Name | Type | Required | Description |
Type | int | Yes | Downstream message types. Other return types for Avatar can be ignored. 3: broadcast status. 4: content returned by the large model. 9: driving failed. |
SessionId | String | Yes | Unique identifier for the video stream session |
ReqId | String | Yes | Unique identifier for a single drive session |
Seq | int | Yes | Unique sequence number of the streaming clause |
SpeakStatus | String | No | Initial: initial status WaitingTextStart: waiting for text broadcast to start TextStart: text broadcast in progress WaitingTextOver: waiting for text broadcast to end TextOver: Text broadcast ended. WaitingAudioStart: waiting for audio broadcast to start AudioStart: Audio broadcast started. WaitingAudioOver: waiting for audio broadcast to end AudioOver: Audio broadcast ended. Error: Driving failed (similar to TextOver and AudioOver, indicating the end state of a drive session). This only indicates the most recent drive failure and does not affect the ability to continue sending drive commands. SentenceNext: In streaming clause mode, this status is returned, indicating to the client that it can send the next clause upon receiving this status.
SentenceStart: In streaming clause mode, this status is returned, indicating to the client that the current clause playback has started upon receiving this status.
SentenceOver: In streaming clause mode, this status is returned, indicating to the client that the current clause playback has ended upon receiving this status. |
FinalType | int | No | When SpeakStatus returns AudioOver, it has a value indicating the source of the Final packet that marks the end of audio playback: 1 - Client input; 2 - Server-generated packet due to timeout |
Text | String | No | This field is present when Type is 2 or 4, indicating a question prompt. |
TextPro | String | No | This field is present when the Type is 2 or 4, containing the broadcast text with SSML tags. |
TextDisplay | String | No | This field is present when Type is 2 or 4, containing the broadcast text for display on the client. |
ContentType | String | No | This field is present when the Type is 4, used to distinguish the content type returned by the large model:
Image: Image
Hyperlink: Hyperlink
OrderedList: Ordered list
UnOrderedList: Unordered list
List: Table |
TtsSupport | bool | No | This field is present when the Type is 4, indicating whether the content returned by the large model needs to be broadcast via tts. |
Final | bool | No | This field is present when the Type is 4, indicating whether the content returned by the large model is the final clause. |
IsHighLight | bool | No | This field is present when the Type is 4, indicating whether the content returned by the large model needs to be highlighted on the client side. |
Uninterrupt | bool | No | This field is present when the Type is 2 or 4, indicating whether the current broadcast sentence can be interrupted:
true: Cannot be interrupted
false: Can be interrupted |
Muted | bool | No | This field is present when the Type is 2 or 4, indicating whether the current broadcast text has the microphone muted. |
InteractionType | String | No | This field is present when the Type is 2, and can be used for platform customization. Common types include popup, image, etc. |
InteractionContent | String | No | This field is present when the Type is 2, used for special messages such as pop-ups, images, and other non-text content. |
ErrorCode | int | Yes | Error code, with a value of 0 indicating normal operation. A non-zero value indicates an error, such as an invalid request body, incorrect timing of drive commands, or excessive request rate. See Section 7 for the error code list. |
ErrorMessage | String | No | Error Description |
CloudAiExtra | String | No | Extended fields returned by Tencent's LLM Knowledge Engine. Response example:
{"record_id":"b24e6505-be78-4ce9-ad9e-7075dd227994","references":[{"id":"1780434945714421760","type":2,"url":"","name":"Client meeting","doc_id":"11296"}]} |
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