Parameters | Type | Mandatory | Description |
appkey | string | Yes | The appkey obtained according to the methods provided in each API documentation. |
timestamp | string | Yes | Request timestamp in seconds. The timestamp cannot differ from the current time by more than five minutes, otherwise, authentication will fail. |
requestid | string | No | Only some APIs (such as creating a long connection channel for interactive Avatar) require this parameter. Please see the corresponding API documentation for the acquisition method. |
signature | string | Yes |
appkey = example_appkeyaccesstoken = example_accesstokenDomain name routing =
hashBytes = HmacSha256("appkey=example_appkey×tamp=1717639699","example_accesstoken")signature = Base64Encode(hashBytes)
package mainimport ("crypto/hmac""crypto/sha256""encoding/base64""fmt""net/url""sort""strconv""time")func GenSignature(signingContent string, accessToken string) string {// Calculate the HMAC-SHA256 value.h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(accessToken))h.Write([]byte(signingContent))// Encode the HMAC-SHA256 value in Base64.hashInBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))// URL encodeencodeSign := url.QueryEscape(hashInBase64)// Concatenate the signature.signature := "&signature=" + encodeSignreturn signature}func GenReqURL(parameter map[string]string, accessToken string, baseURL string) string {// Concatenate the string to be signed in alphabetical order.signingContent := ""pathKey := make([]string, 0, len(parameter))for k := range parameter {pathKey = append(pathKey, k)}sort.Strings(pathKey)for _, k := range pathKey {if signingContent != "" {signingContent += "&"}signingContent += k + "=" + parameter[k]}// Calculate the signature.signature := GenSignature(signingContent, accessToken)// Concatenate the complete URL for accessing the API.return baseURL + "?" + signingContent + signature}func main() {baseUrl := ""accesstoken := "example_accesstoken"wssUrl := "wss://"// Example I (Accessing an API that requires appkey and timestamp parameters):// User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as needed.parameter := map[string]string{"appkey": "example_appkey",/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// "timestamp": "1717639699",// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:"timestamp": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10),}url1 := GenReqURL(parameter, accesstoken, baseUrl)// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 1:×tamp=1717639699&signature=aCNWYzZdplxWVo%2BJsqzZc9%2BJ9XrwWWITfX3eQpsLVno%3Dfmt.Println("Example 1:" + url1)/// Example II (Accessing an API that requires appkey, requestID and timestamp parameters):// User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as needed.parameter = map[string]string{"appkey": "example_appkey","requestid": "example_requestid",/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// "timestamp": "1717639699",// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes."timestamp": strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10),}url2 := GenReqURL(parameter, accesstoken, wssUrl)// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 2:wss://×tamp=1717639699&signature=QVenICk0VHtHGYZKXM6IC%2BW1CjZC1joSr%2Fx0gfKKYT4%3Dfmt.Println("Example 2:" + url2)}
import java.util.*;import;import java.time.Instant;import;import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;import javax.crypto.Mac;import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;import java.util.Base64;import;import;import;public class Presigned {public static String GenSignature(String signingContent, String accessToken) {try {// Calculate the HMAC-SHA256 value.Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(accessToken.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), "HmacSHA256");sha256_HMAC.init(secret_key);String hashInBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sha256_HMAC.doFinal(signingContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)));// URL encodeString encodeSign = URLEncoder.encode(hashInBase64, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString());// Concatenate the signature.String signature = "&signature=" + encodeSign;return signature;} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) {e.printStackTrace();return null;}}public static String GenReqURL(Map<String, String> parameter, String accessToken, String baseURL) {// Concatenate the string to be signed in alphabetical order.String signingContent = parameter.entrySet().stream().sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey()).map(entry -> entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()).collect(Collectors.joining("&"));// Calculate the signature.String signature = GenSignature(signingContent, accessToken);// Concatenate the complete URL for accessing the API.return baseURL + "?" + signingContent + signature;}public static void main(String[] args) {String baseUrl = "";String accesstoken = "example_accesstoken";String wssUrl = "wss://";// Example I (Accessing an API that requires appkey and timestamp parameters):// User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as needed.Map<String, String> parameter = new