tencent cloud


Starting an Application

Last updated: 2024-01-26 11:54:09
    This section describes how to start a cloud application.

    Sequence diagram

    Parameter description
    CAR client SDKs include SDK for JavaScript, SDK for Android, and SDK for iOS. This section takes the JavaScript SDK as an example.
    Business client
    The platform you provide for your users. You can see Step 3 in Getting Started and for reference when setting up your business client.
    Business backend
    Your backend service that can be deployed on any server. You can see Step 3 in Getting Started for reference when setting up your backend.
    CAR backend
    Tencent Cloud APIs provided by CAR.
    Cloud application
    The application you uploaded.


    1. The business client calls the TCGSDK.init() API to perform initialization. After initialization, the client calls the TCGSDK.getClientSession() API to get its ClientSession.
    2. The business client requests the business backend to start the application based on parameters passed in such as UserId and ClientSession. Here, UserId is the unique user identifier customized by the business and should remain unchanged during user queuing and application reconnection.
    A concurrency can be used by only one UserId at a time. If you use the same UserId to send requests, concurrency contention may occur. The CAR backend sends the currently connected concurrency to the device sending the latest request, and the previous device will be disconnected and display a black screen.
    3. The business backend calls the [ApplyConcurrent()](https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1547/72827?from_cn_redirect=1) API through the Real-Time Cloud Rendering API to apply to reserve a concurrency. If there are no available concurrencies or an error is returned, go back to Step 2 to send a request again.
    4. The business backend calls the CreateSession() API to create a session and returns ServerSession to the business client.
    5. The business client calls the TCGSDK.start() API to start the cloud application. After the application connection, the SDK will trigger the onConnectSuccess() callback. We recommend you call the data channel creation API and APIs for other features after this callback.
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