


    try {
       AaiClient aaiClient = new AAIClient(context, appid, projectId, secretId, credentialProvider);
    } catch (ClientException e) {

    If AAIClient is no longer needed, you need to call the release() method to release resources:


    Configuring global parameters

    You need to call the static methods of the ClientConfiguration class to modify the global configuration.

    Method Description Default Value Valid Range
    setMaxAudioRecognizeConcurrentNumber Maximum number of concurrent speech recognition requests 2 1–5
    setMaxRecognizeSliceConcurrentNumber Maximum number of concurrent segments for speech recognition 5 1–5
    setAudioRecognizeSliceTimeout HTTP read timeout period 5000 ms 500–10000 ms
    setAudioRecognizeConnectTimeout HTTP connection timeout period 5000 ms 500–10000 ms
    setAudioRecognizeWriteTimeout HTTP write timeout period 5000 ms 500–10000 ms



    Setting result listener

    AudioRecognizeResultListener can be used to listen on speech recognition results. It has the following four APIs:

    • Speech recognition result callback API for audio segment
      void onSliceSuccess(AudioRecognizeRequest request, AudioRecognizeResult result, int order);
    Parameter Type Description
    request AudioRecognizeRequest Speech recognition request
    result AudioRecognizeResult Speech recognition result of the audio segment
    order Int Sequence of the audio stream of the audio segment
    - Speech recognition result callback API for audio stream
    void onSegmentSuccess(AudioRecognizeRequest request, AudioRecognizeResult result, int order);
    Parameter Type Description
    request AudioRecognizeRequest Speech recognition request
    result AudioRecognizeResult Speech recognition result of the audio segment
    order Int Sequence of the audio stream
    - Return of all recognition results
    void onSuccess(AudioRecognizeRequest request, String result);
    Parameter Type Description
    request AudioRecognizeRequest Speech recognition request
    result String All recognition results
    - Callback function for speech recognition request failure
    void onFailure(AudioRecognizeRequest request, final ClientException clientException, final ServerException serverException,String response);
    Parameter Type Description
    request AudioRecognizeRequest Speech recognition request
    clientException ClientException Client exception
    serverException ServerException Server exception
    response String JSON string returned by the server

    For the sample code, see Demo.

    Setting speech recognition parameters

    By constructing the AudioRecognizeConfiguration class, you can set the speech recognition configuration:

    Parameter Type Required Description Default Value
    setSilentDetectTimeOut Boolean No Specifies whether to enable silence detection. After it is enabled, the silence part before the actual speech starts will not be recognized true
    audioFlowSilenceTimeOut Int No Specifies whether to enable speech start detection timeout. After it is enabled, recording will automatically stop after the timeout period elapses 5000 ms
    minAudioFlowSilenceTime Int No Minimum period for segmenting two audio streams 2000 ms
    minVolumeCallbackTime Int No Volume callback time 80 ms


    AudioRecognizeConfiguration audioRecognizeConfiguration = new AudioRecognizeConfiguration.Builder()
    .setSilentDetectTimeOut(true)// Specifies whether to enable silence detection. `false` indicates not to check the silence part
           .audioFlowSilenceTimeOut(5000) // Stop recording after the silence detection timeout period elapses
           .minAudioFlowSilenceTime(2000) // Interval for audio stream segmentation
           .minVolumeCallbackTime(80) // Volume callback time
    // Start speech recognition
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
       public void run() {
           if (aaiClient!=null) {
               aaiClient.startAudioRecognize(audioRecognizeRequest, audioRecognizeResultListener, audioRecognizeConfiguration);

    Setting status listener

    AudioRecognizeStateListener can be used to listen on speech recognition status. It has the following APIs:

    Method Description
    onStartRecord Start of recording
    onStopRecord Stop of recording
    onVoiceFlowStart Start of audio stream
    onVoiceFlowStartRecognize Start of audio stream recognition
    onVoiceFlowFinishRecognize End of audio stream recognition
    onVoiceVolume Volume
    onNextAudioData Return of the audio stream to the host layer for recording caching. It will take effect when true is passed in for new AudioRecordDataSource(true)

    Setting timeout listener

    AudioRecognizeTimeoutListener can be used to listen on speech recognition timeout. It has the following two APIs:

