tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2023-11-28 16:41:35
    This document describes the billing details of Private Link.


    The service cost of an endpoint consists of two parts: Endpoint instance fee and endpoint traffic fee.

    Billing description

    Billing cycle
    Unit price
    Endpoint instance
    Pay per hour
    0.01 USD/instance/hour
    Endpoint traffic
    Pay per hour
    0.01 USD/GB
    Billing starts when the endpoint is associated. The minimum billable unit is one hour.
    The traffic volume includes both the outbound and inbound traffic.
    The pricing applies to all Tencent Cloud regions.

    Billing example

    Assume that you have an endpoint instance in VPC A, which is used to access the services deployed in VPC B. During 07:00:00 - 07:59:59, 21.68 GB of traffic is generated. The fees incurred during this period are calculated as follows:
    Endpoint instance fee = 0.01 USD/instance x 1 instance x 1 hour = 0.01 USD
    Endpoint traffic fee = 0.01 USD/GB x 21.68 GB = 0.2168 USD
    Total fees = Endpoint instance fee + Endpoint traffic fee = 0.01 USD + 0.2168 USD = 0.2268 USD
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