TreeMap<>();parameter.put("appkey", "example_appkey");/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// parameter.put("timestamp", "1717639699");// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:parameter.put("timestamp", String.valueOf(;String url = GenReqURL(parameter, accesstoken, baseUrl);// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 1:×tamp=1717639699&signature=aCNWYzZdplxWVo%2BJsqzZc9%2BJ9XrwWWITfX3eQpsLVno%3DSystem.out.println("Example 1:" + url);/// Example II (Accessing an API that requires appkey, requestID and timestamp parameters):parameter.clear();parameter.put("appkey", "example_appkey");parameter.put("requestid", "example_requestid");/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// parameter.put("timestamp", "1717639699");// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:parameter.put("timestamp", String.valueOf(;url = GenReqURL(parameter, accesstoken, wssUrl);// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 2:wss://×tamp=1717639699&signature=QVenICk0VHtHGYZKXM6IC%2BW1CjZC1joSr%2Fx0gfKKYT4%3DSystem.out.println("Example 2:" + url);}}
#include<iostream>#include <map>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>#include <ctime>#include <iomanip>#include <sstream>#include<openssl/hmac.h>#include<openssl/sha.h>using namespace std;static const string base64_chars ="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz""0123456789+/";string url_encode(const string &value) {ostringstream escaped;escaped.fill('0');escaped<< hex;for (size_t i = 0; i< value.length(); ++i) {char c = value[i];if (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~') {escaped << c;} else {escaped<< uppercase;escaped << '%'<< setw(2)<< int((unsigned char) c);escaped<< nouppercase;}}return escaped.str();}string base64_encode(unsigned char const* bytes_to_encode, unsigned int in_len) {string ret;int i = 0;int j = 0;unsigned char char_array_3[3];unsigned char char_array_4[4];while (in_len--) {char_array_3[i++] = *(bytes_to_encode++);if (i == 3) {char_array_4[0] = (char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f;for(i = 0; (i <4) ; i++)ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[i]];i = 0;}}if (i){for(j = i; j < 3; j++)char_array_3[j] = '\0';char_array_4[0] = (char_array_3[0] & 0xfc) >> 2;char_array_4[1] = ((char_array_3[0] & 0x03) << 4) + ((char_array_3[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);char_array_4[2] = ((char_array_3[1] & 0x0f) << 2) + ((char_array_3[2] & 0xc0) >> 6);char_array_4[3] = char_array_3[2] & 0x3f;for (j = 0; (j < i + 1); j++)ret += base64_chars[char_array_4[j]];while((i++ < 3))ret += '=';}return ret;}string GenSignature(const string& signingContent, const string& accessToken) {// Calculate the HMAC-SHA256 value.unsigned char hash[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];unsigned int hashLength;HMAC(EVP_sha256(), accessToken.c_str(), accessToken.length(), (unsigned char *) signingContent.c_str(), signingContent.length(), hash, &hashLength);// Encode the HMAC-SHA256 value in Base64.string hashInBase64 = base64_encode(hash, hashLength);// URL encodestring encodeSign = url_encode(hashInBase64);// Concatenate the signature.string signature = "&signature=" + encodeSign;return signature;}string GenReqURL(const map<string, string>& parameter, const string& accessToken, const string& baseURL) {// Concatenate the string to be signed in alphabetical order.string signingContent;vector<string> pathKey;for (const auto& p : parameter) {pathKey.push_back(p.first);}sort(pathKey.begin(), pathKey.end());for (const auto& k : pathKey) {if (!signingContent.empty()) {signingContent += "&";}signingContent += k + "=" +;}// Calculate the signature.string signature = GenSignature(signingContent, accessToken);// Concatenate the complete URL for accessing the API.return baseURL + "?" + signingContent + signature;}// During compilation, linking to the OpenSSL library is required. You can use the following command:// g++ presigned.cpp -o presigned -lcryptoint main() {string baseUrl = "";string accesstoken = "example_accesstoken";string wssUrl = "wss://";// Example I (Accessing an API that requires appkey and timestamp parameters):// User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as<string, string> parameter1 = {{"appkey", "example_appkey"},/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// {"timestamp" , "1717639699"},// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:{"timestamp", to_string(time(NULL))}};string url = GenReqURL(parameter1, accesstoken, baseUrl);// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 1:×tamp=1717639699&signature=aCNWYzZdplxWVo%2BJsqzZc9%2BJ9XrwWWITfX3eQpsLVno%3Dcout << "Example 1:"<< url<< endl;/// Example II (Accessing an API that requires appkey, requestID and timestamp parameters):// User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as<string, string> parameter2 = {{"appkey", "example_appkey"},{"requestid", "example_requestid"},/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// {"timestamp" , "1717639699"},// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:{"timestamp", to_string(time(NULL))}};url = GenReqURL(parameter2, accesstoken, wssUrl);// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 2:wss://×tamp=1717639699&signature=QVenICk0VHtHGYZKXM6IC%2BW1CjZC1joSr%2Fx0gfKKYT4%3Dcout << "Example 2:"<< url<< endl;return 0;}
