tencent cloud


Use Cases

Last updated: 2023-11-28 16:41:35
    Tencent Cloud VPCs are logically isolated by default. With Tencent Cloud Private Link, you connect the VPCs in a secure and stable manner with low latency.

    Scenario 1. Sharing cloud services from a VPC to another VPC in the same region

    Suppose your service is deployed in VPC2, and you want to connect it with the service in VPC1 in the same region. In this case, you can use Private Link.
    First, create a private CLB in VPC2, deploy relevant resources on the CLB backend, and add the CLB to the endpoint service. Next, create an endpoint in VPC1, and establish a private link between this endpoint and the endpoint service in VPC2. At this time, all CVM instances in VPC1 can access the resources deployed in VPC2 through this endpoint.

    Scenario 2. Sharing cloud services from a VPC with another VPC/IDC in a different region

    Suppose that your service is deployed in VPC2 in Region A, and you want to share the service with other networks (such as VPC1, VPC3 or IDC in the figure), you can use Private Link together with other network connection products (such as Cloud Connect Network, Direct Connect, VPN) to establish cross-region connections.
    As shown in the figure below, VPC3 and VPC1 are connected via Cloud Connect Network, and the IDC is connected to VPC1 via Direct Connect/VPN. There is a private link between VPC1 and VPC2. In this case, both VPC3 and the IDC connected to VPC1 can access the cloud services deployed in VPC2 through the endpoint in VPC1.
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