tencent cloud


Asset Renewal Management

Last updated: 2024-11-19 14:49:48
The TCADH platform supports renewal management for on-shelf services of custom avatars and voice clone assets. For a detailed operation guide, see the sections below.

View Asset

1. Go to the Digital Human Platform - Asset Management page to view the status of renewal assets under Customized Services.

The avatars supported for renewal vary by quota type. See the details below:
2D avatar - studio avatar supports renewing on-shelf services for custom studio avatars and 4K avatars.
2D avatar - instant avatar supports renewing on-shelf services for custom instant avatars.
3D avatar supports renewing on-shelf services for custom avatars in styles including 3D cartoon, 3D semi-realistic, and 3D realistic.
Voice clone supports renewing on-shelf services for cloned voices.
2. The on-shelf service package can be purchased on the Digital Human Purchase page and is available only as a monthly subscription. For annual renewals, you may opt to purchase 12 consecutive monthly packages in a single transaction. Note that the on-shelf service package is valid for one year from the purchase date and cannot be used after its expiration.
3. To view the consumption status of the corresponding quota, you click View to check the details.

Single Asset Renewal

To renew a single avatar or timbre asset for one month, click renew in the asset operation column for a quick renewal. The detailed steps are as follows:

Custom Avatar Renewal

Go to the avatar asset list and identify the avatar for renewal by selecting or searching for the name/VK of the digital human. Then, click renew in the operation column.

After you click renew, a secondary confirmation is required. Click Confirm to proceed, which will deduct the corresponding quota from the on-shelf service package. The validity period of the selected avatar will then be extended by one month.

Voice Clone Renewal

Go to the timbre asset list and identify the avatar for renewal by selecting or searching for the voice name. Then, click renewal in the operation column.

After you click renew, a secondary confirmation is required. Click confirm to proceed, which will deduct the corresponding quota from the on-shelf service package. The validity period of the selected timbre will then be extended by one month.


If there are no effective, available on-shelf service packages, the renewal button will be grayed out and unclickable. You can purchase the relevant on-shelf service assets on the purchase page as needed for your business.

Batch Asset Renewal

For long-term renewal of a single avatar or batch renewal of multiple avatars, you can use the batch asset renewal feature. For a detailed operation guide, see the sections below.

Custom Avatar Renewal

Go to the list of avatar assets and click the renew custom image button next to the search box.

On the renewal page, you can search for the name/VK of the digital human to locate the avatar, and then select the corresponding avatar by checking the box.

You can set different renewal durations for each avatar, with one quota corresponding to a renewal period of one month. The selected avatars’ renewal duration should not exceed the total available quota. If the quota is insufficient, additional purchases are required.

Click Confirm Renewal to proceed to the secondary confirmation page. This page displays the list of custom avatars selected for renewal and allows you to adjust the renewal duration and selected avatars as needed.
To add additional custom avatars, click Cancel to return to the previous page.

After you verify the details, click Confirm to proceed to the renewal result list, which will display the final renewal outcome. Click Complete to exit the renewal process.

Voice Clone Renewal

Go to the list of voice assets and click the Renew Replicated Sound button next to the search box.

On the renewal page, you can search for the timbre name to locate the timbre for renewal, and then select the corresponding timbre by checking the box.

You can set different renewal durations for each timbre, with one quota corresponding to a renewal period of one month. The selected avatars’ renewal duration should not exceed the total available quota. If the quota is insufficient, additional purchases are required.

Click Confirm Renewal to proceed to the secondary confirmation page. This page displays the list of cloned voices selected for renewal and allows you to adjust the renewal duration and selected voices as needed.
To add additional cloned voices, click Cancel to return to the previous page.

After you verify the details, click Confirm to proceed to the renewal result list, which will display the final renewal outcome. Click Complete to exit the renewal process.

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