import hmacimport hashlibimport timeimport base64from urllib.parse import quote# Users can generate the timestamp within the function by providing appkey and accessToken to obtain all required common parameters and the corresponding signature for accessing the API.def GenSignature(signing_content, access_token):# Calculate the HMAC-SHA256 value.h =, signing_content.encode(), hashlib.sha256)# Encode the HMAC-SHA256 value in Base64.hash_in_base64 = base64.b64encode(h.digest()).decode()# URL encodeencode_sign = quote(hash_in_base64)# Concatenate the signature.signature = f"&signature={encode_sign}"return signaturedef GenReqURL(parameter, access_token, base_url):# Concatenate the string to be signed in alphabetical order.signing_content = '&'.join(f'{k}={parameter[k]}' for k in sorted(parameter.keys()))# Calculate the signature.signature = GenSignature(signing_content, access_token)# Concatenate the complete URL for accessing the API.return f'{base_url}?{signing_content}{signature}'def main():base_url = ''access_token = 'example_accesstoken'wss_url = 'wss://'# Example I (Accessing an API that requires appkey and timestamp parameters):# User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as needed.parameter1 = {'appkey': 'example_appkey',# The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.# Example timestamp:# 'timestamp': '1717639699'# It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:'timestamp': int(time.time()) # Use the current timestamp (unit: second)}url1 = GenReqURL(parameter1, access_token, base_url)# The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:# Example 1:×tamp=1717639699&signature=aCNWYzZdplxWVo%2BJsqzZc9%2BJ9XrwWWITfX3eQpsLVno%3Dprint('Example 1:', url1)# Example II (Accessing an API that requires appkey, requestID and timestamp parameters):# User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as needed.parameter2 = {'appkey': 'example_appkey','requestid': 'example_requestid',# The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.# Example timestamp:# 'timestamp': '1717639699'# It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:'timestamp': int(time.time()) # Use the current timestamp (unit: second)}url2 = GenReqURL(parameter2, access_token, wss_url)# The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:# Example 2:wss://×tamp=1717639699&signature=QVenICk0VHtHGYZKXM6IC%2BW1CjZC1joSr%2Fx0gfKKYT4%3Dprint('Example 2:', url2)if __name__ == '__main__':main()
const crypto = require('crypto');// Users can generate the timestamp within the function by providing appkey and accessToken to obtain all required common parameters and the corresponding signature for accessing the API.function GenSignature(signingContent, accessToken) {// Calculate the HMAC-SHA256 value.const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', accessToken);hmac.update(signingContent);// Encode the HMAC-SHA256 value in Base64.const hashInBase64 = hmac.digest('base64');// URL encodeconst encodeSign = encodeURIComponent(hashInBase64);// Concatenate the signature.const signature = `&signature=${encodeSign}`;return signature;}function GenReqURL(parameter, accessToken, baseURL) {// Concatenate the string to be signed in alphabetical order.let signingContent = '';const pathKey = Object.keys(parameter).sort();for (const k of pathKey) {if (signingContent !== '') {signingContent += '&';}signingContent += `${k}=${parameter[k]}`;}// Calculate the signature.const signature = GenSignature(signingContent, accessToken);// Concatenate the complete URL for accessing the API.return `${baseURL}?${signingContent}${signature}`;}function main() {const baseUrl = '';const accesstoken = 'example_accesstoken';const wssUrl = 'wss://';// Example I (Accessing an API that requires appkey and timestamp parameters):// User fills in the required common parameters required to generate the signature as needed.const parameter1 = {appkey: 'example_appkey',/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// timestamp: '1717639699',// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000), // Use the current timestamp (unit: second)};const url1 = GenReqURL(parameter1, accesstoken, baseUrl);// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 1:×tamp=1717639699&signature=aCNWYzZdplxWVo%2BJsqzZc9%2BJ9XrwWWITfX3eQpsLVno%3Dconsole.log('Example 1:', url1);/// Example II (Accessing an API that requires appkey, requestID and timestamp parameters):const parameter2 = {appkey: 'example_appkey',requestid: 'example_requestid',/// The timestamp provided by the user should be in seconds, and the gap between it and the current time should not be more than five minutes.// Example timestamp:// timestamp: '1717639699',// It is recommended to use the following statement to generate the current timestamp:timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000), // Use the current timestamp (unit: second)};const url2 = GenReqURL(parameter2, accesstoken, wssUrl);// The output with the example timestamp should be as follows:// Example 2:wss://×tamp=1717639699&signature=QVenICk0VHtHGYZKXM6IC%2BW1CjZC1joSr%2Fx0gfKKYT4%3Dconsole.log('Example 2:', url2);}main();
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