    Method Description
    onFirstVoiceFlowTimeout Detects the timeout of the first audio stream
    onNextVoiceFlowTimeout Detects the timeout of the next audio stream


    AudioRecognizeStateListener audioRecognizeStateListener = new AudioRecognizeStateListener() {
     public void onStartRecord(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest) {
         // Start recording
     public void onStopRecord(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest) {
    // End recording
     public void onVoiceFlowStart(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, int i) {
    // Start the audio stream
     public void onVoiceFlowFinish(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, int i) {
    // End the audio stream
     public void onVoiceFlowStartRecognize(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, int i) {
    // Start recognizing the audio stream
     public void onVoiceFlowFinishRecognize(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, int i) {
    // End recognizing the audio stream
     public void onVoiceVolume(AudioRecognizeRequest audioRecognizeRequest, int i) {
    // Call back the volume
       * Return the audio stream
       * to the host layer for recording caching.
       * As the method runs on the SDK thread, it is generally used for file operations here, and the host needs to open a new thread for implementing the business logic
       * `new AudioRecordDataSource(true)` must be valid; otherwise, the function will not be called back
       * @param audioDatas
       public void onNextAudioData(final short[] audioDatas, final int readBufferLength){

    Descriptions of other important classes


    If both templateName and customTemplate are set, templateName will be used preferably.

    Parameter Type Required Description Default Value
    pcmAudioDataSource PcmAudioDataSource Yes Audio data source None
    templateName String No Template name set in the console None
    customTemplate AudioRecognizeTemplate No Custom template ("16k_zh", 1)


    Speech recognition result object, which corresponds to the AudioRecognizeRequest object and is used to return the speech recognition result.

    Parameter Type Description
    code Int Recognition status code
    message String Recognition prompt message
    text String Recognition result
    seq Int Sequence number of the audio segment
    voiceId String ID of the audio stream of the audio segment
    cookie String Cookie value


    Custom audio template, for which you need to set the following parameters:

    Parameter Type Required Description
    engineModelType String Yes Engine model type
    resType Int Yes Result return method


    AudioRecognizeTemplate audioRecognizeTemplate = new AudioRecognizeTemplate("16k_zh",1);


    This API class can be implemented to recognize mono-channel PCM audio data with a sample rate of 16 kHz. It mainly includes the following APIs:

    • Add data to the speech recognizer: copy the data with the length of length starting from subscript 0 to the audioPcmData array, and the actual length of the copied data will be returned.

      int read(short[] audioPcmData, int length);
    • Callback function when recognition is started, where you can perform initialization.

      void start() throws AudioRecognizerException;
    • Callback function when recognition is ended, where you can perform clearing.

      void stop();
    • Get the path of the SDK recording source file in PCM format.

      void savePcmFileCallBack(String filePath);
    • Get the path of the SDK recording source file in WAV format.

      void saveWaveFileCallBack(String filePath);
    • Set the maximum amount of data read by the speech recognizer each time.

      int maxLengthOnceRead();


    Implementation class of the PcmAudioDataSource API, which can directly read the audio data input by the mic for real-time recognition.


    Implementation class of the PcmAudioDataSource API, which can directly read mono-channel PCM audio data files with a sample rate of 16 kHz.


    Data in other formats cannot be recognized accurately.


    You can use AAILogger to choose to output logs at the DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR level.

    public static void disableDebug();
    public static void disableInfo();
    public static void disableWarn();
    public static void disableError();
    public static void enableDebug();
    public static void enableInfo();
    public static void enableWarn();
    public static void enableError();

    Guide for Local Audio Data Caching

    You can choose to save audios in the host layer locally by following the steps below:

    1. Set isSaveAudioRecordFiles to true during the initialization of new AudioRecordDataSource(isSaveAudioRecordFiles).
    2. Add the file logic for creating the recording in the AudioRecognizeStateListener.onStartRecord callback function. You can customize the path and filename.
    3. Add the stream closing logic in the AudioRecognizeStateListener.onStopRecord callback function and optionally save PCM files as WAV files.
    4. Add the logic for writing audio streams to local files in the AudioRecognizeStateListener.onNextAudioData callback function.
    5. As the callback functions all run on the SDK thread, to avoid slow writes that may affect the internal running smoothness of the SDK, we recommend you complete the above steps in a single thread pool. For more information, see the sample code in the MainActivity class in the demo project.
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